The version numbering is silly, what will the next update be. You are either going to call it v0.11 or v1.1
It's actually decently standard versioning. It sounds like you might be assuming the numbers are decimals, which they are not.
The periods
are delimiters (separators), but they are
not decimal points. (To further underscore the distinction, note that they even are said differently: in normal mathematical numbers "0-point-9" or just "point-9" would instead in versioning be read as "0-dot-9".) For a good explanation of how this works, you should see
this thread, and especially the comment two posts down by
anne O'nymous, who is amazing at what appears to be all things technical.
In this case, don't read it as nine-tenths and so needing to increment directly into a whole number of 1.0. You should instead read it as this: the first 0 means it's an incomplete project, and the number after the period is a major release number. If there are 10 major releases, the representation would be 0.10 — meaning, the tenth major release of an incomplete project (game). There are not
solid industry standards (despite what I've seen some folks claim), but it is
fairly typical to use numbering of something along the lines of what Elsa has done for this game.