VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Now & Then [v1.00.0] [ILSProductions]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is really a great game! It's overall a very wholesome story following the journey of a man and his adopted daughter during a zombie like pandemic. The game however focuses less on zombies and more about the dark human struggle of finding yourself in a lawless reality.

    The characters are well written, each feeling unique I their own right. The character models are pretty good. (Gotta take a little jab at the hair on some of them)

    The sex scenes are alright, little animations and some basic repeating moaning sounds during the event. It would be nice to see a few different ones as all the girls use the same sounds, but that's s little nit picky considering the rest of the game. It's certainly not very kink heavy just basic good old fashion fucking.

    The world building is done pretty well in this game, nothing too crazy but a solid foundation for the story to take place, and on that remains consistent throughout the VN.

    Sound design is pretty basic but overall a solid passing grade imo. Could use a little bit of diversity in terms of characters and event having the same repeating noises as mentioned above but it's still better than many vns I have seen.

    The flashbacks added a nice touch that personally allowed e to get a little more attached to the characters, bring them to life a bit. I found myself caring quite a bit more for Carol and Naomi as more of the backstop was explored. Normally I find flashbacks can be jarring and take you out of the moment, I think they were well done here and instead of distracting from the story enhance it.

    Where this game really stands out however is the writing. By far some of the best writing I've found in VNs. An intricate story, with a world that feels lived in, and some amazing character interactions that leave a warm fuzzy feeling. The game is a true feel good type of game. A love story through and through and well crafted.

    I had some issues with the pacing I'm chapter 3 as I felt things were a little too slow, but they picked up for the finale.

    Overall the game is really great, worthy of being on any top AVN list. The creator did a great job, especially in regards to writing and I would highly recommend those we are looking for a story heavy experience and not just mindless sex scenes to give this game a try. I think you will not be disappointed.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, what a ride. The story was incredible, and the characters were fantastic. I can look past all the grammatical errors. I wish I could see what happened to these characters a few years later. But I love what we got! I feel sentimental finishing the story in a way that I haven't about other games on this platform.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of, if not the best, zombie survival game coupled with a loving harem and excellent writing. Great sounds too. I recommend playing with a walkthrough though because some of the choices can be bait and switch (which I hate) so having a walkthrough to guarantee your choices actually are what you wanted is essential in a game like this. Your actions have big effects throughout the whole game so walkthrough up.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A tale of survival and love that continues to reign supreme in its genre....

    Warning: It's long and at times quite mundane. You won't finish it in one setting so don't try burning yourself off too soon cuz it takes some time to actually fall in love with them even if lewds come easy for some characters. Take your time to finish this beauty.

    1. MC is a really good person
    2. Long and finished (bonus scenes, multiple endings, alternative scenes etc.)
    3. Music is nicely chosen along with sfx for background and environment sounds
    4. Renders are above average considering when it started the development
    5. Writing is really decent with alot of popculture references to movies, songs etc.
    6. Story shows the bland nature of apocalypse where days just become mundane without access to resources like TV, music etc.
    7. Characters are plenty with their own personality.
    8. Tons of lewds and almost all are optional.
    9. Sometimes it got awfully boring and mundane but I think that was the whole point since it's not always chaotic in real life.
    10. Love the twists and suspense on some chapters.
    1. Sfx for adult sounds could have used a bit of variation
    Verdict: A must play for people that enjoy completed titles. It has multiple endings and really good themes. It gets a bit mundane at time but don't let that push you away as it only fuels the immersion of such times. Took me a week to burn thru everything.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    To me this game is a 4/5. The story is great and love the setting it feel gritty and nice. The main problem is the sex. It is boring. Like played the whole game for the story and never came. Like some scene are good but they all are the same.

    Tbh, with the setting you don't have much room but fuck it was boring.

    Story wise it was alright the best part is the start and at the end it fals a bit apart.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    For some reason I skipped playing this game but kept occasionally
    coming upon it on F95zone, and finally decided to give it a
    try and play it.

    The pictures, moving graphic images, music,
    sound effects, give this a very real feel. The art is really nice, it has a
    gritty feel to it and it looks like a real apocalypse has happened.
    I'm amazed at how life like the bodies of the women look, the curves
    look so natural on them, Carol and Naomi look amazing IMO.

    The story is also really good, which follows the main character
    Jack whose wife has died and he ends up adopting Carol which
    slowly develops in relationship until they finally become lovers in
    the middle of the apocalypse, they have to deal with infected
    humans and crazy bandits.

    I'm giving the game 5 stars.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game! I love the characters and how well though out the zombie apocalypse was. Wasn't too fond of a quiet ending with no details on the CMZ etc. but was content with it nonetheless.

