4.00 star(s) 19 Votes
Dec 29, 2018
To me, with the established personalities of the girls in Office Perks, a full harem just doesn't feel 'natural'.
There's also the issue of the main character just being a regular dude with an office job.

You're not the king of a medieval fantasy empire, or the chosen hero who saved the world from an evil deity, or a lone male survivor of a post-apocalyptic world. Those are settings where a harem ending would make sense. Here, it would be odd for a bunch of women to want to settle for sharing one ordinary guy instead of just finding another ordinary guy of their own.


Active Member
Jun 28, 2022
There's also the issue of the main character just being a regular dude with an office job.

You're not the king of a medieval fantasy empire, or the chosen hero who saved the world from an evil deity, or a lone male survivor of a post-apocalyptic world. Those are settings where a harem ending would make sense. Here, it would be odd for a bunch of women to want to settle for sharing one ordinary guy instead of just finding another ordinary guy of their own.
Doesn't matter the setting. I've seen harem in about every setting. Medieval, space, normal working dude, a son with no job, etc. It can work anywhere . Why can't a group of women like a normal dude and all get along ? They are already saying he is something special a few times in the game already. Almost all the harem games I've played mc is just a normal guy that the girls like enough that they all get along
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Oct 15, 2018
The problem is not choosing an LI but rejecting the rest.
I definitely agree. The other way of doing this badly is the "Intertwined" fiasco where the LIs suddenly become aware
of each other and attack the MC for dating other people. This happened in another gameMonster College not long ago
and I just deleted it out of frustration. It may be the "realistic" reaction but it really puts the player in a shitty position.

If you're playing the game for the purpose of seeing scenes with a particular LI then losing that LI is effectively a
YOU DIED GAME OVER which is also realistic but I think everyone understands that it is pointless and detrimental.

Even though Amom has signaled that the girls are aware that MC has not made any commitment to any of them I
can't help but have a bad feeling about this party. There's no way that these women are not going to all want to be
by MC's side during the party and I'm not sure what the good outcome could be of them all wanting MC's attention
at once.


Active Member
Dec 14, 2018
So, this whole harem conversation is really bothering me because I'm honestly 50/50 on it. At this point, there is no path that ends with MC having a full harem of all six LIs. Approaching major spoiler territory here, but the endings planned are
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However, I 100% understand all of your points. To me, with the established personalities of the girls in Office Perks, a full harem just doesn't feel 'natural'.
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I can see both sides of the argument and the reasons for them. I will do some honest thinking on this. As it is today, I'm going to continue on the path that I'm on. v006 is already out on patreon, and v007 and beyond are fully written. How the choices made affect other things could still be easily modified.

Thanks for all the feedback. As the overview of the game states: "A game dev's job is never easy..." and I don't have six beautiful perks to keep me entertained. :)
So I would never force a Dev to change their vision. It's why I just say goodbye and wish them luck. There is plenty out there for those of us who prefer the fantasy side of things. One of my issues is this, and I believe what I have played of this one makes me feel the same as:

This is my point of view on the non-harem option and I hope it doesn't reach this point with Office Perks. It's what I call 'The Leap Of Faith Syndrome'. The problem is not choosing an LI but rejecting the rest. I don't remember the number of LIs in LOF, maybe it was 8? The MC choose one and had to reject the other 7? (What in the fucking hell!). Regardless of the saves, there is no romantic soul that can withstand these situations. So LOF was abandoned by me (and many other players I consulted) and is there, on my hard drive, waiting for me to work up the courage to reject 7 fantastic girls in favor of just one.
I can see Eva's face, with those big, brown, puppy eyes, full of tears, telling me: 'Why Murray? Why? I thought we got along well and the sex was just great and I really like you, Murray, and I thought we could have a future togheter where you and I maybe could work togheter and I could compose the soundtracks for your games, and you leave me for that bimbo Jenny! I hate you Murray!
Rejection is not my thing, but I have a lot of faith in Dev's ability to write this story.
To add on to what Murray said, I haven't played Leap of Faith for some time,
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I get into the MCs I play and rejecting LIs is not something I like to do. I have played single LI VNs but they are very few and far between. And usually there was still some form of multiple girls at the end. Like either a throuple or such, not quite full harem but multiple girls. I, like Murray here, just can't bring myself to reject the girls...

I say this half joking, but half truth. Devs who write such great LIs, need to know that you bring this on yourselves :)

Again, I wish you luck, but I thought I would bring in my views as well.
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Dec 28, 2020
Doesn't matter the setting. I've seen harem in about every setting. Medieval, space, normal working dude, a son with no job, etc. It can work anywhere . Why can't a group of women like a normal dude and all get along ? They are already saying he is something special a few times in the game already. Almost all the harem games I've played mc is just a normal guy that the girls like enough that they all get along
You Harem folk are strange.

