Well yes and no. Suspension of Disbelief (SoD) is, more or less by definition, fooling yourself, but it's a quantum leap from people deliberately, temporarily fooling themselves for the sake of enjoying entertainment, to saying that those people are ... FOOLS!!
I haven't read the whole thread, but most of the relevant posts seem to be arguing that X makes that temporary SoD more difficult. And this type of critique is often raised when discussing creative writing. For example, successful science fiction writers will limit technological innovations that are outside our current scientific understanding (e.g. faster than light travel) to a minimum, or else the reader will struggle to maintain their SoD, undermining the immersive illusion.
Similarly, in erotic fantasy, if nothing is outside the bounds of realism, it certainly won't be a fantasy, even if it's erotic. But too many unrealistic occurences can distract us, making it more difficult to maintain the SoD, so lowering our enjoyment.