At the 1st class I only have the hand option to click, that seems to only tickle the girl's leg. But nothing else happends, no bar moves to be filled, the other guys sometimes turns his head to see, but that does nothing regardless. So i absolutly can't progress
Same as the "inspiration" game, you gotta press & hold -- Though be careful with this one, since sometimes letting go doesn't stop the meter from continuing (may be due to not being on the image).
Anyways, game is kinda like the devs other games, eg.
1. Make money
2. Do stuff to get girl affection
3. "Profit"
Some ways to make money:
1. Working in the store (600; any?)
2. PC in your room (500, evening)
3. Trashcan in park (500, night)
4. Tutoring the twintail (500, noon; have to talk to her BF after to get the income)
> level 2 knowledge IIRC; so lvl1=50>one $150(20) + two $100(15x2) & lvl2=75(?)/15=5 $100
> Aka use $850 to get [1] $150 & [7] $100 books, then use them in that order.
5. ???
At midnight some merchant appears in the park; should probably buy at least the 1st and/or 2nd affection increase, to speed up leveling the girls.