Bill Temple

Active Member
May 20, 2021
There's too many to pick just one. For me it's not at all romantic when it makes me feel bad for turning down all the other women just to pick one. So far I like them all. Nothing wrong with making an optional unnatural path where a certain Li is cool with it ;). Can still have the 6 solo Li paths,won't hurt to add one more, which adds an option to gain way more players
Doesn't matter the setting. I've seen harem in about every setting. Medieval, space, normal working dude, a son with no job, etc. It can work anywhere . Why can't a group of women like a normal dude and all get along ? Nothing weird about that. They are already saying he is something special a few times in the game already. Almost all the harem games I've played mc is a normal guy.
Don't get me wrong, I like all the girls. Making a choice is gonna be hard. And I like harem games pretty often, but bolt-on harems that are added as an afterthought and don't match with the tone of the story aren't usually satisfying. It's true that plenty of harem games feature an unremarkable unemployed inexperienced "18"-to-21 year-old protagonist whose father just died and has moved back home to reconnect with (seduce) a tsundere older sister, a sweet naive little sister, a sexy-but-doesn't-know-it mom, a slutty aunt visiting from out of town, and a bevy of horny neighbors of various ages, etc. Those stories start off unrealistic and stick to that standard to the end. They're fine, some great, and there's a billion of them.

What I thought was pretty unique and attention grabbing about Office Perks was the realistic setting of a bunch of single, attractive young people socializing and trying to find their path in life. Definitely, the girls bodies are a bit hotter, and the numbers this player puts up are hard to match, but so far this isn't much of a stretch from my late twenties. It's a feasible scenario that young women won't try to tie a guy down... yet. Some might not be sure of their feelings or if the relationship has legs. Some may assume that if and when their love fully blossoms they'll only want to be with each other. Some of the girls could be competitive and enjoy vying for a desirable mate. Some may be worried about scaring him off, so they'll let him really swallow the bait before trying to set the hook. Some girls might want to keep playing the field a while longer too. Sorry, my NTR-sensitivity training advisor tells me that it's triggering and immoral to even mention that last one; please don't read it if you've been cucked before in fiction or reality. My point is that there's plenty of real world reasons women tolerate men two-, three-, or even six-timing them, but realistically all of them are going to want to settle into a standard monogamous relationship beyond the short term.

The shady employer is even realistic for me. I've worked for no less than three shithead small-business owners who engaged in: bullying hourly employees to work extra hours off the books; cheating employees out of wages, 401K matches, and expense reimbursements; embezzling business funds to take a 4-month vacation; using the business as an illegal tax-shield; "employing" their family who literally never even show up to the office or do anything but call in to a weekly stand-up meeting; refusing to pay contractors by arguing incessantly about "proving" how many hours they worked; etc. It's believable that small business owner would be dumb enough to get involved in criminal elements and act like a total flake as has been teased here.

I'm not saying that Amomynous can't make a harem work well, but it'll be difficult in my opinion. Up to this point Office Perks has the tone of modestly heightened reality rather than the outright ludicrous fantasy leaping over mountains of logic in a single bound typically found in harem games. The most unrealistic thing in this game is that the MC would think to invite all his fuck-buddies to the same party. Brass balls on this ladykiller. I'll give him that.

The argument that the harem can be optional, that if you don't want a harem you don't have to choose it, rings inauthentic to me too. Because what man doesn't want a harem? The reason I get to fuck only my wife while I'm limited to high-fives and side hugs with my ex-fiancée and an ex-girlfriend whom I see rather often is not because I can't get them or don't want all of them. It's because they would never agree to share me. If the game gives MC an option to build a harem, it's more unbelievable that he would decline than it is implausible that the option would be available at all. A dude with the huevos and the game to bed several smokeshows repeatedly over a couple weeks isn't turning down 6 women that are willing to be in his harem.

Well, I've said more than my two cents here. I look forward to Amomynous' decision on the matter.


Active Member
Dec 11, 2020
No date yet. Will be released to public a week or two after v6 is released to patrons. V6 is currently about 50-60% complete.
Thank you for letting us know. It's much appreciated. Sorry for basically pointless post but I don't think active dev's here get enough credit. So just wanted to say thanks it means something at least to me I can't speak for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
This is my point of view on the non-harem option and I hope it doesn't reach this point with Office Perks. It's what I call 'The Leap Of Faith Syndrome'. The problem is not choosing an LI but rejecting the rest. I don't remember the number of LIs in LOF, maybe it was 8? The MC choose one and had to reject the other 7? (What in the fucking hell!). Regardless of the saves, there is no romantic soul that can withstand these situations. So LFO was abandoned by me (and many other players I consulted) and is there, on my hard drive, waiting for me to work up the courage to reject 7 fantastic girls in favor of just one.
I can see Eva's face, with those big, brown, puppy eyes, full of tears, telling me: 'Why Murray? Why? I thought we got along well and the sex was just great and I really like you, Murray, and I thought we could have a future togheter where you and I maybe could work togheter and I could compose the soundtracks for your games, and you leave me for that bimbo Jenny! I hate you Murray!
Rejection is not my thing, but I have a lot of faith in Dev's ability to write this story.
this 2.gif


