Hey everybody,
long time lurker, first time poster here. I've been observing this game since the first version and am really happy that we now have a complete game on our hands (well, one hand, the other one is needed elsewhere when playing

So while I was playing and happily fapping away, I noticed that one thing was still missing in the game that I deem crucial: showing the cum on the standard character busts outside of the CGs. You know, like when you tell Ahsoka to dance and the text says you cum all over her in the later stages of the favour, her character bust stays clean as a whistle. Same thing for hand-/blowjob and other favours as well, where her face and/or other bodyparts should be glazed in a nice coat of love-juice.
Is it only me, or is this a huge immersion (and boner) killer for anyone else?
I always expected this feature to be added at some point during the development of the game, but now it seems that we won't get so see our lovely girls wearing their best outfits (meaning being naked and completely covered in cum like the good whores they are) outside of the CGs, which is kind of shame in my opinion.
What do you think, can we maybe expect to have this feature added in the post-bugfix version?
In any case it is surely be something the dev should implement into his next game, it really helps with immersion... and certain other things.