Unity !Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend [v0.87.11] [Incontinent Cell]

4.50 star(s) 83 Votes


Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
Imma ignore the accusations on the grounds that I'm not into sharing, much less NTR, neither did I say I wanted it here.
What does interest me are this nuggets I saw when exporting a personality mod:

personality.PrepareContainer('Frick_RapeBegStopSuccess').AddBranch(StoryBotDialogueBranch.__new('#pickrandom\nBot: O-okay, {f_playerName}... I will stop.\nBot: {f_playerName}... I guess... If you\'ve had enough we can stop.\nBot: Okay. Let\'s take a break.\nBot: Okay. I understand. {f_playerName}', CurrentModGuid, 8))
personality.PrepareContainer('Frick_RapeBegStopRefuse').AddBranch(StoryBotDialogueBranch.__new('#pickrandom\nBot: No! I want more...\nBot: No stopping! I\'m taking all your cum!\nBot: I\'m not done!\nBot: No!', CurrentModGuid, 9))
personality.PrepareContainer('Frick_RapeFlacidReaction').AddBranch(StoryBotDialogueBranch.__new('#pickrandom\nBot: Awww... Looks like you\'ve had enough.\nBot: O-oh. You got soft...\nBot: Aww... Looks like I got it all out!', CurrentModGuid, 10))
personality.PrepareContainer('Cowgirl_BeforeFirstInsertRape').AddBranch(StoryBotDialogueBranch.__new('#pickrandom\nBot: Can\'t wait...\nBot: Mmm... inside me...\nBot: It\'s your fault...     You made me feel like this...\nBot: Mmmm... Cock....', CurrentModGuid, 33))
personality.PrepareContainer('Cowgirl_BeforeSwitchToBlowjobRape').AddBranch(StoryBotDialogueBranch.__new('#pickrandom\nBot: I want to suck...\nBot: With my mouth...\nBot: Time to use my mouth!\nBot: I want it in my mouth!', CurrentModGuid, 36))
personality.PrepareContainer('Cowgirl_AfterFirstInsertBotRape').AddBranch(StoryBotDialogueBranch.__new('#pickrandom\nBot: You made me like this! Now take responsibility!\nBot: It\'s your fault! Now... I\'m going to use your... thing...\nBot: I couldn\'t wait anymore... I am going to take all your cum!\n', CurrentModGuid, 37))
I didn't find anyone taking about reverse-rape when I searched for it here beyond a request to put it in the game a few years back. Was this ever added, or am I looking at a red herring so to say.


Aug 15, 2018
Holy fuck guys, unless you've got a fetish for arguing the button to ignore people whining about stuff is right fucking there. Just click their name and be done with it.
its that easy.png

Anyway im glad to see the game evolved like it did. Not a fan of how much time I have to spend to access new content without any clear signal (Do I fuck more in general? Go on dates more? Its a lot of guess work.), but I can't wait to see more body modding options (even though that might be hell for all the clothing assets, vanilla and modded.)
4.50 star(s) 83 Votes