VN - Ren'Py - Origin Story [v0.6.0] [JDOR]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The story is a mess with characters presented in one way but later shown doing totally opposite things. So it feels like they are totally inconsistent.
    You have the loving and caring mother who fucks random waitress during her sons birthday party and brings total strangers to her house eveyday, exposing her childs for some quick sex. But yet when she appears she acts all holy and like she is mom of the year. If dev wanted her to be a whore, then at least make her act like one, her character is a mess.
    There's also the virgin girl thats not really "virgin" because she has "experienced" sex several times already... Sigh, and of course its not cheating because powers and didnt really happen and shit. Renders are ok, they are nothing special as you can see from the preview pics.
    Characters as I already mentioned some, are inconsistent and dont really likeable. Story is meh, there are decisions but some things are forced, doesnt matter what you picked, all in all that leaves us with a mediocre game so far, dont think I'll be checking the following updates.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Got the potential to become one of the best super hero games here. Unlike other games this one covers super hero concept throughout the game. Good renders and nice story plot. Good writing. There is free roam elements which is not grindy. Loved his best friend. There is sound effects to make game more immersive. If you like boys series you will this. Here also super heroes are controlled by a certain organization and uses super heroes for commercial purposes. Ch2 ended with a twist. Hoping this will stay here till the completion

    Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is honestly one of the best VN's I've seen so far. The characters are each unique and have distinct personalities that show through, even ones who only are on screen for a short amount of time. The quality of writing is excellent as well, both technically and stylistically. Far higher than I've come to expect from a VN, especially this early in its life-cycle. The models themselves are quite well-done as well. They are not all giant-breasted clones the way certain VN's tend to go. Excellent work.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Uller the Hunter

    There are a lot of superhero AVNs out there, but this one is easily the best I've ever played.

    The character design is excellent. It's very nearly flawless (one minor gripe being the MC's dick; it's the same asset as used in another well-known AVN, and it's just as laughably enormous here as it was in that game), and each of the characters so far has a unique look. I'm excited to see how this developer improves with the visuals as the game progresses, if this is how good they are from the start.

    I love the characters we've met. They're well-written, lots of great dialogue, and so far they feel diverse enough that no character feels extraneous.

    The writing in general is great: lots of world-building that doesn't feel overwhelming and backstory given in a mostly natural way. You learn a lot about this world and it never feels too much like an exposition dump.

    I'm excited for this one, and can't wait to see more.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing the story, I Experiened some new things which are not found in any other VNs. The kink system, it is handled in a quite unique way, instead of keeping in a menu list before game start. This kink selection system feels now more immersive. Coming to Lis, it is a fantasy for all of people to fuck with Super heroes and super villains, and I have thought dev will blueball us because of the "hierarchy". But, dev thankfully didn't planned like that and we already got chance to fuck with couple of members in sisterhood. The scene is emerald is a big fantasy for maledom lovers. A super heroine being submissive to you and you can treat her like your sub/slave and she is loving everything you do. It's just wow. She even || licked MC's ass ||. That's amazing. Hope dev may give us more extreme options to dom emerald like || pissing on her, whipping etc ||

    Coming to storyline, it is a amazing setup, it's seeing "The Boys" series, but with a lot more superhero count, with all the attractions like Lis, sex that constiute a AVN. And the mystery over MC's parents, attack on him by tiger, his special powers all keeping us on edge of seat.

    Coming to visuals, the renders are great in quality and one thing I liked the most is the way you handle "after sex" Scenes. For suppose, if you cum on on her face, she will make conversation with keeping it on face. Same for Cumming on tits or ass or creampie. This feature I didn't seen in any other AVN.

    The below one is just personal opinion, the way you are showing deep throats for all the Lis is impressive. All three Lis that have sex scenes (eve, eme, moon) have deep throat scenes. And i expect same that this kink will be available for all the other characters.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    The author tried to write a good story. The premise is fantastical, but intriguing. All of the efforts are in vain though, because the game quickly turns into endless fuck scenes with little to no reasoning behind them. Or effort. This wastes the unique characters it has. Renders are inconsistent - some are average, some are very good. Expressions and poses are mostly good.

