VN - Ren'Py - Origin Story [v0.5.0] [JDOR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game should be the prime example of how to write a superhero story, at least in the adult visual novel genre, the characters, the backstory, the models, the writing, all of it is superb. I think this game was inspired by some other games before it in the genre, but in my mind, it has already surpassed it, and the main plot of the story hasn't even fully gotten off the ground and we haven't been introduced fully to all of the main members of the game yet. I truly enjoyed it and hope the dev knows they have something special here.

    Updated to .5 - I think this game is still very good, but I do think the MC is along for the ride instead of dictating how the story goes, even if there were some good choices in this episode. What I mean by that is that things HAPPEN to the MC, MC doesn't carve his path at any point. He doesn't go, today I want to do blank, he just is a lightning rod for things to happen to him,. That not necessarily is a bad thing in a vacuum, but in a game where everything happens to you, the choices matter less. I know branching paths are a bitch but I think it would be good to see some initiative from the MC.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    good looking renders, characters and environments. characters have depth and good conversations with witty dialogue. story is well paced. some stories in other games feel like genre whiplash shifting from slice of life school to monster paranormal fantasy. this game sets things up nicely and progresses naturally letting the player discover the world rather than forcing bad exposition dumps. i didn't go into it with expectations, but i was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed it. the game as of now is mostly prologue and introduction, but it is a great starting point.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    Story had potential, but i couldent get past MCs childish mindset, it feels like hes a 12 year old which is seeing a girl for the first time, none stop thinking about fucking, tits, asses and how hot they all are, no matter if its the must ugly shit in the mind of a player, shit like that should be left for players and not be shown in MCs thought process at all, it only make MC feel like horney kid with a one track mind and you cant really put your self in hes shoes unless your just as much of a pervert as he is and i guess it goes without saying that MC gets boners from absolutly nothing which not even a kid would get.

    Also tierd of forced fetishes, so many devs think everyone loves big tits so they shove them in your face at much as possible, i for one hate them and dont want to watch the shit but game gives you no choice, it also feels a bit idiotic when MC seems to be in love with one would have been the right choice so players can deside for them selfs and it also feels idiotic reading MC lusting like crazy for someone that you then turn down the second you have the chance for it........but in this game you proberly wont be allow to turn down much since its mostly just kinetic and forced.

    Then game forces you to jerk off yet another thing i couldent care less about watching....MC also has an idiotic dick that are just way to big to make any sense, never understod why make it like that it feels plain stupid.

    Next you can turn down a girl but then it forces another girl on you, i mean i liked the girl but some might not and i personaly always found it idiotic to force MC into sex or relationships instend of giving a choice.
    And to make it go way past crazy, the girl forced on you then calls the one you just turned down and your forced to fuck her to....come on this is such a poor writting/story.

    Game will be a mindless fuckfest with no controle what so ever, why it has a list where you can see girls and if your on their path or not i have no fucking clue, theres 0 relationship build up and girl after girl is forced on you, so there is no relationship system what so ever.

    There are a few things i like but it cant pull the game up enough to make it fun or playable after all the shit in the start.
    But the options to turn on/off lesbian and anal is a nice touch and wish more would make use of that.

    Virgin scenes are also shit, i mean when a girl prepare her self by using dildos that virgin vibe goes out the window and it results in a standard sex scene like any other, no blood and barely any pain its lazzyness and might as well not make anyone a virgin if you dont put in the effort to make it good, then its much better not making them virgins to start with.

    Girls 4/5
    It also has some nice looking girls and by the looks of it a pretty decent diversity in builds as well.

    Animations 0/5
    Game isent animated which is a bit annoying, good looking girls but it just falls flat seeing nothing but picture to picture stuff, it just dosent do anything for me.

    Music 4/5
    I would say its good music and above average.

    Choices 0/5
    Forced LIs in a game where you should have the option to close paths feels idiotic, no matter if i like or hate the girls being forced on MC i simply just arent into forced sex or relationships in any way and to force a girl on you 2 mins after you turn her down? i mean what the fuck....

