HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA trust me guys (unisex use of guys here so it includes you gals) don't bother with slonique, don't have hope for their games, and don't have hope for them actually finishing something. Seriously just look at abyss their so called "finished" game that didn't even have all things that were promised. Just walk away and go to games were the dev might actually produce something XD
Will they ever finish something? Personally I don't think so their style seems to be what you would call "rapid prototyping" but slow and puts more into the prototypes than you should, but tries to call them completed games XD but hey maybe one day, but I wouldn't hold out... you have more luck getting a Snyder cut of justice league (and I mean a proper full bells and whistles Snyder cut) than that happening.
Sincerely your friendly f95zone realist