Stop trying to shove in Poly and Harem as one thing. You say "peace" but you mislead instead, stop that.
The "MC being part of a whole" makes it so that it is truly not about him. But you wanting all his girls be into each other. You got it reversed mate.
You're free to look for other Polyamory games in here.
Also Dev
Ratsu Hanamura, you need to learn the disntictions between Polyamory and Harem. Other Devs may say that their game is a Harem but it really isn't, its often Polyamory in disguise.
If you want to make Kuroha and Elena a couple, then ok cool. However, now I lost interest to them as well.
Are they avoidable or skippable? If the LIs themselves are not interested in the MC, and they're in a committed relationship already then I'm more inclined to avoid them, and to not include them in the harem.
Hmmm... mate...
What part about this being MY INTERESTS escapes you? Let's also point out that this conversation wasn't "EXACTLY" about this game per se, but, in more broad terms, about the structure of an Harem.
You, and several others, use the classical definition of a stratified structure, with the MC in a pinnacle, and the whole bevy of female participants focused SOLELY on him. That, for whatever reason appeals to your masculinity. Because that is the structure that alleviates the feelings of insecurity and eliminates any possibility of comparison and fear of being found lacking. After all, if the women have nothing else to compare you with, whatever you do, must be the BEST.
I, and many others, follow a more modern structure, one where there's no pinnacle, everyone is focused on everyone else, and on their pleasure. Happy people make happy. This appeals to my masculinity, one not based on competition, on supremacy, but on cooperation and community. On loving and being loved, rather than own and being dominant. I don't fear comparisons because they are meaningless. Pleasure is pleasure. I give and I receive. They give and they receive. What matters from where it comes if in the end, everyone is involved?
What we have here is a rather basic difference in the way that we are. I am not less of a man because I want my women to love each other TOO. You, however, seem to feel that every second not spent in mindless adoration of you, is a loss.
This, can't be reconciled, in my opinion, we will always be different and think differently. So, let's agree that we are both right, do what pleases US the most, and ignore the other. OK?
And yes... I will always sign out with: