VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Our Fate - A new family [v0.15 SE] [CedSense]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, props to the writer. It's rare to see a well written adult game like this. All we see nowadays is the same cookie cutter bullshit with nothing to catch your attention, but this game is different, and its main feature is how good the storytelling is.

    This is a review based on [v0.12AE] and I only played the love path, not the corruption one.

    + 10/10 writing
    + Sexy characters
    + Every character has a different personality
    + Good renders
    + Is animated
    + Awesome amount of choices
    + Two different and opposite paths
    + Avoidable characters
    + Straight to the point, no unnecessary dialogues
    + Likable characters with believable traits and struggles
    + Actual romance
    + Not every girl is horny by default
    + Not every male in the world wants to fuck your girl like on almost every other adult game ever created

    Honestly, none. Not in this version, at least.

    As I said before, the writing is great, but one of the best compliments I can give is that this game doesn't have what I call "lazy storytelling". In other games we always have the same clichés over and over again:

    A sweet girl has a slutty friend that drags her into uncomfortable situations. Every male in the world wants to fuck her, so she starts to see how sexy she is and decides to seduce the horny MC. At this point you have two paths: If the game has NTR, the sweet girl will get drunk because of her slutty friend and let another guy fuck her. If the game doesn't have NTR, the sweet girl will get drunk because of her slutty friend and seduce the horny MC.

    Tell me how many games you've played with this same story line. That's where this game shines. It's not the same bullshit. The fact that basic human interaction is still a mystery to adult game developers really makes my dick soft. And no, I'm not saying every adult game should be a boring wall of text, I'm talking about the concept. Why is the same concept used so many times? It's like if you played one game you basically played all the other games but with different character models. You might as well get a CG Rip instead of reading, because after all, you already know the story.

    But in the end, I need to thank those games with lazy storytelling. If it wasn't for them, maybe I wouldn't have enjoyed this one so much.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.12AE:

    I have seen this game pop-up from time to time for me over its year long development and have always just postponed wanting to try it out, and it seems like I choose the right time to finally plunge into it. I have been on a kind of corruption/domination train for a little while, trying out whatever game had those tags, and this game is up in the top 5 for me when it comes to that aspect. Might be a little story heavy and things take sometime to get moving, but because of that so have the dev managed to make a very competent story that is so far moving along quite well. You have a few choices or main routes for where you want to go with her. Love/Corruption/Domination and it prompts you a few times along the story asking what you really want etc which is a nice feature. The CGI/Models are also great, I cant seem to remember having seen them anywhere else, dev have gone for a more realistic looking rooster of models which I know many like. Got a nice spread of sex scenes with various side characters which you also can play nice or rough with. If I have to point out one negative so has it got to be the music/background sounds, like female moaning, crash sounds etc. It just sounds generic and some effects sounds like they have been taken from RPGM, but for me personally that ain't a problem since I normally have the sound muted or just very low.

    All in all, I recommend this game, I have only played the domination/corruption route so I cant say anything about how the love route stands up when it comes to content or if there are any massive differences to how things play out.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    9/10. Slow progress where I spent 1.5 hours of attentive gaming. Which led to skipping. It started to bore me. True, it's already exaggerated. It's a novel and perfectly crafted. So if you're passionate readers, I recommend the game.
    But boring has overwhelmed curiosity, so it is a successful work.
    The game harshly lacks excitement because you are more focused on the story than the enjoyment of the game. There are some attempts at corruption but only in the form of a text. This is a very weak part. The game has its magic and my admiration that the developer is so patient.
    It easily leads you. It will draw you.
    Good work, but nothing should be exaggerated.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I did originally play this game on the 'usual' "be good and choose the 'right' option every time to maximise points". Then life happened and I lost all my Ren'py saves.

    To mix things up, when I replayed, I took what the game gave me, and I was Cold every time. Damn!

    This really improved the game. In contrast to Usual VNs that punish you for 'being bad, dominant, dismissive or harsh', this game ran with it and offered a completely-different-yet-the-same game for people like me that wanted a darker, grittier game.

