I would buy it if I could get the game to run.
Ok bro so I struggled with getting this game to run just like yall for a day but made it work. So i know whats up. Follow this procedure exactly:-
1.) Download Steam and download free version of the game.
2.) Also download the game from here. (or try ryuugames)
3.) Simply copy and paste the stories folder (having 7 dlcs) into the root steam folder(D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Obedient Women for me) AND copy and paste the 1449kb staem.api extension(from the cracked obedient women u downloaded from this site) replacing the 250kb original one. THATS IT STOP HERE
4.) Simply run the exe file that has been there since the start. Itll work and u should see all the dlcs
Give me the good newss✌