As we all know, NRT is quite the vast genre with many internal variations.
Which ones are your favourites?
Mine are these:
Types of NTR I like
-When the protagonist's boss steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's coworker steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's subordinate steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the girlfriend/wife's boss steals her from the protagonist
-When the girlfriend/wife coworker steals her from the protagonist
-When the deliveryman steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-Girlfriend/wife is a maid working for the antagonist, who steals her from the protagonist
-When the school star (be it in athletics or something else) steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's senpai/senior steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the girlfriend/wife's senpai/senior steals her from the protagonist
-When the school/college deliquent steals the girlfriend/wife from the protagonist
-When the transfer student steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the coach steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the homestaying student steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the girlfriend/wife's sharehouse partner steals her from the protagonist
-When a rich guy steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When a famous guy/celebrity (especially an athlete) steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the CEO of a company steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When a noble steals the peasant protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When a barbarian steals the peasant protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's landlord steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the landlord protagonist's tenant steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's older brother (blood-related or not) steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's younger brother (blood-related or not) steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the girlfriend/wife's stepbrother steals her from the protagonist
-When the protagonist's cousin steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's nephew steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's son steals his stepmother
-When his daughter's boyfriend steals the protagonist's wife
-When the boyfriend/fuck-buddy of the protagonist's sister steals his girlfriend/wife (with the sister's help)
-When somebody steals the protagonist's mother (MOM NTR)
-When the protagonist's enemy steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the girlfriend/wife's current enemy steals her from the protagonist
-When the girlfriend/wife's past enemy steals her from the protagonist
-When the protagonist's current bully steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's childhood bully steals his girlfriend/wife
-When a criminal/vilain (especially if the protagonist is a police officer/detective/spy/superhero) steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's rival steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's friend steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's best friend steals gis girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's childhood friend steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist and the girlfriend/wife's childhood friend steals her from the protagonist
-When the girlfriend/wife's childhood friend steals her from the protagonist
-When the HERO steals the peasant protagonist's peasant girlfriend/wife
-When the HERO steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife, who is in his party
-When a soldier from the enemy invading/occupying nation steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When a noble from the enemy invading/occupying nation steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When somebody from the HERO's party steals the girlfriend/wife of the HERO protagonist
-When somebody the protagonist helped/saved in the past steals his girlfriend/wife
-When somebody who has helped/saved the protagonist in the past steals his girlfriend/wife
-When somebody the girlfriend/wife helped/saved in the past steals her from the protagonist
-When the swinging/netorase/sharing goes wrong for the protagonist and he loses his girlfriend/wife
-When the girlfriend/wife's female friends help the antagonist steal her away from the protagonist
-When the protagonist's female friends/family members help the antagonist steals his girlfriend/wife away
-When the girlfriend/wife's female enemies help the antagonist steal her away from the protagonist
-When a foreigner (not BBC) steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the protagonist's personal trainer at the gym steals his girlfriend/wife
-When the girlfriend/wife's personal trainer at the gym steals her from the protagonist
-When a neighbor steals the protagonist's girlfriend/wife
-When the wife's ex-boyfriend steals her from the protagonist
-When the antagonist steals the protagonist's harem (HAREM NTR)
Love all of these, be it from the Netorare POV or the Netori POV
I also like the following scenarios/premises
-Island NTR, where the protagonist and his girlfriend/wife are stranded on an island with other people, and one of them (native or otherwise) steals her from the protagonist
-NTR forced by a third party, like if a noble or something thought the protagonist's girfriend/wife should be with someone else, and so forces the issue, and it slowly becomes mutual
-Sex disease/curse NTR, where somebody gets a disease/curse that can ONLY be calmed when having sex, and the only woman available is the protagonist's girlfriend/wife, wheter they like it or not
-Lebians Getting Dicked, where the male protagonist/antagonist either steals a lesbian from her partner or inserts himself into the dynamic with the two of them as his girlfriends now
My preferred type of antagonist/bull/NTR Man
-Muscular and athletic, or at the very least normal looking
-Not much younger nor much older than the protagonist or his girlfriend/wife
-Genuinely superior in some way to the protagonist other than magic big dick, be it skills, money, social class, charisma, strenght, etc.
-Gyaru-oh's are cool, but not a must
-If foreigner, not BBC
-Genuinely desires the girlfriend/wife for himself, even if just to pump and dump/impregnate and abandon, and doesn't share her with his friends/buddies nor makes her prostitute herself
Types of antagonist/bull/NTR Man I dislike
-Ugly bastards
-Fat guys
-Old men (don't mind DILFs, but visibly old/ancient men aren't my thing)
-Guys who share their woman with their friends/buddies and/or prostitute them
What about you guys?