VN - Ren'Py - Completed - NSFW: Natural Selection Female Wrestling [Final Deluxe] [NSFW Gamer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Its has one of the best incest storys ive ever played. and it was genuinely a funny experience throughout. Highly recommend it! The only thing i missed in the game that Reiko dindt have a lot scenes with her father. P.S: The mom is the best.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very very good game : 85% but since it is the first game of the dev. It is 5* .

    The awsomes points:
    - The renders are nice but not top notch for the genre
    - If you like the tags kinks it is what you will get ( oh man urination scenes are awsome )
    - If you are in sharing , the wife is awsome but i would have like more of her lol
    - Incest is your thing , plenty in it !
    - Wrestling writting is awsome , it is very well wrote
    - Lots of kinks here
    - All the women are real sluts and the man are so dirty perverted
    - The writting in the sex scenes is very well done !!

    The ok/good points :
    - Not the best animations i have seen but they do very well the job
    - Some renders are meh but it is wrestling and for all taste
    - The MC is ok
    - I would have love more anal and multiple penetration but it was ok and more wife sluttiness since she is a real one like the mother and sister

    This is a very good game ...
    The white christmas episode was the best episode of it all
    Cannot wait for the next game of the dev.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I absolutely loved the first season It ticked pretty much all my boxes, with, futas, incest, muscular women, and wide variety of characters, it was truly a unique experience with an amusing wrestling storyline albeit a bit bland in most cases it was complemented by good music and a wide array of animations. Without a doubt, this game stood out as one of my personal favorites among the games I have played for some time. However, I was extremely disappointed by the removal of the non-sharing path making the game unplayable for me. As other people have pointed out sharing is not really a thing some people like, I’m hoping it gets implemented later on or something but it’s a fool’s hope I guess.

    If you like sharing and that type of content then you’ll probably enjoy this game, if you don’t then don’t even bother.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    • wide cast
    • massive amount of rendered pics, you can tell the dev really cared for this game
    • extremely cringe dialog and jokes
    • everyone is a turbo slut from the start, there's no corruption, drama or curiosity to see them naked which makes the game (if it can be called a game since it's a kinetic novel) boring like playing something with cheats on
    • despite the number of characters only a few of them are actually hot
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    If you have a major fetish for sharing as a lot of reviewers point out this will likely be a 4/5 for you since there not necessarily such a extreme version for that kink as this and therefore more unique and rare to find for you.

    Not into sharing, ridiculous things happening non stop, and most other styles of this.
    Also seems no gallery ... instead just a who cares profile.. that ignores sharing etc... option (semi understandable but just makes it more pointless for those not into) with a bad Skip and hard too see/guess when the animations will actually show up and be worth watching.

    While warned is great chapter 2-9 are bad and have different looks .. being out of 13 chapters..
    -I get learning takes time etc... and 100% respect too fact he finished and admits it all..-
    but umm that is more then 1/2 .. and its Koitkatsu soo you can just play plenty others too keep same looks and whatever quality you want.

    Story, characters, any form of believability, no choices, having too remake the names each episode showing each episode is basically a mini episode of its own like the extra episodes.. which all also take separate downloads as games and unknown what they are (most probably sharing +/- for people again into it or not), etc... are bad

    Works well enough especially I assume episode 1+9-13 and has some animations and while Koi and therefore easy and most expected stuff... least it has animations (many using Koi just do pics which this seems too do in abundance also.. especially for I assume animations never made with Koi).

    Respect too fact he admits his faults, makes water+bdsm+ sharing optional (not sure about how optional it truly is given other reviews idk if they were fixed and touched up or not as gave up on this quickly)

    *If not into Sharing or insane nonsense and random massively all hardcore sluts* 100% Skip
    *If tolerate above, but want consistently or believability or a story* 100% skip
    *If just want sex with many types* 99% skip 1% if some reason you can not just mod and or use other actual Kois

    *If all above is not what you want or your opposite of them obviously then*
    Give it a go.
    Likes: Rikis
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an amazing game, I was hesitant to play it due to the fact that I'm not really a fan of Koikatsu models games, but while going on a binge of "Completed" games I decided to give this a try despite my bias.

    The best thing about this game is the NSFW wrestling content, I found myself skipping the sex and "off camera" scenes to get back to the wrestling storylines. Every betrayal actually got me out of my seat, scenes like the new referee reveal genuinely shocked me, every time La Roja hit the Scarlet Guillotine and won, I was popping off.

