Some people just don't like that games don't go the way THEY want it to, and what THEY think is best from how it looks.
For example, I want normal optimization for Call of Duty, normal servers, weakening the aim assist or disabling cross-platform on PC. For this I hate the developers of "A.B." because sometimes it is unbearable to play their games, but I play and do not climb into Twitter to write about it in every post (Yes, I am a shit eater).
I like Mass Effect, or rather its main trilogy and I really want a continuation of the story of Commander Shepard and his team "Normandy", but I get "Andromeda" and subsequent games in the form of Dragon Age, imbued with screaming inclusivity (I am not against all this, people are different and opinions are different, but declaring this on every corner casts doubt on the seriousness of all these words. As if brainwashing is happening and you are told if you are not the same as us, your life will be in complete shit).
In general, there are plenty of wishes, but what they provide for my wishes turns out to be not what I wanted so much. What conclusion can I draw? Hmmm... Maybe I should take everything into my own hands and do it the way I want? Make it so that everyone likes it and says "This is definitely worth my time!"? No, fuck it, I'll go watch some crap on YouTube and go pour shit on everyone on Twitter. That's right, everything is shit, and I'm the king, do it the way I want. Life doesn't work that way.
If you really want your wishes to come true, then put your hand to their implementation.
Patreon, as for me, is a kind of charity, but in which you get not only "thank you for the donation", but also something else. People won't say bad things about a person who made a donation from their hard-earned money to an orphanage or somewhere else.
There will always be someone who will be unhappy with everything that he does not like and his righteous anger will be directed at everyone involved who did it and who supports it, be it the author of the book, the creator of the game, etc.
Didn't like this or that, write a review and justify your opinion, there is no need to write about it in every post. Don't like the fact that people donate to the implementation of such and such a project, I don't care, you didn't give your own money. Want to change something in this project or contribute your ideas, offer them to the author, make a sketch of your idea to strengthen your convictions. Using the example of this game, if you want futanari, make a mod (already exists), if you want furry, make a mod (already exists), if you want NTR, make a mod (not yet), etc. The author made a tool for modders so that everyone could fulfill their desire to realize their fetish. The author does not take credit for each mod he created (only for the toolkit), he simply provided information on what can be done in HIS game if you are interested in it and know how to work with it.
On my own behalf, I want to say that although I am a pirate, I wish the project and others all the best, since I am interested in them. I have done nothing for it, just support for an ordinary person.
(I hope that there was something understandable in this text, since it was translated through Google and the rules for deleting this post were not violated)
And finally ....
From Russia with love