I asked the Dev of the game (Ex), and I got the answers I sought.
1. Answer 1: ''This was suppose to be an event that eventually got cut. So there's nothing more you can do with this.''
2. Answer 2: ''That's odd, you're suppose to get a new set of armor for every 3 raids you defeat. (first one is Ahsoka, then Shin, then Kit).
If you're not getting them, then you can manually at them by doing this:
*Save the game
*Then open the developer menu with Shift+O
*Type in:
$ gearTrooperAhsoka = True
*Press enter. This now unlocks Ahsoka's trooper outfit.
You can do the same for Kit and Shin by typing in:
$ gearTrooperShin = True
$ gearTrooperKit = True
The 6th Blueprint is just something that I had missed:
3. Answer 3.1: ''The sixth item is Naboo Repair Kit (bubblegum) and can get gotten by working on Tatooine and talking to Ahsoka when she comes home. Ahsoka needs to be slutlevel 37 or higher for this one to spawn.''
The 9th Blueprint I could sadly not get to trigger however:
Answer 3.2: ''Oh those are the cookies. You get them from exploring Naboo and getting the Girlscout event.''
4. Answer 4: ''lol nope. Sorry, just wanted to add that in.''
5. I actually also received the codes for the Holiday outfits:
''Be sure to save the game first before trying these out.
$ gearChristmasActive = True
$ gearHalloweenActive = True
$ gearHalloween2AhsokaActive = True
$ gearChristmasShinActive = True
$ gearHalloweenShinActive = True
$ gearChristmasKitActive = True
$ gearHalloweenKitActive = True
$ modHalloweenLekkuActive = True
$ modXmasLekkuActive = True
$ ahsokaXmasHat = True