    Game had potential and story could have been good but there so just to much that makes no sense and forcing shit on player is just a no go, all that does is making the game kinetic and should tag it as such.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Thoroughly enjoying this game, always love diving into the fantasy genre and nothing better than a super cock to appease the love interests in this world of heroes and villians.

    First of all, I have to say the ladies look amazing in this game. Each of them have beauty from top to bottom and I give huge credit to their design work. This has always been a defining factor for me when trying out a game, and I'm glad I did as the story is quite interesting and has a lot of potential.

    Secondly this is a true example of how to do sex scenes without animation. I think the facial expressions really shine in these scenes, they bring up the level of intimacy. The renders are great in general with good use of angles and character posing. Sometimes 1 creative thought out render, can really be worth a thousand words.

    Loving the game so far, the story is getting interesting and the love making is definitely going to get more heated :p . Looking forward to the next up date. All the best.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing writing and excellent story so war.
    so far in top 10 "games" (from 1500+ played so far).
    Models are nice but have to say again, dialog is just perfect (110%). Not lot of games have incorporated humor and roosting. keep up with good work.
    PS. almost forget to say that updates are close for this amount of scripting/graphics since i see more and more update of 3+ month
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, after skimping through the thread and seeing a few recommendations online I had high expectations, but for me this game right now is just average.
    I'd rate it as 2.5/5 but that's not an option, so I rated as 2/5 instead of 3/5 for various reasons.

    The renders are fine, the H scenes are fine, nothing extraordinary. It could be better in some scenes, but overall they are good.
    No animations yet (not sure if planned or not), but that's not a deal breaker for me, I mostly enjoy these games for the story and the relationship with the LIs.

    After playing this game I think that I'm probably not the target audience as I was expecting a somewhat normal harem game (as I saw harem was planned according to the dev notes) with some lesbian on the side but this game is not it (at least for me).
    The main reason for a low score is the LIs and how they act, which is the most important part of the game besides the story.
    I've really disliked Parker, disliked Riley and slightly disliked Evelyn, but honestly I can't say that there is a single LI who I absolutely liked and there is nothing to dislike about their character which is a first one for me. Moonsong is the most likable for me, but her slutty personality is a turn off for me.
    I'm just not a fan of LIs 'bragging' about their past (or present...), also not a fan of LIs lusting after other LIs without any build-up. I have no problem with lesbian content or 'fake harems', but it's too much and too soon, even if you turn off lesbian or play in safe mode this is still present, not to mention every LI seems to be bi, or at least bi-curious and find everyone hot as hell.
    Running into games where everyone is bi is really boring at this point and feels like a cheap plot device for a harem game. (yeah you can turn it off, but it mostly applies to H scenes, not dialogues where LIs lusting after other LIs)

    The story right now isn't much, granted the game is only 3 chapters in, so it really can't be judged right now, although certain parts and the direction can be.
    I don't like wimp MCs and this game sadly has one, maybe he'll get his shit together later on. Sure he is without power in a world where most people have power(s) and got bullied because of it but still. The whole 'fangirling' over the Sisterhood got pretty annoying quite fast and it just reinforces the wimp MC vibe even more.

    Overall FOR ME it could've been a 4/4.5 game without certain LIs or if they were written differently and if MC weren't such a wimp, but it is what it is, this game is just not for me.
    I might check it again once it's completed and write a new review.

    Good luck to the dev.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    + Evelyn best girl right now, for obvious reason - she genuinely care about mc, you can see a real connection between them
    + interesting story
    + music (could be better) & renders
    + mc doesn't look like third wheel in 3some scenes
    + you can turn off lesbian content if you are not fan of it
    + great sex scenes, mc know his stuff (it's surprising) and girls don't have to tell him what to do like in some fucking tutorial. Scenes also don't have animations but im okay with that and honestly it can stay that way.

