
Oct 16, 2018
In fact, I'm talking about flaws in game design.
Some people are talking about the difference between reality and games.

My main point is that the "relationship" element in the game has so far been meaningless.
As long as you make some important options right, it doesn't matter if the relationship is not improved, and the plot will still unfold.

So what's the point of enhancing relationship?
The element preset by the game developer becomes meaningless~

Watch me "play" with Cindy's plot.

1. Don't flatter her from the beginning.

2. Play pool. Let her lose twice.

3. Can't follow to "Shine". So there is no follow-up photography plot~

4. This is a Bug, you did not go to take pictures with her, this dialogue option should not be available.

5. The refusal does not affect the follow-up.


6. This option is the most important.

7. Chase her.

8. Look at the relationship at the moment.

9. The relationship is cold, but you can still fuck her.

So "enhancing relationship" doesn't make any sense~
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Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
Your perspective on Perry is interesting, and you make some very good points, but can't really agree with this; seeing as it seems like everyone in this town bump into each other some way or the other aaaand I don't think Ian would have had his last latte at the cafe... :)
It's like a town of 80 people, with fifteen of them or so in their 20's. I can see why all of the businesses are struggling when the sole patrons are Ian and his friends. I guess some characters who haven't met others up till now just happened to be walking down different streets or visiting the same places at different times of day for the past 20+ years up until recently. If they all stick around the area for the next five generations, I'd hate to see the gene-pool at the end of it all, what with the inevitable inbreeding. :unsure:


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
In fact, I'm talking about flaws in game design.
Some people are talking about the difference between reality and games.

My main point is that the "relationship" element in the game has so far been meaningless.
As long as you make some important options right, it doesn't matter if the relationship is not improved, and the plot will still unfold.

So what's the point of enhancing relationship?
The element preset by the game developer becomes meaningless~

Watch me "play" with Cindy's plot.

1. Don't flatter her from the beginning.
View attachment 1488247

2. Play pool. Let her lose twice.

3. Can't follow to "Shine". So there is no follow-up photography plot~
View attachment 1488248

4. This is a Bug, you did not go to take pictures with her, this dialogue option should not be available.
View attachment 1488250

5. The refusal does not affect the follow-up.

View attachment 1488251

6. This option is the most important.
View attachment 1488252

7. Chase her.

8. Look at the relationship at the moment.
View attachment 1488256

9. The relationship is cold, but you can still fuck her.
View attachment 1488261

So "enhancing relationship" doesn't make any sense~
This definitely seems like a design issue based on limited time and organization in setting up and dialing in all these paths. Relationships and stats affecting some choices unreasonably, but not affecting others at all which should be affected.

Devil's advocate that someone else will likely say if I don't: "That just means Cindy was in a vulnerable state and had an impulse to get with anyone showing her attention right then (at least if they were attractive enough)". I don't really buy that charitable excuse, but it is an argument with a sliver of plausibility & an element of truth reflected in the story. The more likely explanation is workload and time. Though the only one that knows if it's workload or intent there is Eva + anyone she may have shared the info with.

I think (hope) that Eva will iron out all of this when the full game is complete, if she isn't burned out by then and desperate to move onto the next project.
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Feb 13, 2018
So "enhancing relationship" doesn't make any sense~
Except you don't know that yet, the releationship could go three ways based on the current setup: 1) she fixes things with Wade 2) she dumps Wade and goes with somebody else (like Axel) or 3) she dumps Wade and stays with you. All of those things depend will depend on how hard you go for her and whether or not somebody else can snatch her from you.

You've seen some generalities so far, not the endgame.


Jan 17, 2018
In fact, I'm talking about flaws in game design.
Some people are talking about the difference between reality and games.

My main point is that the "relationship" element in the game has so far been meaningless.
As long as you make some important options right, it doesn't matter if the relationship is not improved, and the plot will still unfold.

So what's the point of enhancing relationship?
The element preset by the game developer becomes meaningless~

Watch me "play" with Cindy's plot.

1. Don't flatter her from the beginning.
View attachment 1488247

2. Play pool. Let her lose twice.

3. Can't follow to "Shine". So there is no follow-up photography plot~
View attachment 1488248

4. This is a Bug, you did not go to take pictures with her, this dialogue option should not be available.
View attachment 1488250

