post error or attach traceback.txt on your post so sancho can look on it. also compressed or uncompressed?
Im using renpy Ren'Py 7.3.5. sdk to able to run the game 64bit version not working for me.
with out sanchomod Im able to launch the game
SANCHO sad that i need to move on
Walkthrough FOR EPISODE 8 FILE
I get this mouse wheel error
I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.
File "game/SanchoMod NBTP E8.rpy", line 815: u'right_margin' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the vpgrid statement.
vpgrid spacing 30 cols 3 pos (0.5,0.15) ysize 0.8 draggable _OOO0000OOO00OOO0O mousewheel _OOO0000OOO00OOO0O scrollbars "vertical" side_xalign 0.5 right_margin 7 bottom_margin 5:
Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py
Mon Jan 31 22:42:54 2022
CAN somebody Help