    Good Things

    • Some hot characters
    • Writing surrounding sex scenes is usually hot
    • Potential for a good story

    Bad points

    • Way too much unearned nudity and sex scenes
    • Everyone, including celebrities and relatives want to fuck our virgin MC real bad
    • Some characters, especially faces are smooth and low-detailed
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed for version 0.20
    This looks like a really good story, but it is still early on. I like the use of powers, the fairly lighthearted story, and the touch of deeper emotions that are hinted at. You get to some porn content relatively quickly, and it gives you the ability to opt out of some content you may not like.
    I liked most of the characters, and while they hit some nice tropes to add variety (the best friend girl, the strong girl who wants to be dominated, etc) they do it well, so that is not anything I would hold against them. Probably worth your time, even if it feels too short for now.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a great premise, an interesting plot and great character writing. I look forward to following its continued development. Its currently on the short side, but with the expansion of content it has the potential to become one of the best games on the site.

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    Edit: as of 0.6 Dev has addressed the majority of my complaints. Game gets better with every update. One of the best games on here. Don't listen to all the incels who can't cope with a LI who has any sexual experience prior to banging MC, that's the crux of most of the poor reviews. Updating rating to 5 stars.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    mostly great renders.

    mostly exceptional writing, with the need for a proofreader for the rare typo or strangely worded sentence. overall outstanding.

    the NTR thing... is up to the player. someone mentioned the restaurant scene. beyond her being horny, she doesn't do anything with anyone but herself unless you explicitly choose to allow it in advance. in fact, this is one of the rare titles that handles not only "kink on" scenarios, but also has fully fleshed alternative scenes for what you don't want to see. as someone anti-NTR myself, the only really uncomfortable moment in game for me was the spitroast scene with some schoolmates, which was a few seconds of oh, well, I guess she's not an LI and really wish I hadn't had to view that. not ideal, but not a showstopper for me, personally.

    the characters are nicely developed for the little of the story we've seen so far.

    the story itself is decent and has potential to become much more so, tho I personally could have dealt with a little less in exposition up front then flashbacks to catch up to the game starting point.

    still, enjoying it so far and looking forward to more.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Origin Story [v0.2.0]
    Great renders and stunning female models.
    This VN starts with an interesting story / overview then it becomes just another cliche VN with same old sex hungry step mom/landlady who flirts with waiter whatever you decide to switch voyeurism on/off and MC just watches her flirting with him and she has a sex scene with waiter or masturbates solo in toilet on your birthday based on your choices-pretty much lost my interest to continue after that but finished it in the end and a stupid annoying MC friend and horny virgin MC masturbating to all girls imagining them naked . None of the female love interest personalities were appealing / loveable which I would like to pursue .And free roam which was okay to play but there was no hint / guide like some other games , you have to roam around and hope you saw all the events before ending free roam. The writing of female characters and main character in this VN is a huge let down considering the interesting overview and story in the beginning.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a good VN. The story flows really well, and the scenes are as well.

    It's a coming into your own kind of story. Young adult facing the troubles of life the best way possible. Sex, power, and learning how to live life.

    Depth and development. Each character you meet is unique and different. Not the usual cookie cutter, cut and paste in other VNs out there. Each has their own story waiting to come out.

    Good renders make this VN hit hard. Seamless transitions, and I didn't notice lag, skipping or missing content.
    Characters mesh well with each other well. You even get the typical bully squads tossed in for more dynamic encounters.
    Writing is smooth and well thought out. It helps guide the flow of the story.
    JDOR, excellent job so far. I hope it continues with all future updates.
    I highly recommend this VN. Yes, sex scenes are slow, but worth the wait.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I had more fun with this than almost anything I've played recently. Characters have personalities, setting is interesting, renders are good and frequent, no grinding, writing is actually engaging (!!).

    You'll have to suspend your disbelief twice: once for the fantasy setting, once for a couple characters being willing to jump the MC's bones. But at least they're given characterization consistent with it, so it's miles ahead of the usual harem game.

    Amazing how much the writing matters in a visual novel, huh. 10/10. Looking forward to the next update.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely phenomenal. Amazing renders, great power fantasy story, the characters are engaging. Can't wait about what comes next.

    The only downside is the pussyfooting around incest/step-incest. It seems they're setting something up for it, but it still weird IMO.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The virginity talk is so exaggerated that it gets really boring after a while.Mc talks about virginity with almost every character he sees.

    Mc is constantly in a position to embarrass himself.
    On Mc "s birthday a waiter hits on his stepmother and Mc just watches and does nothing.
    Mc's character is very weak, he has no control over anything.

    No animation, just static images.
    Mc is forced to sleep with several women.

    The personality of some characters in the game is poorly written.
    On Mc "s birthday, his stepmother has sex with a random guy in a restroom.