    - wimp mc, he doesn't have balls to talk back when girl insult or treat him like trash.
    - some girls are unlikeable and bitchy without reason. I don't expect everyone to like him, but they should show some respect like normal person deserve
    - even if you turn off lesbianism, girls still lusting after each other. I don't like it (n)

    Solid avn with a lot of potential. I looking forward for "multiply" power and then amazing MMF scenes or even gangbang ones.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Eh, I rarely give reviews, but despite the fact that Origin story is still a crude game, I give it a solid 5 out of 5! :devilish:

    Firstly: it has very high-quality renderings, as well as the characters of each female character are secretive and even interesting to watch how they will all reveal themselves throughout the story :unsure:

    Secondly: The superhero fantasy story itself looks really promising, such stories are very rare in porn games.

    Thirdly: Mc, the hero himself is involved among people who have superpowers, and therefore you can see some complaints and whining from him, especially like “I’m a virgin.” we need to understand his situation, he’s not a gigachad with confident narcissism... give him time, I believe that the developer will fully reveal his potential, as well as the potential of each character, for some reason I have an idea that Mc will become a real hero for a woman and for those who don’t appreciate him, they will run after him or oppose him, but the story will be hot :sneaky:

    And finally: The plot itself and the dialogues look really intriguing, apart from the sex scenes, it will be very interesting to watch the revelation of secrets and superpowers for Mc, I’ll be looking forward to following the game! ❤
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Origin Story
    version #: Ch3 v0.3
    my ratings from low(1) to high(5):
    Story - 5, great story and progression so far.
    Originality - 5, fairly unique for an AVN.
    Renders - 5, lovely characters and good scene placement. Could use more angles at times.
    Sound - 3, background music and occasional (rare) sound effects.
    Playability - no issues,
    Performance - no issues,
    Bugs - none noticed,
    Animations - none, though the still scenes are well done.
    Voice Acting - n/a,
    Grammar - 5, well told story with only a few typos noticed.
    Amount of content - 5 great for current progression.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A Seriously Good Game

    To be honest I have really enjoyed these first 3 chapters. It's true that most of the girls have some experience but it really plays into the flavor of the story. The characters with realistic life experience really helps to offset a bit of the silliness at points giving a solid story. The main character feels like a real person with the growth that is shown so far. I love that this game really shows the dichotomy of a superpowered world. It give a sense of reality how the world governments react in the face of a changed world. I won't lie, the chapters are a little short, but for a release schedule and beautifully designed characters like these, I can overlook that. All in all it is a wonderful game that can fight on the same level as the bigger games and should be rated much higher. I look forward to the future and to see where the Origin Story takes me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    • The renders are fantastic
    • The characters are unique and interesting
    • The girls are really hot and each have their own unique charms and flaws
    • The sex scenes are hot
    • The superpowers are varied and range from useless to overpowered. They also sometimes come with negative side effects and we get to see how the characters cope with that.
    • The story is engaging with well written dialogue, witty humor and intriguing foreshadowing
    I think previous reviews have been pretty unfair about a couple points and I would like to give another perspective on it...

    First is the MC. Some have criticized the MC as being "weak" but I disagree. The MC type in this VN is dynamic. He starts out as a horny teenager simp that probably masturbates more than a healthy amount, but he is growing and developing as a character as each chapter progresses. He also remains in good spirits and takes his adversities and shortcomings in stride so I think that's admirable. He also has a good set of friends around him, each with their own charm.

    The second thing I've seen people complain about is that many of the girls, particularly Parker, have active sex lives prior to romancing the MC. IMO, this is perfectly fine. It's the 21st century and it's perfectly reasonable for grown ass single women to be sexually active. So I don't think this VN should get negative marks for that since it's more realistic.

    It's important to note that at this stage of the story as of writing this (Ch. 3) only one girl is truly romancing the MC. Two others could be considered fuck buddies, one close friend might have a crush on him but it's difficult to see, and the rest of the girls aren't romantically involved with the MC yet. There is a chance that some may not even become LIs. The relationships are still developing so just bear that in mind.

    Also to clear something up for those who are concerned... there is no NTR in Origin Story. There is no Netorare, no cuckoldry or any other variant of NTR of any kind. The Dev for this game is very aware of those tropes and has steered clear of them. There is a Cuckquean though.