Active Member
Jan 5, 2023
So, this whole harem conversation is really bothering me because I'm honestly 50/50 on it. At this point, there is no path that ends with MC having a full harem of all six LIs. Approaching major spoiler territory here, but the endings planned are
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However, I 100% understand all of your points. To me, with the established personalities of the girls in Office Perks, a full harem just doesn't feel 'natural'.
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I can see both sides of the argument and the reasons for them. I will do some honest thinking on this. As it is today, I'm going to continue on the path that I'm on. v006 is already out on patreon, and v007 and beyond are fully written. How the choices made affect other things could still be easily modified.

Thanks for all the feedback. As the overview of the game states: "A game dev's job is never easy..." and I don't have six beautiful perks to keep me entertained. :)
Yeah, man, there are games out there where "harem" isn't pertinent or even lack plausibility. This game, however, does not. It simply screams "harem" from the mountain tops. If I were you, I would consider fixing this. You'll lose many people without it.


Dec 28, 2020
Yeah, man, there are games out there where "harem" isn't pertinent or even lack plausibility. This game, however, does not. It simply screams "harem" from the mountain tops. If I were you, I would consider fixing this. You'll lose many people without it.
Uh, no. It does not “scream” harem. Just because it has multiple female LI does not mean the story lends the pathway to opening the door for all of them and for all of them to be ok with it. The dev is basically letting you play with all of them right now before having the MC make a choice. That’s what is called being single.

I mean for fucks sake, the game is about a guy who works an office job in a fairly realistic setting. This isn’t some heir from the Middle East who is about to take over daddy’s oil empire and needs a harem of wives.

Like I’ve said before, you Harem folk are annoying as hell. Every game has to have a harem. Piece together the code for a gallery mod if you think you’re missing out on all of the scenes OR play the game the way it has been written.

Lastly, the dev won’t lose anyone. Want to know why? Because they have written a very solid game up to this point. That’s how you keep people around and wanting more. Not with cheap parlor tricks. Stories need tension, they need drama, they need character development. You implement a harem scope into the story? Well, now every character becomes one dimensional. Might as well have the MC put up an Advent calendar to see which of his LIs he’ll bang for the day.
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Oct 15, 2018
Yeah, man, there are games out there where "harem" isn't pertinent or even lack plausibility. This game, however, does not. It simply screams "harem" from the mountain tops. If I were you, I would consider fixing this. You'll lose many people without it.
I disagree that that's the only way out of this. I think there are two major things he could do: first he can allow the choice to be delayed until close to the end of the game. That would make it so that "playing through multiple times" could be done from a single, late-game save without going through the whole thing again. STWA: The Author did it this way.

The other option I see is to have a "choose one" dialogue presented, but then subvert it with a "CHEAT MODE: you got them all!" option. That way the player can be lazy and see all the paths at once without replaying, but the narrative will continue as if each of the women have you for themselves. If it doesn't make any sense (broken internal continuity) that's the player's fault for picking cheat mode.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
This is a really good game.

It doesn't hurt the girls are all really beautiful.
I haven't decided who I will simp for yet, but I'll make that choice eventually.
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Reactions: Amomynous Games


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
This looks like my type of game I think I'll give it a try.

Edit - Jeez I'm dumb it turns out I already did try it.
Nah I always check these games for saves because I don't remember a lot of them if I played them before. Mainly because the "updates" aren't very frequent so it can be months since the last time a game has been played.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Joshy92


Dec 26, 2019
If you want to make people choose, you can't have more than 3 or 4 LIs. The wrong assumption is that people will replay the game and experience each route, but most likely people will just play through the game once and just pick 1, maybe 2-3 if the story varies a lot (e.g. good/evil, dom/sub paths). So you slave away making 5 hours of content, we'll just be seeing 1 hour of it, and you'll get the complaints of short updates, plus the inevitability that some will get more attention than others.
I totally agree with this. Non harem games in general tend to go for way too many Lis. This game isn't as bad as others that have 7 to 10 Lis and possibly side Lis. Still, 3 to 4 Lis would allow the dev to provide balanced content for all the Lis each update so the player doesn't feel his fav Li is being neglected.
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Dec 26, 2019
This is a really good game.

It doesn't hurt the girls are all really beautiful.
I haven't decided who I will simp for yet, but I'll make that choice eventually.
Huh? the Simp King is undecided? Say it aint so. lol

My fav is Eva with Jenny a close second.
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Reactions: Joshy92
4.00 star(s) 19 Votes