    Please make a sequel to this and add more wrestling story to it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5144788

    Natural Selection Female Wrestling
    Version: 9.5
    Type: VN
    Content: Medium
    Pacing: Steady
    Plot line: Revitalize Wrestling Company - Focus on Female Side - Wrestling gets lewder and lewder
    Setting: MC basically only male

    Character Models
    : Amazing - very expressive
    Personalities: very open

    Music: Amazing
    Animation: Amazing

    Best part: Camera moving around for awesome animations - a great amount of different animated moves and dances - great effort into action music and entrance scenes

    Note: Fetishes can be disabled - doesn't require wrestling knowledge
    Thoughts: Not the longest game but the amount effort that must have gone into this unbelievable compared to games of the same length.
    Btw, it is a LOT of content for this type of game. I rated it medium considering story based VNs as well.
    Serious respect for your work.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    very great story. so are characters. seriously 11/10.

    animations are fine.

    H-scenes.... rarely do i get so hard as a diamond rock and i am only at the beginning. this is a masterpiece already from the quality writing.

    i was hesitant to play it first, i thought it will be mindless erotic wrestling, but there is nothing mindless about this game.

    i recommend everyone to start from prologue and get into the story so the porn scenes will hit double... at least it did for me.

    EDIT: Later Chapters:

    well, the game loses its oompf later. and it does become more "mindless", no ambivalent feelings of "should we really cross the line of incest or stuff or not", since everyone just want to have sex. no real "force" sex, not even in "theatrical" wrestling way. it's too consensual. no drama at all.

    the game is still 5/5 but the "masterpiece" part is lost on later chapters. i think the dev lost a bit of vision since he seemed to have found a "winning formula" and just repeats it. and that gets boring. it's still not bad, but as i said, not a masterpiece.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Stringy Bob

    I really didn't expect to give this game a high rating when I tried it, let alone a 5, but it seemed too weird to pass up.

    But its an excellent game, totally ridiculous and surprisingly enjoyable. If Saints Row 4 had been a game about wrestling and incest it would have been like this.

    And while the graphics aren't great, the story more than makes up for it. And it uses some of those anime models in ways I suspect that no-ones ever thought of before. It seems hard enough making a decent MILF with them let alone a GILF, so saying fuck that & using the stereotypical tiny anime granny model is a stroke of genius.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be, the perfect Incest Harem(ish) porn game. Everyone on board, wife works as the pimp and some really great inside wrestling and pop culture references. It doesn't quite take over as my #1, but I think its now 1a and 1b. Only thing i didn't like was that the 9 weeks so far and the side episodes are all in separate zip files/downloads. Would have been nice to just have one file, but I am sure the dev had a good reason for doing it this way
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This series needs SO MUCH MORE LOVE AND ATTENTION! Everything is lovable and perfect for me, the characters, the premise, the content, the art and the action is amazing, and I really do believe this is deserving of a 5 star rating. Play it, you won't regret it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    An extremely well written kinetic novel with great characters and dialogue. The banter between the commentators and the euphemisms they use are next level. Personally, I don't find this a spank VN because of the anime visuals, but the render composition is of the highest quality: no awkward clipping, weird camera angles or expressionless characters. In fact the visual style adds to the goofiness and comedy of the situation. Good work dev!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4592215

    This game is absolutely hilarious just nothing but woman in scantily clad wrestling outfits beating the ever living hell out of each other lmao. It's not really violent just good old fashioned Wrestling but with lots of hilarious interactions and the graphics get better and better.

    This is not a linear story line as each week is a separate game so no need for worrying about saves it's just a good fun game with lots of good sex scenes, and wrestling. If you're looking for an in depth story I would recommend looking elsewhere. However, if you're looking for quick fap with lots of laughs this is a game for you.

    Only critique I can think of is there is way too much unnecessary talking. There's no reason to know each individual character etc. if the story line is random with events and character introduction then less talky and more wrestling. The dialogue is great with sports caster but i'm here for some wrestling not a long side bar conversation between random characters that is literally pointless. That's all this is a great game besides that. Great job dev!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is such a great underrated vn
    A friend pointed me to it and I'm forever in their debt. They also rightfully told me to play it with the sound on and I'm glad I fought my normal instincts and listened.

    Everything fits here. The writing is so good and humorous. The characters are all attractive but diverse. The "wrestling" is on par if not better than today's wwe. Each week I so enjoy and then am hungry for more.