    The third thing I've seen complaints about is the lack of Animations. The Dev has opted to not use animations until he feels he is good enough with them to make high quality animations. I totally support this decision since it can be a total boner killer when an otherwise good VN has shitty stock sex animations just for the sake of having animations. The renders in this VN are fantastic and the sex scenes are hot even without the animations.

    In summary, Origin Story is a fantastic up-and-coming VN. I look forward to seeing more if it and I would highly recommend it to anyone.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Good story, i'm sorry i suck in english, but i really want to give a rate at this AVN. So, this is my opinion about :
    - The MC : Not the best, but still decent.
    - The girls : Evelyn and Ruth are my favorites. The story with Ember is good, and i really hope she'll be in control of her power. They all have a proper personality and that's a good point.
    - The story : Good, i really want to know what will happen.
    - Renders and other tech is not my domain, but for me, i really like it. If you can make some animations, that's will be better.
    -Sounds : Ok
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I play vn's mostly for the story and the characters the sex part of these is always secondary. As it is now in 0.3.1 the story even though we have not got far is not bad and has potential. The big problem though is I find it hard to care about all of the important people/Li's that are close to MC.

    Without spoiling the mother figure I find the worst and it was annoying listening to the mc worship her when as a player what she did on mc's birthday was enough to put me off for good. The sister we don't know much about but her job is the kind that's pretty public and one I would also probably avoid if and when given the chance.

    Your "childhood friend" has a power which is also a big no-no for me, she seems sweet and I would like to oblige her with mc's virginity but the fact she can and does all but sleep with half the town by choice using her power throws a big spanner in the works. I am supposed to feel guilty after not letting her be mc's first as she gets upset about it. I do not though because as she tells me herself she never got to have that first experience with mc as she already experienced sex many times with her power. Infact she states she specifically choose "vessels" that had a lot of sex and spent 2 month's experiencing sex to prepare herself for the mc's first time?? This actually made me laugh at the hypocracy I felt no guilt at all after her talk it only made my choice feel better. I wanted to like Evelyn but I would rather not deal with that kettle of fish.

    The sisterhood on the other hand who are kinda super heroes are all good, just know they have mostly been around the block and have no qualms in pointing this out. The fact they seem proud to point that out I find strange but whatever I can only judge them on what happens in the future as they have no ties to the mc previously. Moonsong would be my pick from what we know so far if she decided to be faithful to mc rather than just a fuck buddy I mostly enjoyed her character.

    Overall aslong as I can choose li's I will probably still see how this goes as the story could be interesting, the writing is not bad outside of the main li's and the English is good. I dont even care there are no animations though it would ofcourse be better with them. My below avg score is all to do with the fact the characters closest to MC range from disgusting to no thanks and they are always the most important part of a vn for me. I would rate this somewhere between 2 and 3 stars but I cant do that so it gets a 2. Without Parker, Riley and Evelyn it would be a 4.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    review for v0.3.0.

    game is mid as fuck, was expecting so much more from all the talk in the thread, this just kinda boring, maybe it will get better or smth.
    nice girl models, shit personalities all around, mostly the mc.
    decent lewds, nothing amazing, but decent enough for a quick nut.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is amazing. The story, renders, powers, world building, and characters. My personal favourite is Evelyn out of everything about the whole game.

    Giving 5 stars is only appropriate for new favourite game. Keep it up.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    The MC is kinda annoying. He goes on and on about being a virgin and just catching a glimpse of cleavage is enough for him to pop a boner. He does have one redeeming quality and it's that he doesn't whine when he gets (unfairly) called out for being a virgin, but I believe the reason for this is that it would be an unbearable experience if MC was down every time someone reminded him of how big of a loser he is. Seriously, most conversations are about the MC's virgin/loser status.

    It's seriously off-putting how much of the game revolves around putting the MC down, it also plays against the game in a sense that it makes the LIs unlikeable and the whole plot uninteresting. But it goes beyond simply pointing out how big of a loser the MC is. This girl Evelyn uses her power on MC to see his future and keeps on talking about him jerking off and at one point she mentions that he nutted on the chips he ate without realising it. All kinds of fucked up and not in a good way.