    1 thing I absolutely hated was the MCs character design. Bro looked too ugly. And how is he maintaining his glasses?
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Going in, I didn't have any expectations about "Now & Then". I just wanted to play a finished title. The story and characters caught me by surprise.

    Despite the apocalyptic setting, there wasn't much of an uncanny valley. Kinderfeld eases the player into this world. Characters are introduced, and their relationship to the MC feel natural. When unknown people are introduced, this is done realistically as well. There's mistrust and fear.

    With the nature of the "infected" being so close to zombies, I couldn't help but compare this world and storytelling to "The Walking Dead"-TV show. Where "The Walking Dead" is a hamster wheel, a stagnated story, "Now & Then" doesn't fall into this trap. The story is thought-through and keeps moving forward. Characters learn skills, grow as individuals, and get a chance to shine.

    In the almost 30 hours playing through this game, I noticed only a few spelling/grammatical errors. Considering this length, this is impressive.

    There's only one actual bug that I've found, in Chapter 22.
    label ch22s17hanasex:
        # ----8<----
        $ hana_sex += 1
        # ----8<----
        if hana_sex == 0:
    This check will always fail, because 'hana_sex' is set to (at least) 1 at the start of the scene.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Sword of Slaanesh

    One of a kind, the story is good, the girls are good, the horror/zombie ambience is really cool, the female MC is extremely hot.

    I really wish there were more games like this one, just play it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was nice and I am glad that I started playing it after it was finished. The flashback events were nice as well, The way the relationship developed was good and it was a harem-based game and at least in this story, we had a scenario where the girls were around a single male, rather than a few other games. Well, the models could have been a little better though as it happens things got better with the later chapters. Also the same sound every time got too much too soon.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, It ticked all the boxes that I crave in an avn, that is good storytelling, characters and lots of lewd animations.
    The only sad thing is that even though the endings might be well thought out but they felt a little rushed.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story. This is an adult game, not fap game. Even the npc have their own stories. The dev is truly a writer. Appreciate dev for making such a masterpiece like this. And why must limit 200 characters? I'm not a storyteller man (-_-)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitly one of the best AVN games I have played. It is big (I think it took me something close to 1h for each chapter and it is 25 chapters in total), the characters have depth and the world is well constructed (taking in consideration it is a zombie apocalipse).
    The graphics could be better, but there is a tangible improvement during all the game.
    For me, it is the best distopyan AVN.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    (If you're here because of the "incest" tag, be aware that there is none. I don't know why this game is tagged with this, but there is no such content. That's totally fine with me, but be aware if you do care.)

    After three weeks, I finally finished this one. Probably the longest AVN I ever played.

    Since this is an AVN after all, the sex scenes need to be taken into account in my rating. They just aren't hot, with maybe two or three exceptions. And they were exceptions simply because the girl was actually wearing something sexy, like some fishnet stockings and high heels, or some seethrough top. The rest of the scenes consist of just a totally naked girl doing missionary or some other vanilla stuff. If your game is mostly vanilla sex, at least have the girls wear something spicy and kinky, dammit. "Strip naked and fuck" just doesn't do it.

    No threesomes. There is one if the gallery, but no idea how to see it in the game itself. But even then, it's just one. Needless to say, there's no group sex at all other than just that one single threesome. For a game that bears the "harem" tag, this is quite disappointing. And even that one threesome is disappointing. It's basically just the MC having sex with one girl while the other just sits there.

    No kinks or fetishes. Just plain old vanilla stuff. The girls spread their legs or bend over while the MC sticks it in, and the game moves on.

    And no lesbian scenes either (again, with just one single exception.)

    I started skipping through the sex scenes at some point because the plot was more fun. The thing is, I'm not sure how they could have been better considering the tone of the game. There is no porn plot whatsoever. It's normal, boring people, doing normal, boring things and having normal, boring sex. Not a single pervert in sight.

    And finally, as usual in 99.99% of all AVNs, the MC suffers from OCS (Oversized Cock Syndrome,) with many sex scenes being about how big his dick is. It has always been annoying, but my brain has developed some kind of filter that makes it less annoying over time.

    OK, so the porn in this porn game is the weak point. How about the overall story? Well, that's what justifies this game's high rating. It's quite well written (although not as well as some of the reviews claim,) and the plot progresses at a good pace. There's frequent changes in the surroundings as the characters try to survive by moving from one location to another. So it never gets boring. The characters, even though they're plain old boring normal people, are likable and have depth. Their backgrounds are established through lots of flashbacks. The title of the game itself is based on those flashbacks. Scenes that happened before the apocalypse start with the title "then", and scenes taking place after the apocalypse start with "now". The vast majority of the game consists of "now" scenes.