    This has quickly made my top 10 and I hope more discover what a treasure of a avn this is. I know some don't care for the art but to me this is some of the best of this style. Highly recommended
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    great stuff I wish to explore more on swinging in the game hopefully more in future updates also want futa girl to be more involved in scenes and show more orgies with different choices with different outcomes.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    well made series.

    amazing animations with detailed facial expressions.
    amazing characters, each model is hot and has a personality.
    lots of content with fetishes that can be enabled/disabled at the start.
    interesting and unique setting.

    despite it being amazing something didn't click for me,
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    v.Week 5 (before the HS switch)

    Just a very good game in general, the updates are frequent and lengthy in comparison to how much time they take to make, the sex scenes and character models are great. The writing and premise is funny.

    And the developer listens to the people that play his game, yeah that's a solid 5 star. So apparently the game won't be going Honey Select anymore, so I edited out the part referring to that switch.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot Damn NSFW is A Fucking Riot! I Absolutely love this series! I'll admit I kinda slept on this one and I started week 4 the Halloween episode, then like a dumbass I am realized there were even more chapters. This has been one of the funnest games I've checked out. Normally I'll skim through and skip through the dialog just get and idea just for the sex scenes, and weather or not to follow the rabbit hole.

    God Damn the sex scenes are wicked good and the dialogue go togther like peanut butter and jelly . My whole stick is I'm just here for the fapper friendly games so to get me to do a double take and read ever word or to even bother with a review is feat in it self.

    So you have the drama of watching a wrestling show, the sex scenes are top notch and funny banter between characters, lets just say your in for a wild ride. All week chapters have great Sex scenes fair warning week 1 is more story focused, week 2 and 3 best so far for Big Tits/Ass/Dick/ Cumshots humor and tons of eye candy, Another Hidden Gem Diamond in the rough to add to my collection.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played: Week 5 v1.0
    Time played: About 1 hour per Week.

    Update: link added and, as promised, some money sent. I also played the bonus in-between story and it was another homerun. Amazing game.


    Aside from a few minor quibbles here and there, this is pretty much a grand slam in terms of my kinks.
    A joyous, liberated approach to sex is one of my very favorite things to see and this game is the gift that keeps on giving.
    While I could not give a fuck less about professional wrestling (the last time the "sport" was a going concern in my life, it featured wrestlers like Razor Ramon and Bam Bam Bigelow), I adore that the creator is trying something new and the setting is used to perfection. I imagine if you do happen to enjoy pro wrestling, you will find a lot to enjoy here as well.

    + Sex positive approach where anyone and everyone gets a piece of the action
    + Fun story with laugh out loud moments in a unique setting
    + Tons of girls of varying ages and body types
    + Episodic updates means that each is complete unto itself
    + Group play and sharing!
    + Bush!

    - Characters aren't super well-developed at this stage and the setting doesn't really lend itself to any deep, introspective moments. If you want to cry through something other than your dick, this might not be for you.
    - Themes can be off putting to some
    - More of a kinetic novel than a "game" really

    Honestly, I kind of had to work to come up with negatives because I'm enjoying what's here so much. Hell, even Koikatsu, which I normally abhor, is used to great effect and honestly, I'm glad the creator decided to keep the game in it.

    I suppose we should address the elephant in the room: yes the game does have sharing and even though it's optional, it's fairly clear that the creator wants it this way (bless him).
    If this is not your kink, it would be fantastic if you could quietly move on and accept that others dig it. The vast majority of the games on this site cater to a harem-loving, "only man in existence" experience and you can most definitely find them in pretty much any engine you'd like. Please let us degenerates have this one.

    Note to Dev: This is fucking amazing and I cannot wait to see more. Please continue to indulge yourself as you create this game and know that there are those of us who eat up this kind of content. (I cannot wait to see Gary or other dudes get involved, particularly with April.) Consider adding an link or something to allow for one time payments; I don't do Patreon as a rule, but I would love to throw some financial support via a one-time means.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    [Week 5]
    This is truly a little (not really that little given the amount of content already present) gem.

    There's humor, good dialogues, nice fighting scenes, great buildup, great porn, and kinky enough just how I like it!

    I really can't ask for more, it keeps me entertained in every possible way, never got me bored one bit so far.
    Also, the future episodes will get a graphic overhaul (switching from koikatsu to honey select 2) so this is yet another thing I'm really looking forward to.

    Like others already said, there are somewhat optional sharing elements, but I don't mind them that much even though I'm not that fond of sharing, so if you feel a little hesitant I say give it a try and judge by yourself.

    Keep up the great work, if this will keep delivering as it currently is, I will consider giving the project my support as well.