VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Oopsy Daisy [v0.9 Act 9] [Team Oopsy Daisy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Loads of fun. I enjoyed the story and the pacing of the script. It never gets too wordy, while setting up just enough exposition to progress the relationships. The chemistry between the two protagonists is perfect.

    The best part for me is that the story shows lots of promise of future lez-cest...I can't wait to see how it turns our between Daisy and her soon to be in-laws, in addition to her already established relationships between her mom and her sisters.

    Keep it up Team Oopsy Daisy. I'm really looking forward to future updates and I've just become a proud supporter.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Waaaaaaay too much internal monologuing happening in this game. We don't need to know what every character is thinking in every moment of every scene. The old screenwriter's adage "show, don't tell" comes to mind. Trust your audience to read subtext without having to include literal subtext. Creative use of storyboarding and facial expression is a much more immersive way to progress characters and scenes than this repetitive, clunky OMG I can't believe I just saw his penis! (again, for like the eighth time today). A nervous glance, a longing gaze, a sly smile, or even just a tense, awkward silence with the right sequence of renders can tell the same story more effectively while creating a more intriguing, suspenseful atmosphere.

    I get that it must be hard to write an original, well-paced scenario whereby a "normal" family becomes depraved and make it feel like it's happening organically, so I don't want to be too critical at this early stage. I do think the story beats so far are ok. I like the premise, I like the characters, but things need to start happening soon. I enjoy a good slow-burn game, but the good ones tend to have more character depth than this. What conflict was there appears to have already been resolved and there really isn't much else happening here beyond the rising sexual tension. I also enjoy a good raunchfest, but those tend to get going more quickly. The dev needs to decide what kind of game they are making and focus on that.

    Otherwise, the models are beautiful and distinct enough for my preference. I'm a simple man and that's enough to keep me invested for now.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It is not the first game where a developer tries to combine sex and humor. That's a bold and daring mix. And so far it works terrible. The game pretends to be an eye-catcher and to stand out from the crowd, yet it fails miserably. Another bad thing are poorly done animations.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1216335

    + This game has a really sweet vibe. One of the best. (Similar to MOS last summer) Not any dark depraved theme. Which is a big +
    + Some games don't have a good immersion and it feels soulless this one certainly isn't one of 'em.
    + Daisy is open minded sweetheart
    + MC (guy) is also so far behaving normally.
    + No grinding is always welcome.

    Room for improvement:
    The animations are nice, sexy with good angles and lighting but they could have more FPS in the future .
    Girls are sexy though Daisy could have prettier face (PP).
    It would be great if the player could define the relationships (whos what to whom) at the start of the game like in other games.

    Overall very enjoyable game - I rate games by what feeling I get from them.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    5 Stars all the way!

    This can be the next very big game if done well, can't wait to play new content.

    I hope the mom open up even more to her son, and that all family can have a sexy time all together at the end of the game, looking forward to it :love:
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.6
    This game is straight up solid.
    Everything is done well, fantastic renders, characters are well done and seem real, story runs smoothly, has music, has good comedy, lot of fun to play.
    It is more of the same incest/harem stuff though, and that is completely welcome!
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The fact that you have made up and dressed Lisa like a whore from the 60's has no name.
    But the fact that you make her behave like a cheap horny whore in a car is just crazy.
    That the mother, inside the car, where they are seen by the driver and anyone who passes by, pulls aside her dress and shows her boob to arouse her son can only occur to a mentally deficient person.
    You guys are out of your minds. You are embarrassing.
    Feeding brainless mental degenerates are not always the best way to go.
    Too bad, it was a game that I really liked a lot.
    It's a nice game with a simple story, the animations are correct and the renders are very good.

    The characters are well designed and, except for the hair they have put on the sister, which is for a younger girl, they are nice to look at.

    PS: I find it unfair to call the author of this game a liar because he said that there is anal sex in the game and there is not, because this game is still in development and there will be anal sex in a next installment. It is stupid to pretend that EVERYTHING that will be in the game will happen in the first episodes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has already a lot of content and the storyboard is very interesting. A lot can happen and the developer have a big challenge where to lead the story on. I'm excited where the story goes and we can expect nothing but the best depending on the good work until now.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3176988

    This game irks me in that the MC looks like the oldest person in the family, even though he is supposed to be the son. He looks like he could be his sister's dad instead of her brother. The two older women look like they could be his wives or sisters. This could probably be fixed if the developer replaced the MC with a younger looking male model, but the whole age/appearance/relation aspect of the game is off. If it wasn't for that, I would consider it a good game because there is plenty of lewd content and the women are attractive. Also, no grinding.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I'm really loving this. It hits so many of the things I look for in a game. The girls are pretty and I always like a little poly with my harems. I even made a thread about a potential game like this that I would like. I love that the fiancee has her own attractions to the mother and sister and is trying to steer things in a playful loving way.

    But yeah this game is like a wishlist for me and so far I'm really enjoying it.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I gotta say i dont like the fact tat every girl looks kind of the same with a different head. One has 5% bod fat, the other has 4% and the other has 3%, and that's it for their differences. That part annoyes me cause when deformations take the focus of a scene those skinny girls look just like teen boys with tits. In regular poses of course they look good.

    Animations are a little weird but thye are in a higher tier than the majority of the games. This doesnt make the sex scenes good, its just the technical aspect.

    I dont like the present state of the relationships and how the game balances the "events" (basically Daisy gets everything and the rest get interrupted by Daisy).
    The writing part is good enough, there are a couple of cliche lines and some "porn game sitcom" (meaning the silly things that usually happen in this games) but i believe the setting, so to speak. I hope it uses the current foundation to improve.

