But in these examples they were weak before gaining powers...not after they get them.I usually don't like it when different avn has weak Mc and a whiner who never grew in progress throughout the story. but in this game such Mc makes sense, the fact is that in every superhero movie the main characters started from low and rose up, remember every superhero?
for example, Spider-Man, who was a nerd, Batman, who seemed to be a private person with a rich soul and began to find value in superpowers, God can list them and list them, quite a lot of people went through weaknesses. So it's worth giving time to Mc, he grew up among all the superheroes where they were partially envious and of course this is new to him and he has to get used to it
Spiderman instantly starts saving peoples lives and grows a shit ton of confidence almost overnight and Batman becomes a literal billionaire getting over his weakness before starts becoming a hero.