    Honestly, you should try it! Be cold. Embrace the dark-side! We have cookies!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A heart-warming, slow-burning, romantic visual novel about a father finding his long-lost daughter. The daughter's in a terrible position in life and through love and compassion, the father picks her up and watches her grow mentally and emotionally. It's one cute, heart-warming moment after another and I think the first major obstacle in the father-daughter relationship was just approached at the end of 0.12. I'm very curious how the two will overcome it.

    I suggest going into this for the story and not the porn, otherwise you will be sorely disappointed.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Another amazing game by a talented developer with a surprisingly new and refreshing take on the incest genre. Incest games, lets be honest, if you played one youve most likely played the all. They all play out the same with the same boring characters and with the same boring relatives. Very rarely do you an incest game that takes them time to develop the relationship between the relatives and do it well. Going into a bit more would be spoilers so ill just say this, game this game a chance. A decent story with great characters and beautiful renders and thankfully alot of content.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Game version: [v0.15 SE]

    Very disappointed about Susan being so unceremoniously written out of the game, I liked her more than the daughter and was hoping she would stay involved. Her suddenly having some kind of meltdown even if you are nice to her throughout the game and suddenly breaking up with you (or the MC dumping her because she shouldn't "suffer more" in the White Knight route) didn't feel believable at all. It comes off as blatant "well, there'll be sex scenes with the daughter soon, so we don't need her for filler anymore." Lame.

    The writing of the phone call with Susan and the subsequent confrontation in the kitchen is completely inconsistent with the story up to that point. Susan is pissed at the MC for not being able to go to dinner with her and portrays it like this is a common occurrence ("Wait... don't tell me what is it this time... You're too busy with work or...") when in fact this is the first time the MC doesn't have time for her in the entire game.

    It's actually Susan who is consistently turning the MC down when he asks her to go to dinner/to the vacation thing because she has to work or see her aunt or whatever she says to be conveniently absent so you can spend alone time with your blonde waifu. I'm not saying women can't be irrational but this just feels like bad writing.

    White Knight path: When she comes to the house she is suddenly super into the MC again ("You have always been so tender, caring... From the start.. I really felt blessed and together...") and wants the relationship to continue. Weird mood swing, but okay, that happens. The real problem here is the MC's reaction. After the player was given the option to express that they are genuinely in love with Susan at multiple points in the game, suddenly "It's so complicated..."

    "she still wants to try. But... I just can't.."
    "I can't make Susan suffer more... I need to do the right thing here..."
    "I wish I had it in me... To fight for us but... Things have changed and..."

    Unless the MC's feelings literally changed in like the last five minutes, this completely invalidates choices the player has made and feelings the MC has expressed throughout the game. Also this apparent change of heart is not communicated to the player via inner dialogue or anything right up until this moment.

    Sociopath path: While the White Knight version is bad, this is just embarrassing. Susan breaks up with the MC, offering nothing but this gem of a line: "I was very fortunate to meet you MC... I just wished... It doesn't matter now... Let's just... Not be together ok!" The MC mechanically agrees because "Susan can't be part of my future, it's never going to work..." Okay then.

    I'm really baffled by the lack of quality in the writing of these scenes. The rest of the game isn't even remotely like this. It's incredibly lazy or rushed and it makes no sense. If you really wanted to write Susan out of the game you should have come up with a more plausible scenario to make it happen and put some effort into writing believable dialogue. Also why give the player choices throughout the game like "Do you love Susan? Yes/No" when it makes absolutely no difference because she leaves you/you dump her either way?

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  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, I've followed the corruption and it was satisfying. I'm eagerly waiting for the next updates!

    The pacing is very well done, it does not go too slow or too fast. And the different dialogue choices really help you feel like you control the personnality of the protagonist. Cheers!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, overall enough content to play for 2 or more hours, also depends if you follow the story or not and read every line.

    Some animations like the sex scenes are not high details, but that's not a big issue, this game could have a lot of potentials, also this could be a competition for other games like Melody, DMD, and DFD

    Keep it going and thanks for this game :D
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    My tl;dr review (v0.11) is it's a great visual novel that doesn't try to do anything super gimmicky and strange with the genre, but rather pack quality and small innovations in the places that matter.

