i don’t hate the new video, but i can’t lie about it being
underwhelming. there’s a lot that just makes it below average and almost pointless to be 10 mins long when not much even happens, or maybe it’s just me bc i didn’t find it overall
very fappable besides a few scenes.
the small screen already worsens it off the bat, im on phone myself but i’d prefer just a normal widescreen view as always so i’m not as limited to what i can see and enjoy. holding my phone vertically and zoomed in made it a little better, but even then it’s still rather annoying i even have to do that in the first place.
too many clips were either
too short,
didn’t go anywhere, or straight up just
seemed pointless. i really liked the POV scene as that lasted a good bit and POV is always great when done right. the last clip with the
futa X futa was also good and really shows how much
potential this animation had. i really don’t get why the rest of it isn’t like that too instead of just showing what seems like filler scenes to boost the runtime. the
added loops mixed in definitely makes me feel like that is the case.
i wouldn’t be as
harsh if nyakumi had a better schedule and we got more than one proper animation a month, but knowing this is what we got until another month is
undeniably disappointing. the lighting and characters look great, but the animation leaves little to be desired for me.
sorry for the wall of text, def didn’t mean to type this much. i just wanted to give my full thoughts on an animation for once.