I decided to create this thread because the last post talking about this dates back to 2017 and the question just here, is in my opinion interesting... Even if let's be honest, most of the time it comes from our own subjectivity. A 3D/2D artist will be much more likely to say that rendering or drawing is harder than the rest, and the same goes for the writer, the coder
(or the musician, etc).
What I'm trying to find here is a "truth" about the division of labor in a team. This could allow the members of a team to find out why one individual takes much longer to finish his or her work than someone else in the team and so could clear up unnecessary and avoidable tension
(excluding the lazy team mate, of course).
I think what really defines the complexity of a job is the time invested in it, as the saying goes, time is money. Then investment and the quality of the work influences all of this as well. In this way, teams working together could have a rough idea of what percentage of pay each should receive based on their work
(although an equal pay division rules out a lot of problems, let's be honest).
We could also correlate these two polls:
Just here. Click my friend.
Of course, I have my opinion, but I wanted to have yours first î_î
There are so many factors that come into play that would determine someones answer to that question...
Does the developer work alone, or as part of a team?
What is the developers role in that team?
What is the level of skill for that developer with regard to the various roles?
What is the complexity level of the project being developed?
Is the focus of the project on the visuals, the story text, the game play mechanics?
Is there going to be a balance of visuals and story, or will one outweigh the other?
What is the style of the visuals?
Are the visuals hand drawn, made using 2D/3D modeling software, a mix?
Are the visuals made from scratch, modified pre-existing visuals, stock pre-made visuals, a mix?
Is the project being designed around a story or just around erotic content?
Is the story being told with meaning and depth, or just to quickly fill in the gaps between a bunch of erotic visuals?
Is a translator needed, and if so, how skilled is he/she at both translating and interpreting the original text into proper English (or other languages) that makes sense while keeping true to the intended meaning of the original text?
Is the project being properly play tested by an outside source other then by the public at large? (play testing includes ensuring the text reads correctly and makes sense, looking for plot holes, and verifying story continuity when choices effect outcome - not just looking for game bugs and visual errors)
What engine is being used for the Visual Novel/Game?
How complex will the coding need to be?
How complex are the planned game play mechanics?
How good is the equipment being used?
The list goes on and on...
The poll is trying to oversimplify the process into narrow corridors... When development difficulty varies from project to project and developer to developer... What if a developer never includes visuals, and sticks to primarily making text-based games? Visuals would never even factor into the difficulty of projects like that, so obviously for those developers the story text will be the most time consuming aspect...
That being said, I'm pretty sure that for the majority of Visual Novels and/or Games out there right now, the visuals themselves are the most time consuming... Probably with coding being next on that list, depending on the Engine being used... Some engines are far more complicated then others... The story can be time consuming, but it involves far more on the creative mind and story telling prowess, and less on the time consuming mechanical aspects of VN/Game design... Once again, depending on the engine, game play complexity, and if visuals are even a thing in the game...
Oh, you know, most writers are used to it. Most of the time writing is considered simple, easy to learn and being the fastest process in a project.
Most of the time people who say this, have either never written anything
(with the intention of being read), or have never written for different formats
(books, short stories, poetry, games, movies, etc). So it is then very simple to say that writing is easy, even if for example the writing of a script, a book and a poem are diametrically opposed in their structures and in the way of approaching the project. People tend to put all the different writings on the same level, whereas they will be the first to put the renderings, character drawings and background drawings on different levels, explaining that art is hard. Let us not forget that writing is also an art, and that it is the only art that no school can train. Writing has to be learned on its own, where all the other arts can be learned in school
(or through tutorials on the internet, and let's be clear, tutorials for writers on Youtube are of no use because writing is something completely subjective).
I'm not trying to say that drawing/rendering and coding is easier than the rest, but I'm just saying that writing isn't as simple as most people think, especially in a
team. When you're alone it's much easier to be satisfied with your work
(and you don't need to write a script, etc.).
Don't know if you realise how much work this is. You're talking BS here x)
30k words is about 50 pages of a novel. A competent writer isn't a war machine, he's or she's a human being; at the very least he could only write so much if he would copy an already handwritten text or with an already thinked/written script from A to Z, but to write 30k words in one day in the middle of a creative process is a dream that even Stephen King never managed to achieve. In his youth he wrote about 5k words a day which is already huge, believe me.
That was an interesting point of view î_î
So finally what takes you the most time is organizing things and doing the things that other people, right?
I don't know if it's the ideal team to be honest
Having said that, I think a lot of people work overtime for this kind of project, to cite my example, I sometimes work until 4 a.m on the scripts I work on, because like you I'm never really satisfied of what I do.
Anyway dealing with feedback is something that the coder and writer usually have to do, they are supposed to work in pairs. Your situation is special.
Writing and/or Authoring a story depends on how complex the writing needs to be for a given medium... It will also depend on the skill and experience of the writer/s... Writing can be a daunting process, putting your ideas down on paper, trying to interweave various ideas so that they both make sense and get the intended meaning across to the readers... Then there is the process of reading your own work, and possibly re-writing some of it perhaps... Then what about story complexity if various different story paths need to be included, because choices are offered to a reader/player that influence later story content... Trying to again interweave the varying story lines together in a way that makes sense and ensures the integrity of the story... Making sure plot holes don't pop up, and that story continuity is maintained...
So I completely agree, length of time devoted to writing is not always just cut and dry... Sure, there are plenty of VN/Games out there with meaningless story drivel, that was probably not difficult to make... But it is usually either lacking any depth, involves poor story telling, lacks originality/creativity, and/or was only meant as a side line to the erotic content anyways... Writing skill and intention are always major factors...