Gameplay: simple and enjoyable, with plenty of choice. And rightfully punishes and ruins your day if you pick the obvious bad choice (shame on you if you know from experience).
Humor: very entertaining, I caught myself laughing quite a few times, and doesn't break immersion or feel out of place.
Tone: Dark but enjoyable dark, not sexually dark like some games are where they go overboard and think they need dark sexual shit to have a dark tone. (Batman doesn't need to go around murdering constantly to be a dark character for example).
Choice: Yes. Stabby Mike is a must.
Sex scenes: Your dick will turn red. (animations... creampie... need I say more?)
Characters: Many, quite the variety, and they got the thiccness for my sickness (apologies). Judie is bestgirl... and so is Lauren... and Carla... and Iris... all are bestgirl.
MC: Not a braindead idiot... need I say more?
Side characters: Fit Jack... Stabby Mike... Dildo Boy.... Troy... very entertaining. You should aim to keep them around.
Story: quite deep and complex, with a lot of mystery, and depending on your choices even trippy.
Punishing?: only if you pick the obvious "never pick this choice you monster" choice. and well... if you pick it.. you deserve what comes next... that is all.
No seriously that is all, review is over. game is very enjoyable and quite a lot of fun.