Ok, despite it being kinetic and unmarked which kinda pisses me off...I liked this a lot. It would be nice to see this further expanded some day or get more spin-offs. You could almost make a mini-series with just the few characters showed here. Show the mom and dad story, show how things go with Ashley in the future, maybe even have her come back as a third with Hanna and Zack.
There is a few typos, but not a horrible amount. The renders are pretty. I am just going to rant for a minute but something people get wrong about universities a lot is a few things: 1) frequently they have less than 5 days. Most college students keep their college days 2-3 days a week, sometimes 4, very rarely ever 5. 2) University doesn't give "review" first days, because of the afore mentioned days, they hit the ground running with work to be done from day one.
That's not bad for this game or anything, I just want to vent because of how often college is portrayed like its highschool and they are extremely different.
Lastly, game was unmarked kinetic. I said it before, but man that irks me, probably more so because I enjoyed this. It would be awesome if this ever gets continued or a spin-off to become a proper game with choices and consequences (not just do you want to see content A or not?)