    The renders (or rather screenshots, since this is using Honey Select rather than ray tracing) are quite good. I didn't even know Honey Select could do these environments. And there's a ton of them too. Probably thousands. It's still HS though, so don't expect realistic characters. They all have this weird 3D anime style to them, but after a couple hours I got used to it. Tons of animation too during sex scenes.

    The ending is nothing special. Pretty much what you'd expect. This isn't a game with twists and turns or saving the world. Weirdly, this still makes it feel worthwhile.

    Now, if the sex scenes were actually hot, this would have been a solid 5 star game. But, they are boring and this is an AVN after all, where both the porn and the story are important. Definitely not a game to fap to. Which makes me think that perhaps with some alterations it could stand on its own as a mainstream, non-porn VN.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The story was amazing I loved it. I would even say it's in my top 3 maybe even 1st. So that's why I'm giving it 5 stars it deserves it for story alone. I'm not to big on Honey select graphics but i'm not knocking for that because i knew that going in. There is a ton of sex scenes in the game but unless you like honey select to me it's not really fap worthy. There is a few nit picks that bothered me but like i said just some nit picking. Like when they talk about his dick they always refer to it as him or he which is dumb. Also they repeat words at beginning of sentence like , Sure, sure yeah yeah ok ok they do that alot just stupid stuff like that like i said i'm nit picking. Also i think this game would have been 10 times better in Daz graphics. The endings was pretty good but wish they all could have stayed in same house together also wish they could have gotten prego my play through 3 of them did so that's pretty good. Also the endings didn't feel like a Harem ending. But still good . If your looking for a good story to read this is it. Also if you like Honey Select games this is good fap material for you.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Well quite simply, this game is excellent. I would highly recommend this to just about anybody, so long as you aren't looking for a quick game that you can knock out in an afternoon. Also, it is completed!!

    The story is excellent, very immersive, and quite long not sure the total playtime but it is well over 30 hours. Multiple branches and plenty of decisions with real consequence in the story.

    I would say that the only drawback would be if you are looking for a lot of Kink, there isn't much here. Also as a note, there are LI's that get introduced much later in the story. So if you aren't a fan of the early ones, please stick with it.

    Actually, the game is worth playing even if you skipped all the lewd scenes. That said, there are a TON of lewd scenes probably close to triple digits. Also there are LOT's of endings depending on how you branch your route, you can play full Harem but you will get a "Main" LI at the end, but it is all well done.

    If you can't stand Honey Select, this is a game I would tell you to get over it and give it a shot.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The main story is great, very engaging, caught myself few time clicking through lewd scenes just to get back to the story.
    The game has a solid story background for why MC have the harem in the end, it happens not because he is a jerk/manwhore.
    The MC is very loveable, reliable, caring with good sense of humour (old fashioned humour but still).
    Girls are great, their personalities and relationships development during the story are solid, very polished.
    My Favs are Hana and Sydney.

    Few Cons:

    Epilogue was kind of confusing. At the end of main plot Sydney moved in with MC and Carol.
    But during each girl story it looked like Sydney just disappeared and MC was living only with Carol.
    I played two endings with Hana and Sydney being main lovers.
    Few examples: on Hana route during almost every girl normal ending it looked that MC lived with Carol only, where did Syd go? A lot of confusing dialogues about it as well.
    Almost the same on Sydney Route - during other girls normal endings it is assumed that Sydney don't live with MC and Carol.
    It especially catches the eye considering that during the main story all dialogues and events were logic and expected, everything was polished.

    Even if each girl ending was supposed to be a separate story it still doesn't add up with the main story ending.

    Also during Julie and MC Beer scene in her normal ending - Julie only mentions hotel scene as their last sex scene, but we kinda had sex with her in shower in Marshand House..

    So, yeah, the main story is logic, it's almost perfection, but the epilogue is quite confusing and does not add up with the main story, that a bit ruined the mood.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    a really intreaguing story even with the walkthrough mod it didnt feel boring the game can be very emotional at times and hard hitting which is not something i can often say about games like this the characters are actually built up and you begin to feel like they are actually a family
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is excellent and you have to try it...

    The game is quite long and has quite a lot of content. The characters are gorgeous and well rounded. The story is clearly defined but that doesn't mean you cant choose how to develop it...

    The only bad thing about it is that it has an end...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is A LOT better than the walking dead story wise. Seriously, the story is very captivating and well written.

    For those who didn't play it yet: this game is VERY long, took me about a week of 3-5 hours of playing to finish it. Also the game has 1 con, at least for me: the sexual content is very vanila, but with good high fps animations.