    Your girlfriend is cheating on you mentally, but not physically, thanks to her superpowers.

    There is also a group of superheroes who immediately spread their legs so that you can easily steal their powers.

    They easily give their superpowers through sex to mc, a stranger they have never met before, maybe mc is a bad guy and will destroy the world.

    I mean, the story doesn't make much sense.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    My opinion about the game ( at the end of 0.2 ) with spoiler so dont read if you dont want to be spoiled ^^
    the positive :

    -Good rend and model, even though there's no animation, the sex scenes are pretty well done too.

    -not usually a big fan of freeroaming but it's well used with some interesting flashback through pictures that made mc relive some memory, didnt see that in another game and it was good.

    - if your here for sex their will be a lot since mc power is basicaly an excuse for him fucking everything that move to gain their power through sex.

    -a world that could be interesting with some developpement about how it work, why power appeared and why some dont have power and things like that, it give more deep to the universe of the game

    -Also some good background ost, nothing exceptionnal but still complement well most of the scene .

    Now the bad

    -The story: by itself isnt that bad and even try to go realy serious (especialy whit the kid who isnt in control of is his power who is brutally executed under the eyes of a helpless mc who tried to help him.

    But most of the first chapter is mc whining about beeing a virgin.
    and when you finaly get into the superpower part of the story, the girls that rescued you spread their legs far to easily to an unknown guy and let mc freely copy their power ( what could go wrong if an unknown teen copy power of the most renowed and powerfull superheroes and get free acces to all her abilities after all? ^^)

    -Character : most of them are juste unlikable

    Mc is basicaly a big stupid pervert with a giant dick who also apparently serve as his brain, even on the verge on death,the only thing he think about is that he couldn fuck his childhood friend even when she was right beside him and likely sharing his fate.
    he peep on her guardian when she guetting fucked, sniff her panties and things like that and for most of the first chapter just wihning about his virginity.

    Parker: Mc guardian and "mother figure", she also basicaly the town bycicle, guetting guys at home almost every day so that mc can hear all her moaning because she isnt quiet about it.
    She act like some mother we see in some ntr game, caring and loving at first but when she have to chose between her child and a good dicking she chose the later (like during mc birthday when she abandon mc to go fucking a waiter that was hiting with no shame on her and Evelyn), and of course mc go peeping and is aroused by this when he supposed having a huge crush on her , big ntr vibe here.

    Evelyn: the Childhood friend in love with mc without him knowing, they made a pact to loose their virginity together, she could have been a good character if it wasnt for her hypocrisy if you chose to not respecting the pact (even though she said to you it was fine).
    She still use her power (reliving people she touch day with all the sentations) during 3 months by selecting people that fuck a lot, meaning that she had already a huge bodycount even if physicaly still virgin but still get mad at you for fucking your idol who was litteraly throwing herself at you.

    Riley: Parker daughter, she seem fun even if we dont see much of her but she's there to reconfort mc and even try to give him some (shity) advice with Evelyn, but the intention is still good. Just that she's a work as a stripper so not everyone will like her.

    Sisterhood girls: Only two with a minimum of development so far, Moonsong and Emerald, Moonsong trow herself on mc dick almost instantly (she dont even let him heal from his injury) and even if Moonsong had an excuse since she couldnt know, after that she realise mc power to copy other power through sex, she pushs Emerald to fuck mc so that a random teen will have two powerfull power even though she dont know him at all . She will try to study how mc power work but it still feel careless to let him copy all their power like that to begin with before even knowing him and start training him (since she want to recruit him on their team)

    Amber: the only salvageable one, a good friend of mc and Evelyn, with a crush on mc but with some developpement about how she feel about her power and even hold back on mc for Evelyn sake. but sadly she dont appear much on the story .

    So if you like a lot of meaningless sex scene with a bunch of slutty character , endless talk about sex (if you can go through the first chapter) and that the story isnt too important for you, you probably like it but if you care about story , well develloped and lovable character then you should pass on this game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    0.2.0 Review

    This game has promise, but is held back by the bad models and lack of true realism.

    There's no animations, the models appear to be Sub-Gen8, a lot of the story is either getting laid or becoming a sort of half-willing science experiment, and the powers are.....weird, not entirely useful. Moonsong's ability is certainly not useful enough for her to be a part of a worldwide or even nationwide all-girls justice league. not to mention someone like that Perez girl early on can stop time--that's way beyond anything the rest of the crew can accomplish, and the government should have nuked her in the face the moment her powers were discovered.

