I personally do not like the NTR message/mobile games. I have issues with usage of AI in general, so it's already not a good start imo. A lot of these games also have very little substance to go off of, and when they do have substance, it's not fully fleshed out and the developer suddenly has to pause development after a few months because something came up. Some developers don't even care to develop the game they're supposedly working on and it shows.Anyone completely missed the train for NTR message app games? I tried a few and I am just unable to get into it. Most of them are AI art. They cannot really establish a relationship with the girl too well, as we never see them in person to have an actual conversation etc. They feel like a complete stranger.
We get so many scenes that are "okay lets meet up", and then only the "Oh that was a great meet up!". Frankly there should be some actual in person meets with the main girl, at least in the beginning so we can establish some rapport.
Personally I absolutely love the ussage of message apps in NTR games. They are usually really hot, sending snippets of pics etc. But it really needs all that sauce around to actually feel meaningful and rewarding.
But I guess I am a minority as those games seems to be really popping off.