    + Zero grinding. It's a visual novel and the story just keeps trucking along.
    + Constant stream of mini choices. Lots of VNs give you a major choice once a blue moon for a major plot branch point. This one constantly feeds you little ones which keeps you engaged, and connected to the protagonist.
    + Choose your character (kinda) and plot. You get to choose the direction you take with the main girl. The good (father or lover) or evil (domination or corruption). That's four but early on you lock yourself into either good or evil and then you choose to 2 sub routes/attitudes from that from then on.
    + Choose your sexual style. It's very refreshing to be able to be able decide to take lovers in a loving or dominating style. It's just a text thing, and it's not for 100% of the sex scenes, but still a plus. Again, makes you feel like you're in control of the MC and not just watching an idiot on train tracks. I almost wanted to say its a bad thing you can't do it for all scenes, but having the choice at all is such a rare thing for VNs I can't even knock it.

    + Believable characters. I like how you can get a sense of their personality and motivations without a character explicitly stating it.
    + Good pacing. After meeting the main girl, and setting your goal with her, the plot heads in that direction at a good pace. Doesn't feel like long stretches of padding where no progress is made, and even what you could consider the side plots and characters circle back to this overreaching plot. Example being a reporter who's your fan you can bang, ends up uncovering a plot that seems like you can use or avoid in relation to the main girl (0.11 ends at this point so not 100% sure). I really appreciate the balance of a tight plot in a game with choices.

    + Decent models. Not amazing but above average. An interesting note I want to add here is the MC is an older guy, so his girlfriend is believably older too. Kind of a rare thing for VNs. Usually everybody, especially the girls, look the exact same age. In this game the younger girls are more tempting which feeds nicely into the story.
    + Great direction. This characters in this game easily avoid uncanny valley because of the way they're posed in most scenes. Too many games have the characters posed (especially in relation to each other) in completely straight, rigid stances. Even the just something as simple as the MC sitting in his chair. It's not a straight 90 degree back, he hunches and slumps in a more believable way.

    + Music exists. Better than silent.
    + Sex scenes audio. It's there. Can't comment much on the quality. Definitely better than none.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game ,Obviously every ones main Dish is Ellie in my case But the build up is great ,Plenty of side dishes on the way to your goal and the way he has weaved back story into the game is excellent .Subtle little things like the questions about his and mom's relationship.A little dig in to his and Susan's relationship, And more moments like that . It is little moments like that that have been well thought out and drip fed into the game that make it for me personally worth investing my time into this game .Some times it's not all about getting your rocks off its about getting immersed in the story (And as the old saying goes good things come to those that wait )
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    its a quite nice game with a captivating story and quite interesting in all their possible routes. The slow pace is appreciated thoug could be sometimes too slow but the game overall is really unique among the rest and every release leave u looking forward for more.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played v0.9SE for the first time.
    Blown away by the writing. The models are realistic yet sexy. definitely not the same old ones poached from some HS character upload page. Went full blown Dom route and really enjoyed it. Nice to see a dev that gets complex mature human interaction. Will have to try Corrupt route next. Really love that idiocies/distractions like economy are missing. Only critique is that despite only trying the one route and playing hours non-stop, it ended too quickly for me. Haven't been this enthused about a project since Depraved Awakenings. Great job CedSense!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this erotic novel very much! I don't care the father will have sex with any woman or not except the girlfriend. I only hope every woman the male protagonist cares about in this game has the happy ending.

    Yeah... I know this game should be a porn game. But the story is so beautiful that I don't care the male protagonist have sex or not. The only thing will broke my heart is seeing any woman the protagonist cares about have to suffer any thing like cheated or hurt by the protagonist or the other men.

    PS: God damn it! Susan! I won't have sex with you in my daughter's room! Even she is not my biological daughter!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all pardon the Huge wall of text to follow & if you like in depth reviews continue on, if not I'll try to remember a TL;DR @ the bottom. Also this may be written thru rose tinted glasses as I've always been a bit of a romantic @ heart.

    Oh where to start? First of all My personal view about any game containing adult content is as follows: you're either looking to find a game that is quick to the said content for obvious reasons, or you more interested in the story/characters or that 'did it hook me' factor. That being said this game is most likely not for someone looking for instant gratification..But wait, Don't let that stop you from passing up this... I'd call it a diamond in the rough but that doesn't do it justice by half.

