but i'm already tracer.Maybe... I'll be Tracer?
Same in europe, at least at the time I learned it in college...In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, orparody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from thecopyright owner.
is what i was going by..do not know which article or whatnot its from...i just listen to john oliver or what mattpat on youtube describe the junk..HAHAAA
i believe this is North American based though..since i am in North America..i'll go by it..i do not care about Europe
Click on the thingy in the top right corner behind the hotel. Only found it by looking at the DOM and noticing there was another link on the overview map…how do you get in to the hotel to meet widowmaker and tracer i am stuck
passive aggressive?Ok but what is the point of passive aggressive post?
Yeah man, thanks for all the info I really appreciate what you told me, I am looking into the issue.passive aggressive?
the point is to help make the game better and help players play the game rather than getting stuck on the damn START screen.
You literally ignored all the help i gave and just focused on the top 2 lines of my comment...
please, don't waste my time.
Thanks man, working on it ATMOk had a look and well as others have eluded to the action buttons are all over the place.If you are looking for people to support your game you need to get the basics right.No dev is infallible they all make mistakes from time to time which is why you will see post release patches,But the successful ones get the basics right.I like the premise of the game but would suggest you take it away and work on the buttons as from what i have seen so far they are a big part of the game.will check back in the future see how it is doing
wishing you every success with the game
Ikr, my next projects will be on Renpy, thinking of transferring this project into Renpy and see how it goesIt's a fun premise, one I wouldn't mind seeing more of, but the interface makes it practically unplayable. But it's not just that the buttons are messed up... Even if it was set up properly so the buttons are actually aligned correctly, it would still be cumbersome. This would be way better in Renpy. Just the fact that it loads an entirely new page for each line of dialogue is ridiculous. That will quickly get out of control if the game gets more updates.
Funny to see the K-ON school.