I don't get why someone would lurk in a thread where they were so upset with something they literally created an account just to make one shitpost... Weird to me
Now I will say art is subjective, because some of what I find to be great looking can be different from others. But speaking to a technical aspect of scene framing and lighting and setting a tone I agree that very few know what is what. But I have seen that go hit or miss, some look great and some, while very technically good, just don't do it for me. You know what I mean?
That being said, I do not find anything I personally dislike about your art or style. I just have to take your game slowly because it is a heavy subject, well done so far, but none of the girls hit as many of my "likes" as other games and I come to it between other catching up.
But keep up the good work. People will like the story you have to tell and most of the quick FAPs move on. Only a handful of trolls stick around to grief everyone but sadly it seems like they infect every thread.