VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Our Fate - A new family [v0.15 SE] [CedSense]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, I was really sorry to see this end. I've never left a review before but I really loved to VN. I usually skip most of the text but I was really invested in this game and read every line. Animations are outdated but it did not detract from the story at all. I hope someone picks this up and finishes it
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    When I reached the end of this game, with MC and his girl arriving at a sunny beach ready for a new adventure, I felt as if though I just lost my horse in the Swamp of Sadness.

    Warning, do not play this game, do not download it out of curiosity. Do not experience the strong writing and complex characters. It will make the pain of reaching the end that much worse.

    There are some minor issues. Sometimes when you go to save the music will become choppy, and sometimes the animations are a bit abrupt when they start and end. But you have to keep in mind the game's age.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I must contemplate Our Fate on the tree of woe.
  3. 4.00 star(s)



    This game getting abandoned is a tragedy.

    The narrative really carried this VN. The story was surprisingly grounded and believable. There's 2 plot components mainly the main story and the respective character stories that are tied into the main plot seamlessly.

    Characters were well crafted and relatable. It also has one of the better corruption/domination routes out there, i would say it has balance, not too mild and not too extreme that its unrealistic. The love/romantic route is my go to and theres a lot of emotions involved which further solidifies the realism. Dialog feels natural and dev invested a lot in the interactions between characters and also them with the MC. It doesn't feel like you're reading a book but rather living the game itself.

    Models, renders and animations are actually quite good for its time. It can't compare to the present of course but even now, it has not lost its beauty. I'd say it feels like a timeless classic.

    Really hope dev picks up this game in the future or do a re-make with updated gfx and engine.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    most realistic writing

    one of the almost non-existant games where the MC is a genuine strong lead. especially in the dark domination route. maybe the only dev on here who's most likely a chad IRL. and the daughter was the first endearing LI since I can remember. even visually. the game is from '17 and the daughters face looks so much more real than most DAZ models even now.

    people here feel like real persons, which makes everything much more impactful. top rated games on this site dont even compare, except for the one playing in a brothel. even just pressuring the daughter into french kissing is so much hotter than the real depraved scenes in other games.

    the one game least deserving to get abandoned. best MC of all games I played. there is 15 updates worth of content

    thanks dev, enjoyed it a lot
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    One of my first AVN games played on this website, rather average by every aspect, and pales in comparison to better visual novels in the same genre.

    Pros :
    - Character development
    - Decent graphics

    Cons :
    - Vanilla story which drags out
    - Average scenes
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This was my earliest exposure to erotic visual novels and had a very strong influence on me, I was so enamored with the daughter in the story, she was so innocent, pure and sweet, I was waiting for an update when I finished playing episode 15, not realizing it had been abandoned

    It's been over three years and after playing countless porn games since 2019, Our Destiny This game still comes to mind often, it's very important in my heart and although I know it's been abandoned and we'll probably never wait for a follow up, I really hope the developers will come back to continue updating this wonderful piece of work

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously, someone should pick up this gem and continue it. The girl, I just love her. Naive, busty to perfection, classic old fashion kind of beauty like Kim from Vertigo of Hitchcock. Wish there were more scenes with the "daughter", wish it wasnt abandoned. We need more girls like her in games. Slow corruption game,beautifully crafted but ends too soon unfortunately.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is generally okay, but you are too often forced to make stupid choices. For example, you can literally catch a man beating on Claire (or whatever you named her at the start) while trying to rape her, and while you are able to hit the guy, you are forced to not only not press charges, but essentially cover up his crimes and attempted crime, and no real reason is given other than not wanting the inconvenience.

    I'm not giving this one-star simply because you don't always have to do things like cover up sexual assaults of your loved ones, but events like that really do clash with the rest of the story for no good reason. It could be because I'm not going with the pure corruption route, but the rest of the story is generally pretty realistic, but kind of dull, for quite a while.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    a fairly interesting tale. a fair amount of MC character development and it took awhile but some of the side-characters get their own paths as well.
    scenes were average. most memorable was the story of them learning to drive :D
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Reasonably good renders and characters. Nothing super exceptional in this entry but definitely worth a run through. I think more and different paths would have been quite interesting, so a shame this got abandoned.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.15 SE...

    I really liked this game and am sad to see it abandoned. The characters were believable, the MC wasn't a tool, and the story was nice. However there are a few caveats that kept me from giving the game a full 5 stars...