    Then, there's a scene where you can remember some memories. There's a mention of the MC getting a boner or jerking off in all of them. We get it, he's a virgin and a serial masturbator.

    Literally, MC can't catch a break. He meets his idols (the heroines) and not 10 words in, Evelyn is already telling everyone how MC jerked off to her.

    Overall, the LIs don't feel that good, either. The heroines are cool, but not much of them is seen, however, the stepfamily are both awful and well, I already spoke of his childhood friend. The stepsister bails on MC's birthday because apparently she would rather take an extra shift at the strip club and the stepmother might be a bit worse. She apparently starts flirting with the waiter during MC's birthday and then go to fuck/masturbate depending on your voyeur settings, she also starts embarrassing MC.

    From the moment he stepped foot in that restaurant, MC had the worst time ever. First, pissed off because his stepsister bailed on him, then he spent the rest of it embarrassed because of the stepmother and then again pissed off because she flirted with the waiter and right after that, the waiter obviously teases him. I guess if dev was going for NTR bait, then that was perfect. It's probably as close as you can get to NTR without any cuckcolding.

    At the very least, the childhood friend kinda had his back there when the waiter goes overboard, but even despite all of that, the mother continues to flirt with him and still fucks him/masturbastes to him. She's honestly awful.

    If you're planning to play this game, I recommend skipping the memories, it will seriously hinder your enjoyment of the game. The renders are decent and there's a sliver of a story, which can maybe blossom into something more than just a serial masturbator with an awful family. The part of the story about the "Sisterhood" is a lot better, and I could see myself enjoying this in the future if we could focus on that because I have honestly no interest in the childhood friend or his family and I would rather avoid them.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The story is a mess with characters presented in one way but later shown doing totally opposite things. So it feels like they are totally inconsistent.
    You have the loving and caring mother who fucks random waitress during her sons birthday party and brings total strangers to her house eveyday, exposing her childs for some quick sex. But yet when she appears she acts all holy and like she is mom of the year. If dev wanted her to be a whore, then at least make her act like one, her character is a mess.
    There's also the virgin girl thats not really "virgin" because she has "experienced" sex several times already... Sigh, and of course its not cheating because powers and didnt really happen and shit. Renders are ok, they are nothing special as you can see from the preview pics.
    Characters as I already mentioned some, are inconsistent and dont really likeable. Story is meh, there are decisions but some things are forced, doesnt matter what you picked, all in all that leaves us with a mediocre game so far, dont think I'll be checking the following updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Got the potential to become one of the best super hero games here. Unlike other games this one covers super hero concept throughout the game. Good renders and nice story plot. Good writing. There is free roam elements which is not grindy. Loved his best friend. There is sound effects to make game more immersive. If you like boys series you will this. Here also super heroes are controlled by a certain organization and uses super heroes for commercial purposes. Ch2 ended with a twist. Hoping this will stay here till the completion

    Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is honestly one of the best VN's I've seen so far. The characters are each unique and have distinct personalities that show through, even ones who only are on screen for a short amount of time. The quality of writing is excellent as well, both technically and stylistically. Far higher than I've come to expect from a VN, especially this early in its life-cycle. The models themselves are quite well-done as well. They are not all giant-breasted clones the way certain VN's tend to go. Excellent work.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Uller the Hunter

    There are a lot of superhero AVNs out there, but this one is easily the best I've ever played.

    The character design is excellent. It's very nearly flawless (one minor gripe being the MC's dick; it's the same asset as used in another well-known AVN, and it's just as laughably enormous here as it was in that game), and each of the characters so far has a unique look. I'm excited to see how this developer improves with the visuals as the game progresses, if this is how good they are from the start.

    I love the characters we've met. They're well-written, lots of great dialogue, and so far they feel diverse enough that no character feels extraneous.

    The writing in general is great: lots of world-building that doesn't feel overwhelming and backstory given in a mostly natural way. You learn a lot about this world and it never feels too much like an exposition dump.

    I'm excited for this one, and can't wait to see more.