Collection Video NSFWSeeker77 Collection [2025-01-02] [NSFWSeeker77]


Mar 9, 2020
If I may, I sort of agree with the artist on this, but like most artists, they don't know how to combat it. my proposition is; make your watermark a 3D asset within the animation it's self so that the watermark cannot be hidden from the animation, and it doesn't block anything on the screen. I've seen one artist do this before: Trahaó.

I get that they want more income for their work, and I try to sub to many artists on their patreons as I can, but this is the internet, and you have to realize, if it's on the internet, IT IS GOING TO BE SHARED. what you need to do as an artist is capitalize on that fact and grow your brand and focus on that. You can't control what other people do, but you can control what you do. Make a great product, more people will share it, thus, more people will hear about you and want to support you. I can't stand when artists/porn entertainers say "DON'T SHARE MY WORK" Like, YOU put it on the internet dude, it's YOUR responsibility for doing so. I'm 100% for supporting artists, but I hate it when artists threaten people for sharing their work. I want talented (non AI) artists to be successful, but I feel like only a few of them know how to run their online business. Sorry for the TED talk, just wanted to share my shit opinion.


Oct 27, 2021
If I may, I sort of agree with the artist on this, but like most artists, they don't know how to combat it. my proposition is; make your watermark a 3D asset within the animation it's self so that the watermark cannot be hidden from the animation, and it doesn't block anything on the screen. I've seen one artist do this before: Trahaó.

I get that they want more income for their work, and I try to sub to many artists on their patreons as I can, but this is the internet, and you have to realize, if it's on the internet, IT IS GOING TO BE SHARED. what you need to do as an artist is capitalize on that fact and grow your brand and focus on that. You can't control what other people do, but you can control what you do. Make a great product, more people will share it, thus, more people will hear about you and want to support you. I can't stand when artists/porn entertainers say "DON'T SHARE MY WORK" Like, YOU put it on the internet dude, it's YOUR responsibility for doing so. I'm 100% for supporting artists, but I hate it when artists threaten people for sharing their work. I want talented (non AI) artists to be successful, but I feel like only a few of them know how to run their online business. Sorry for the TED talk, just wanted to share my shit opinion.
Agreed - I think it's even worse when you get artists that immediately create a patreon with works that make Bewyx look like Ellowas/Hydrafxxx (or any of the true top-tier animators) and then do exactly as you said above.

I've seen it happen here where the artist said it... but yet they fail to realise that whilst they might retain their income by their subscribers not quitting, they'll never actually improve as why do so if your slop has people giving you monthly income for it?

I get that NSFWseeker is better than the artist I'm talking about, but they do the same copy pasta animation every time. Girl on top from behind, ass bouncing like jello.

I fucking fell off my chair when I saw their recent Juno one. Thought LordLegolas might've been high/drunk and posted a different artist here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2018
people will always pirate shit when they can, the point isn't to worry about "forcing" those people to pay, its about trying to convert those willing to pay you and aren't yet. why should anyone give you a cent over any of the other dozens of r34 animators out there?

its been proven people will pirate video games and still buy them sometimes, those who don't buy them were never going to in the first place so DRM isn't making any difference just annoying actual buyers.


Oct 27, 2021
people will always pirate shit when they can, the point isn't to worry about "forcing" those people to pay, its about trying to convert those willing to pay you and aren't yet. why should anyone give you a cent over any of the other dozens of r34 animators out there?

its been proven people will pirate video games and still buy them sometimes, those who don't buy them were never going to in the first place so DRM isn't making any difference just annoying actual buyers.
Definitely. I understand it costs money to produce animations, and if they can get support from people who can afford to, that's great but to be so pedantic about their works being shared is a little odd imo.

If they have a bigger reach (via sharing here or the other site, etc.), it can lead to more support - not always, but isn't better to get 1-2 supporters from 100 rather than getting none at all?

R34 artists seem to be growing at a rapid rate nowadays, and with some producing super-high quality content, what can YOU - the artist do to get someone to support you? Focusing on "lost" revenue isn't it and in this particular artist's case, effectively doing reskins of the same animation over and over again will lose you support, not their work getting shared for "free".


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2018
to quote fat gaben himself
Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem.
there are definitely people on here who have subbed to creators they either didn't know about, or were really pleased with a recent work and wanted access to the rest of it.

ps - i too thought supergirl had "a weird face" :LOL: but i suspect thats more to do with it being hidden with bad lighting plus that closeup isn't that flattering.


Apr 8, 2022
its been proven people will pirate video games and still buy them sometimes, those who don't buy them were never going to in the first place so DRM isn't making any difference just annoying actual buyers.
It's not lost revenue if the pirate would have never been a paying customer anyway.
I've been pirating games as a form of "preview" for years, if the game is good I'll buy it no problem.
The only companies "losing my money" are the ones that would have gotten my money via false advertisement in the first place, by tricking me into buying a bad game.

Thank to this site I've found artists I would have never known otherwise, and to some of them I gladly became a paying subscriber.