    There are numerous spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. This appears to be the result of the dev not being as good at writing as he probably wants to be.

    The pacing feels a bit rushed at times. There are things you would like to experience which happen off screen.

    At one point fairly early in the game you are given the option to give the daughter a nickname. I did, and came to regret it later. It's common for the MC to use the nickname several times in a single scene. He even uses it in his internal monologues. The dev really should have dialed that back a bit.

    Unfortunately the game ends in the middle of a scene.

    All things considered I would recommend this game. It's a nice story with good character models. As I said it's sad it appears to be abandoned. I would have liked to have seen how everything played out.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game with lovely models, a compelling plotline, quality character interactions with characters that feel like actual humans and that most important and rarest thing of all in erotic games: great writing.

    It's an incredibly slow burn, but if you can bear with that, you'll be rewarded with one of the finest incest games you'll likely to find. If I had one complaint about the game, it's that it doesn't linger long enough on the positive, feeling like it goes from intrigue to intrigue and drama to drama. This thought occurred to me when the daughter and her friend have a massive fight oer how good daughter's life suddenly is while her best friend and the girl who protected and took care of her is still stuck in the same dead-end place. When the MC extends the offer to daughter to tell her friend she can move in too, I was really looking forward to seeing the scene where daughter lets her know, because the fight was so well put together and had such great, authentic feeling dialogue and human emotion and I was excited to see that great feeling of happiness and love captured in the same way. Sadly, it happened offscreen! That, more than anything else, is something that does bother me about the game, but not enough to knock off a star. I'd like for love and friendship to be mined just as much as conflict and drama, because as I said before, the developer is an outstanding writer and could really do it all justice.

    Really though, the characters are terrific. Daughter in particular has an almost angelic halo, an innocence to her, but it feels real and true, not contrived to make you feel a certain way. She is such a sweet girl, and the prospect of rescuing her and developing a relationship with a character like this is more than enough to animate a game. Not to mention she has perhaps the most beautiful model I've seen in any game from the point of view of traditional feminine aesthetics, one which her personality matches perfectly.

    tl;dr If you ever wanted to roleplay Daddy Warbucks, this is the game for you. I expect the evil paths are of similarly fine quality, but I've never bothered with them as that's not my scene.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This was one of the first visual novels I've played that at the end of the build I was first on, groaned in frustration because I had to wait on the next release. Good story, even if a bit cliche there are enough 'not normie' situations to spice it up.
    Fantastic renders, I mean..waifu level hawtness.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 446419

    v0.15 SE
    Dad-Daughter is one of my favorite themes. The story is very well executed. The writing and character development are done correctly and logically. The story is paced so perfectly that it feels very natural. Unlike most adult games where the MC usually confesses perverted and incestuous desires on the first day and everybody is seduced and fucked by using cliched game mechanics. We can feel the conflict in the thoughts and the feelings of our characters.
    It is kind of a slow seduction game where both characters are unsure how to proceed. With that being said there isn't one point where the game drags out. Instead, I was completely engrossed in the story from start till the end.
    It is a VN (i.e the best kind of adult game) so we don't see any bullshit minigames or relationship points farming to extend the length of the game. This also increases the replayability of the game since we don't have to dedicate 10 hours for every playthrough to the point farming. I have myself played it multiple times without walkthrough to achieve different endings (not literal ending since the game is still in development).
    Overall, I had a lot of fun playing this game and I wish the developer best of luck for this game and any future endeavors.

  15. 5.00 star(s)


    a true gem! I am still mesmerized: captivating plot(s), great build up, believable characters and great renders and animations. Plus sounds! :love:
    I really enjoyed slowly corrupting the main girl, and I am so looking forward how this story continues. You will not be disappointed, there is a ton of game to play already..
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    goonies never say die

    A summary... this game is a good, decent game that is worth a play. Anyone looking for a game flooded with a great story, this is the game for you!
    The Pros:::: good graphics, very few grammatical errors, and the game features a great feeling of reality. The game is very lengthy in game play.​
    The Cons::: the game's updates are very awfully planned out. There're spurts of time when updates occur constantly to times when it can be a month without anything new. Kinda nit picky, but it is a problem with the game.​
    4.5/5 Stars​
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a bit of everything slice of life family related or not family related if you are not into the incest content

    I love the character models and the story is really good too i can't wait to finish it
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is average. Average storytelling, average renders, average animations.
    I may be spoiled by now, but there are games out there with actual captivating stories with mystery and intrigue. With real characters with complex motives and desires where you can't wait to see what happens next. I did not feel that here.