    After playing 0.6 i dont trust the setting anymore. Daisy keeps getting all the protagonism, and the rest of the characters get "talks about dicks", thats it. Daisy, despite the fact that she wants the MC to be "closer" to his family, she keeps showing in the best moments to interrupt them. I call that bullshit. That removes points.

    Either respect your own setting and go with it, or dont crete it in the first place. Is it gonna take 6 months of development to get 2 characters to kiss? Sex scenes are nothing extraordinary and the relationship are not deep, is like an enormous cliche, putting soo much expectations for a kiss is a bad move when your actual skill to make sex scenes cant make up for the expectations you are putting on something so small that even a 12 year old can do.

    The character development with the sister consists in how much she wants to see his dick. Period.

    There is a message at the end saying that someone left the project. MAybe that is the reason this game lost all the potential and fell into less capable hands. Seriously this went down hard.

    For 0.7 nothing has moved forward, for some reason the first interaction with the sister is about feet, good job, tying up somethihg to a specific fetish and in the process making it bad. Did i mention that this scene also got interrupted? well, who would have thought?

    I noticed, more like since im not liking it im picking things that i had forgiven once, like render quality, whihc is outrageous, you actually see really big square pixels in dark areas. Render quality wasnt the best, i wonder how is this dev team using their time, cause there is no render quality or story progression.

    Dont play this, It only has Daisy as a sex relieve, and everything is about her and her contradictory behavior.

    You can not tell me that Daisy's motivation is to make the family closer, when she is clearly making 0 efforts to amke it happen, she is the one preventing it from happening. THE WORST WRITING

    more cockblocks for the sister,of course.
    A sudden kind of out of nowhere mother turning lusty whore just because.
    Not improving, renders still need maybe more resolution.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This VN should be known as Daisy,and the dumbass. The dumbassbeing the male so called MC. You ever play one of those NTR games where the male is completely and totally clueless about everything going on around him? Well Andy would fit right into one of those games.

    Another negative is that the PC (player character,since I refuse to call him the MC.) does not drive the plot at all. He is entirely reactive. You control his actions,but why bother,he has all the spine of a jelly fish,and reacts like a young Keanu Reeves to everything.......WHOOOAAAAAA.

    Another negative,is even when controlling Daisy you refuse to take certain actions,guess what DOESNT MATTER,you're gonna see certain scenes no matter what. So we've gone from VN to bordering on Kinetic Novel.

    It also seems like the Devs have fallen in love with they're creation Daisy to a certain extent. Shes the most wonderful,best,perfect character ever. And anyone who questions her motivations(like Andy's mom) must be an evil bitch.

    Recommend avoiding for now,but you do you.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It is the first game I know where a developer dares to combine sex and humor. That's a bold and daring mix. And so far it works great. The game is an eye-catcher that stands out from the crowd.

    Only the animations could run a little smoother.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    All Visuals, no Novel

    Dialogues are mind-numbingly dull.
    Events are too childish to the point of being ridiculous -- the piggyback fight in the pool?
    Music is misplaced -- a romantic piano piece while the MC slips and faceplants on a crotch (so to speak).
    The restaurant scene is unnecessary long -- maybe unnecessary altogether.
    The "little sis" looks older than the MC, like she's in her mid 30's, no pigtails can fix that XD

    There is no animation worth mentioning, neither adds nor detracts.

    ★★★★★ Renders
    ★☆☆☆☆ Story/dialogue
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good renders, but the real thing her is the story that is WAY more engaging than it ought to be. The female lead (Daisy) is especially of note, although a little hard to get a grip on sometimes.

    Well worth playing, even at this point where there's not much sex to speak of.

    Also worth noting, the current version (0.5) only gets into the first half of the story (visiting MC's family), and although I don't think it's in the tags, the content definitely comes right up to the edge of light femdom/mommy dom. It works in the context, but I'm guessing some people really don't like that kind of thing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game with all the funny situations and the great animations. A little ambiguous on the motivations of Daisy though i think it will be revealed in the future. Keep up the good work and hopefully maintain a steady pace of releases.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Can't quite give it a full 5 just yet and not sure about a 4 but a decent surprise nonetheless. Very solid renders and rather unique animations that are decent despite being in 240p.

    There were more than a few instances towards the end though where the MC is referred to as Andy instead of our inputted name so should be a quick fix. Other than that, MC was a slow enough to annoy me just a little bit, including turning into a 12 year old boy going through puberty whenever he sees some tits

    It's an overall solid game to keep an eye from a visual perspective and promises no shortage of sexual content
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot is funny but same time pretty hot. I really do like this game so far. The graphic is really nice. The characters are so far natural and the story start slowly to become hotter. The conflict of the mother, the playful character of the sister, and the adventurous fiancee makes a hot combination. I am pretty much curious in which direction the plot will go in the future. Looking forward to play more updates. 5 of 5 stars from my side.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Does the Music ruin it?
    The Music ruins it?
    Does it?
    UGH! I can't tell. Its so strange to hear upbeat collectathon music in a game where I want to bang my family.
    Like how in the world am I supposed to get hard when I hear something making me look around for some feathers or coins???

    Anyway its kinda basic standard fair.
    The animations don't run so good for me but thats not something I can tell for sure.
    It's all ok in my book. Nothing standout. Maybe if we had some father's for some spice it might be nice but this is just kinda vanilla now.
    I mean as vanilla as a game like this can be?
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Its early so not a lot of content yet but it looks very promising. The women look amazing, it has really good animations.
    There are some sound effects but nothing special.
    The story seems fairly unique so far, hopefully they take their time with it.
    Didn't run into any bugs or super noticeable grammar mistakes.
    All in all this game is loaded with potential if they keep doing what their doing.
    Its near the top of my Watch List.