    The MC of this story isn't the typical horny teenage sex god, with mystical Fam seducing black magic, refreshing already. The daughter is innocent and naive (always a turn on) But not a F**k me doll-eyed idiot Wow again, refreshing...what is this an adult game or an Irish Spring commercial? I Could go on about each character but I don't think I can make a review that long. Needless to say Every character (main or sub) had a believable backstory, convincing dialogue & enough substance to be interesting throughout the story, I Felt something for each character be it bad or good.

    I started the game having a general 'pathing' planned out but like Every other choice I had to sit & consider the implications & ended up save scumming ( I usually don't do that on 1st playthru's, as an older gamer like cheats in a normal game it takes away the thrill of the unknown & reduces re-playability) The pacing is realistic if that can be said about any virtual game & is another reason I Love this one, MC wasn't having incestual ( <--- is that even a word?) thoughts like 18 minutes after meeting estranged fam AND even feels like he's Truly troubled by the situation not like 'let me think about humping em' & 11 seconds later & are totally cool with it....yes again with the refreshing!!

    Unless I forget something major I'll close with this:
    I call you out CedSense, either there's no way this is your 1st game Or maybe you're a professional Romance novelist? xD Kidding but Amazing job, I never thought my favorite game thus far would be threatened, I'm sorry Mary you may be getting bumped down the totem pole of hotness!

    Alternate facts:
    -the pacing is realistic, some would call it slow, ie: not an instant gratification type of game
    -the character's morals are some of if not the most realistic I've seen yet if you adhere to the idea that the average person is a decent human

    Pros (maybe):
    -I Think this has the best writing in any adult game ever (again might not be for those who don't enjoy the 'slow burn')
    -the game mixes the frequency & content of the spicy scenes in very organic way
    -Pretty dang good CGI, not sure if it's The Best but it's Top notch no doubt

    - it was over before I knew it & I realized I just spent like 4-7 hours on it non stop minus pee breaks, always a sign of a great piece of work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A game with high potential, beautiful rendering and good characters. The story is interesting, as someone who primarily has mom-son fetish it's nice to play a game about dad-daughter fetish for once.

    And I really like the music as well.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very realistic in terms of relationship dynamics so far. The amount of Sexual content is not bad, and is worked into the game without it being felt forced or out of place. All the sexual encounters in the game so far felt realistic and plausible.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev V0.9SE]
    Art is good and characters mostly clear the uncanny valley. Even manages to mostly avoid the bikini strings mysteriously following body contours and that sort of minor visual glitch; a lot of effort went into this.

    I enjoyed this for the story. The writing and voice are great and very immersive. Characters are believable. Abstract says you can choose to be a nice guy or a jerk but the writing made me care too much to pick anything meaner than one or two of the 'dominant' options in sex scenes and maybe a couple 'be honest' during dialog.

    There was an occasional offshoot into 'this kink isn't mine' territory, but nothing even near squicky.

    The reasons I don't just whack the 5 star and call it good pertain to me personally and so individual users' results may vary. First: unrelenting pacing. I have this issue with many of the very best of them. Plot goes from point to point to point with too little time for my alcohol-soaked middle-aged dad brain to keep up. Second: the writing is TOO evocative. I downloaded hoping for a good porn game, and my feels got in the way. The experience sneakily turned from a porn game into an adult visual novel while my headcannon was playing The Nice Guy's Nonsexual Dad-Harem Collector 2018. Daughter? Too cute, needs protec. Daughter's friend? Same story. Journalist chick? Still got room in Fort Dad. Cute socialite in failing relationship? Bring it. Heartstrings tied the boxers shut and boner was unreachable.

    TLDR: Not a stroke story. Great read with bonus nudity and sex.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is written much like an ongoing TV show..not network TV..but HBO or Netflix in good..for each action you usually only have two choices..but they thoroughly alter the game going forward with responses and actions differing..although its slow going with the daughter/not daughter..multiple playthroughs being naughty or nice you can see the effect and look forward to what will happen eventually.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    that was a good game. i am looking forward for the next releases. renders are nice, story is well-written(in my opinion)
    i just think if i've seen all the scenes, though. i'm not sure if the game has a linear story line or has different paths. as far as i've seen renders are mostly same with minor differences for your choise, just the text changes according to your choise. it would be nice if there were a gallery or achivements kind of thing