    The sprinkled in sex scenes feel a bit too easy. Women are just throwing themselves at MC like sex crazed maniacs. That would have been nice if this game was fap-centric and had great animations. But sadly, that is not the case. These scenes just feel like bad attempts at creating fap material.

    The sex scenes are pretty vanilla. MC can be a bit dominant at times, but beyond dialogue he isn't really the adventurous type. Cum scenes are nonexistent, if you choose the "cum inside" option the sex just stops there and then the story continues onward. I wouldn't have minded seeing the aftermath, but this artist does not like to show cum apparently. An after scene with the girl panting and oozing cum down her leg could have been hot. So many missed opportunities.

    The animations show the characters against a black screen. This breaks immersion a bit, I feel.

    The main story felt like way too much of a slow burn. The Main Girl is clearly attracted to MC so why is nothing happening? Even though I went the "dark" route my MC is too much of a pussy to make a first move. I can't reconcile how dominant he can be when random sluts show up along the way with how much of a pussy he is towards our Main Girl.

    Story wise, I feel like the lack of an overarching goal other than to get into Main Girls pants feels a bit weak. It would be nice if he had some other goal or motivation too. A girl shouldn't be the main motivation for action - getting her happens along the way towards some bigger, better goal. Like revenge, redemption or power. A good story also has obstacles to overcome, but in this game the MC is just cruising on easy mode, getting everything he wants without adversity.

    The first part up until the motel had me drawn in, but it kinda fizzled out from there. In the end boredom won and I quit playing. I felt like I had to force myself to play out the rest, in case there was some serious sexy magic happening at the end, and to make sure I didn't review it having missed the best bits, but no. It was all just a time sink.

    As a summary, I guess this game gets the job done when you have run out of other actual good titles to play and just want to pass time. But I find it hard to recommend this game to anyone unless you are really really bored and have already played all the better games.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    So, I've held off a long time on this review, perhaps partly hoping there'd be some mistake made so that my review would sound more balanced. Sadly Cedsense and team gave me no such easy options.

    This is one of the easiest 5 star reviews I've ever given, and it reflects the 'whole package' of the game - but the central thing about this game/VN that sets it apart is the story and writing. Don't misunderstand me, there's nothing 'wrong' with the artwork, but it is there to enhance the story, not lead it.

    The characters stand out immediately - especially the MC. Where most games will give you a blank slate of a protagonist, stripped of all personality and character, so that you can self-insert, this game doesn't go for such easy and lazy methods. Here you get an actual character with a life to play.

    Cedsense has also rejected the stereotypical sidekick buddy for comic relief. Instead you get the services of Ray, who's an ex-cop with a dirty reputation to live down to, and who does so admirably. I know I really shouldn't like Ray much, and yet somehow, I kind of do. He's a crooked thug ... but he's my crooked thug.

    The story branches early, with a choice over whether the MC is generally a nice guy or generally a domineering one, and again over whether the MC is pursuing a relationship with Claire, the girl who comes into his care, or not. These 4 paths are quite distinct and give a significantly different experience.

    The writing itself is charming, expressive, and enjoyable. But for me what truly sets this game apart is the level of attention paid to character. Each character is not just different from all the others, but more importantly, believable and relatable.

    Of course, at this point of review, we haven't truly gotten to know the villains of the story - their motivations and characters are still something of a mystery. It may yet be that those villains won't be quite as believable, not making choices we could see a real person making... But based on the attention to the main characters, I'm willing to suspend disbelief and see what Ced delivers.

    Overall, this is a character-led, story-driven VN with very distinct paths that deliver very different experiences. If you like to read, to think, and a good story, then I think you will adore this game as I do. But if you regard text as merely the delay between sex scenes, this isn't going to be your game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1490985

    The girls are hot, the story is emotional, and the progression is great. This game almost made me cry on several occasions, it's rare that I find such an attention grabbing game, it's a diamond in the rough, needs some refining, but it's still worthy of a five star rating. I await the next update with bated breath. I can't wait to see what happens next!