NSFW VR 2 [Final] [Rabbit]
so there is a part 1?
Developer Notes:
<Key Erotic Features>
・The characters are beautiful women who are sexy and cute!
beautiful, sexy, and cute? not often are those 3 put together.
・Feel the shame in the characters’ voices, which are so lifelike that you think they’re actually there!
Wait feel not hear? couldn't get the audio working so they went for haptic response ?
・Through stereophonic sound, voices and the sounds of the tentacles come from where they should!
No wait audio is there, but if I am "Feeling the shame" instead of hearing it. I doubt it is coming from where it should.
・There are tentacles with tongues that lick and tentacles with suckers for drinking milk in gulps!
But non with D***s to F***
・Swap positions and feels what it’s like to be under the control of the tentacles!
oh hell no! no wonder you could "Feel the shame" not hear it!
・The humiliating footage is displayed on a massive monitor!
They are also going to broadcast it on on a massive monitor!

No wonder it is NSFW. Once your boss sees you getting "licked and sucked" but not fucked "remember they forgot the tentacle dicks". You will either be fired or sexually Harassed.
Damn the boss brought the dick.

No need to fire me I quit!
That's it I'm out. don't even need to read the rest.