    However, the sex scenes are fairly well done, faces are evocative and emotional, and though there seems to only be 1 or 2 "real" choices in the game so far, at least there are some.

    There's just not really enough to this yet to justify anything, and some of the basic plot holes like that Perez girl or some of the stuff around Riley and his foster mother as well as the poor model quality, will hold this game back.

    I'm gonna give it maybe 2 years, and if the dev is still working on it, then it should hold a lot more attention.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    v2, Spoilers in the text

    Hmmm, this is a 5 star with a questionmark.

    A lot of it is calling for a suspense of disbelieve, for examples the virgin going in superfuckeroverdrive, the whole metahuman thing of course, and then some. But i *was* announced as a sexy superheroes VN, so that is alright.

    I love the fact, that the women have their own sex agenda, even the submitting slut is using this (and thus MC) for her own joy. And science, of course.
    Also refreshing is the direct talk about sexual needs and wants. I can't imagine being this open with people I don't know very intimately for some time, but good for them, I guess.
    The choose-your-kink system seems ok and working, I do play those with all kinks on. Not because they are necessarily mine, but because I don't identify with pixels.

    I'm not so sure about the story and the whole construction of the world. I choose to buy it, but it is not solid. And of course it is to good to be true, as we're hinted at the ending of v2.

    The girls are nice, some very sexy. Over all i have no issues with the production. There where some moments where I was unsure if the game had hung itself, but it seems the "animated" sequences just take to long for my nervous clickfinger to start.

    I can't say anything about sound or music, my audio was off.

    5 stars for a story I found interesting to follow, sexy and sometimes witty girls and a MC that is not a total dickhead and solid graphics and presentation. Also, the update came not too late and was reasonably big.

    A questionmark because I can't really decide if the story will hold up in coming episodes, could go both ways.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Where this tale excells where others in a sort of familiar theme have fallen short is character and good writing..
    The characters so far have been well written, have a decent character back story and are not there to just provide sexual scene fulfillment..
    The lack of animation is actually a good thing this time round as rather than adding sub standard scenes that diminish the quality of the product extra care has been taken to include better and sometimes well angled and staged renders instead.. something i wish more AVN creators would do if they dont have the talent or ability to create scenes correctly..
    The MC still has some growing to do as sometimes he seems a little to big for his boots given the setting he is in and pardon the pun but a lil 'cock sure' of himself amongst such high profile superheroines.. Id like to see that part mellowed down a little to keep him likable and grounded going into what should be a really good story or even do a split path of ego vs hero paths if players want that divergence of character arcs
    Good luck to the dev and i really hope this continues at a consistent rate as we have seen so far and keep an eye on that story as well as weaving in the lewd stuff to support it
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, lots of hidden storyline/history gems throughout, great graphics, and it really draws you in. I'm very excited for the next installment and learning more about the MC, his family, friends, and that one bitch that can stop time.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense

    The Pros:

    - The render quality.
    - NTR/Voyeur switch.

    The Cons:

    - The writing
    - The dialogue

    This is one of those games where it looks badass until you play it. When I read the description about mutants and " The Superflu" I'm thinking I'm in for a treat but I was disappointed. The looks only will probably carry it this series but I tapped about due to the writing and characters. Majority of the conversation throughout this first release was sex and/or other people getting laid. It's as if someone's just discovered sex the way it was written.

    The MC, a virgin (shocker there) spent most of the release either fantasizing about losing his virginity or openly speaking about it. And when he's not talking about sex practically everyone from his friends to his housemates are screaming how sexually liberated they are compared to the MC. Lmao, only 10% of the opening release was about mutants or the flu. I guess the prize is the MC getting laid, what's even more cliché is he has multiple suitors.

    It just wasn't serious at all, we get introduced to the landlady or guardian and the MC states that she has this important job but none of that's mentioned much instead we see her act and behave like a teenager. There's a scene when a meta is killed and you think it's going to be a serious moment in the game but that of course doesn't last because the focus shifts back to whether or not the MC catches a boner from seeing his housemates in bikinis. Fake deep moment for nothing. Just unserious.

    So other than the sexually liberated guardian and token stripper we have the virgin pact with Evelyn, invisible friend in Amber that likes the MC and the token weirdo male sidekick that unlocks the MC's inner voyeur. The dialogue had slang but it wasn't as cringe as I thought it would be. And the game ended on them finally focusing back on metahumans.

    Maybe the next update focuses more, I can't say for certain. I'll put this one on ice for later.