5. The refusal does not affect the follow-up.

View attachment 1488251

6. This option is the most important.
View attachment 1488252

7. Chase her.

8. Look at the relationship at the moment.
View attachment 1488256

9. The relationship is cold, but you can still fuck her.
View attachment 1488261

So "enhancing relationship" doesn't make any sense~
Well, if you think that the culmination of "Cindy's plot" is her sex scene then congratulation you have won the game xd You seem to misunderstand the point of a visual novel, however, which is not to get a many sex scenes as possible. As for the reason to "enhancing relationship", well, I think everyone knows that the only way you can get Alison to bark during one of the sex scene is to have her relationship maxed out. Same with getting Mike to stay with you after sex. You can also have sex with Minerva even if you hate each other but you can't ask her to treat you better unless your relationship are at a certain level, which, I'm guessing, will eventually unlock a romantic path for her and Ian. So yeah, I thnk that the whole point of "enhancing relationship" is to have something more than casual sex out of character interactions.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Watch me "play" with Cindy's plot.
So "enhancing relationship" doesn't make any sense~
You left one detail out. When Ian sees Cindy's peoplegram photo for the first time, what was your response (Comment/Like/Ignore)? I assume you chose to leave a comment and show your appreciation to Cindy in the process. It sets up Ian's level of interest in Cindy regardless of their relationship. I think it's natural that Ian with a high sexual interest in Cindy would want to dance close to her, even if he doesn't quite like her attitude. However, what doesn't make sense is that Cindy goes along with it if she didn't share any personal moments with Ian (Shine/Gallery/Shoot). So, I agree that it should have more of an impact and Ian should probably face rejection in this case. Thank you for this report.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
In fact, I'm talking about flaws in game design.
Some people are talking about the difference between reality and games.

My main point is that the "relationship" element in the game has so far been meaningless.
As long as you make some important options right, it doesn't matter if the relationship is not improved, and the plot will still unfold.

So what's the point of enhancing relationship?
The element preset by the game developer becomes meaningless~

Watch me "play" with Cindy's plot.

1. Don't flatter her from the beginning.
View attachment 1488247

2. Play pool. Let her lose twice.

3. Can't follow to "Shine". So there is no follow-up photography plot~
View attachment 1488248

4. This is a Bug, you did not go to take pictures with her, this dialogue option should not be available.
View attachment 1488250

5. The refusal does not affect the follow-up.

View attachment 1488251

6. This option is the most important.
View attachment 1488252

7. Chase her.

8. Look at the relationship at the moment.
View attachment 1488256

9. The relationship is cold, but you can still fuck her.
View attachment 1488261

So "enhancing relationship" doesn't make any sense~
It is an issue most patreon games or "gardener" type devs run into where they setup a lot of potential mechanics and routes but never end up developing them to their full extent in virtue of needing to keep working in the core elements of their game every update (making sure there are sex scenes in the update, making sure the most popular characters are showing up, etc).

Odds are that for many characters the relationship points will just ammount to superficial changes in dialogue or maybe to gate the player from reaching their endgame (i.e, even if the current early Cindy content remains available in a "mostly just pissed her off" playthrough you will likely be blocked from actually ending up with her and getting a "good ending").

It can be a bit dissapointing when you find out at the end of the day that it wasn't important at all to care about maintaining the relationship between 2 characters (i.e, if you sleep with Louise at all, Lena's relationship with her gets set to a fixed value in the latest update, making it completely irrelevant if you antagonized her before regarding Stan or Jeremy and Ivy), but I personally don't mind it too much when considering the context of the limitations the dev has to work with, and even if many of those variables still end up being irrelevant in the end, min-maxing them can still be fun in a metagame sense while the game is still being developed.


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
it's new (added by EVA herself) I think it's related to the open relationship Ian can suggest to Lena.
By definition I don't think the NTR applies there since both are giving the green light

It would be more like each one fucking behind the backs of other

But I can be wrong I'm not very expert in the genre


Aug 24, 2017
There is a scenario when NTR can happen.
Both committed to each others, without green light, just being exclusive (choosing the rings with Ian at the Park, and Lena not fooling around (just going along with Seymour and fantasizing with Axel).

Ian can cheat on Lena after forming their exclusive relationship with Cindy, and Lena can do the same with Axel (And Seymour). So yes, by definition, both MC can NTR each other...
The fun thing, is that they can cheat on each other in the same time frame, Ian leves with Cindy and Lena starts the photoshoot with Axel.

The thing that it's going to be sad now, is that this thread is going to be full with the same questions about NTR by people who won't be bother to read , asking "avoidable?", "is there ntr with X?", "how you get ntr?". And it's going to flood the discussion as it happens to every game that has the tag...

A shame...
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Apr 29, 2020
that's mean my boy Ian still in development even he's already 26, or he did some penis enlargement when we didn't know. :BootyTime:
I guess it's because a lot of fans want Ian to be the alpha male. I think it was mentioned that Ian is "very good in bed" too.
This might please a lot of fans, but in my opinion it makes the story less special because it reduces the contrast between Axel and Ian.
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