Hello everyone. I want to thank everyone for your feedback. And to say a special thank you to all those who believe in our project and wish us success.
I want to answer the most popular question "about sex"))
The game was conceived from the very beginning in such a way that it involves a very gradual development of the plot towards sex. For those expecting a sex scene by the second or third chapter, this may be disappointing. But I know that there are also a lot of people here who like a smoother storyline.
For those who fear that supposedly our model will not act in sex scenes, I will answer that everything is possible) But again, I will not dissemble that how soon these scenes will appear and how frank they will be is directly influenced by your material support. With sufficient support, EVERYTHING is possible)))
I hope I have answered quite extensively on this topic "about sex")
Thank you all again for your interest in our project, we will try not to disappoint you. And don't forget to subscribe to our social media for the latest news and future update dates)
Thank you for responding so quick!
A "smoother storyline" and some gradual build-up towards sexual content is fine for me, also teasing and romance stuff.
Indeed these can only support to the plot and the characterisation - so nothing to complain about.
However, "everything is possible" is a little bit too vague for me to really clarify...
Or as vague as to clarify that there won't be "real porn" without sufficient support.

Sorry, no offence intended!
Of course you're looking for support and that's absolutely okay, ...
but don't you have concrete plans to include sexual content in your VN (and the actors willing to perform)?
If any sexual content is going to completely depending on the amount of support... it's not really a reliable concept.
Don't you think?!
But well, I'll stay tuned and keep checkin' the future updates - wishing you success with this ambitious project.