
Apr 23, 2018
Man, This is some great writing. Really hard to find games which are really well defined regarding characters. The chemistry between the characters. The flow of convos, it really makes you feel the game on another level. Even when it comes to corruption stuff , it's not outright jumping on the biggest dick. Tsk, I don't think i ever felt a game had this much amazing feel to it having so many characters. Rise of the crime lord is one such anomaly as well.
And the overwhelming fetishes here are so enticing if you're into it. Getting to bang cindy for the first time was some another level shit man.damn.
Anybody have recommendations for games like this? Games with many characters and lots of fetishes and absolutely amazing writing ofc. The art has to be atleast on this game's level tho.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 23, 2018
News on Eva's Patreon. Stan's getting body mass moved from his belly to his cock

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This is really good news to me. I've already talked about that every guy Lena meets, aside Ian, was somewhat a path to corrupt/dominate her and this was something that bugged me. I wished she have more good guys options and is great Eva will do it. I personaly thought in Wade after he been dumped by Cindy and decide be better version of himself, but obviously will be add one more path will make the game become much more complicated than already is. I hope she rip of that scenes of him jerking off to Lena's photos in his room and pepping her having sex with other. This two awful things completely ruined the character to me. Hope for a Stan with way more character build and less ambulant creep trope. I'm also happy with the re-draws of old images. The art in the lastest chapters become way more better and will be great see the same quality in the early chapters. Anyway, good things for ORS ahead and i'm excited. All hail to EvaKiss


Apr 23, 2018
News on Eva's Patreon. Stan's getting body mass moved from his belly to his cock

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I think it's best if they don't change him from the get go. He's a cool dude. It'd be really awesome if his character scenes picked up the pace from the last update forward. Let's say, lena considers him as a reliable guy and goes out with him and shit as a good friend.And then learns that he's a really good dude under all that insecurity and she starts liking him on a romantic level.
Having him as a minor character is what made him stand out because he was never really in our face all the time. That's what made him mysterious , that's what makes me persue him as lena. That's just my opinion really and i don't doubt eva kiss to pull it off amazingly. Good luck!

Dilshad Klein

Jul 24, 2018
I think it's best if they don't change him from the get go. He's a cool dude. It'd be really awesome if his character scenes picked up the pace from the last update forward. Let's say, lena considers him as a reliable guy and goes out with him and shit as a good friend.And then learns that he's a really good dude under all that insecurity and she starts liking him on a romantic level.
Having him as a minor character is what made him stand out because he was never really in our face all the time. That's what made him mysterious , that's what makes me persue him as lena. That's just my opinion really and i don't doubt eva kiss to pull it off amazingly. Good luck!
Exactly! Instead of rewriting it, stan should be stayed as such and then have him have a character development after being intimate with someone. With Lena he could fill a saviour complex trope or manic pixie dream girl trope from the Lena side, someone Lena would rescue because she took a liking or adoration to his efforts or he can also be used to portray the corruption Lena got into, so much so that she is willing to sleep with a dude like this.

He can also be used as someone Lena fell in love after seeing his hidden feelings or his subservience to him (Beauty and the Beast kind of thing). Or like someone Lena chooses to be with and settle down with after having horrible experiences from past relationships since he is a good person/Simp for her and she get to be the hot one in the relationship.

He can also be used as an enemy to lovers trope with Louise. So much potential.

By making him likeable from the start, the opportunity and drama which involves in his character development (or not) will be lost.
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Nov 15, 2020
I think it's best if they don't change him from the get go. He's a cool dude. It'd be really awesome if his character scenes picked up the pace from the last update forward. Let's say, lena considers him as a reliable guy and goes out with him and shit as a good friend.And then learns that he's a really good dude under all that insecurity and she starts liking him on a romantic level.
Having him as a minor character is what made him stand out because he was never really in our face all the time. That's what made him mysterious , that's what makes me persue him as lena. That's just my opinion really and i don't doubt eva kiss to pull it off amazingly. Good luck!
Yeah, I don't think he needs a complete overhaul. Slight adjustments to his social awkwardness (and potential creepiness), clothing style, and physical appearance. Make his room slightly less of a messy gaming/jerking off cave. And let more of his personality shine through in his current scenes with Lena. With all the Chads/alpha/macho guys (or wannabes) on Lena's side, I think he's well equiped to fit in as a contrast to the rest. A guy who still probably considers Lena to be out of his league, and who Lena at first doesn't pay much attention to, but who she gradually starts enjoying spending time with. More of a nerd turned friend turned lover trope, instead of a fat, socially inept guy creepily jerking off to girls… trope.

Basically more or less the same person, only hidden behind a few less layers of social awkwardness and ketchup-stained sweaters.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
I'm glad Stan is getting an overhaul, really felt the character was getting pigeon-holed into just being the simp stalkfap creepy cameraman, and while I think that trope could be interesting, using him didn't really fit Lena's character very well (would have been more interesting for a more evil character, like bad girl Ash from GGGB), and his role could always just be given to a minor character that can be introduced as part of the stalkfap route itself, no need to waste a character that is as present in the story as Stan.

I do hope EvaKiss doesn't go too far with the overhaul, I think Stan starting the game looking a tad bit unnattractive makes him a good foil to the groomed chad thundercocks Lena already has present in her story, and if you make Stan too attractive off the bat then Robert's character would become even more worthless lol.

Also I hope most of his social awkwardness stays, at least for the early parts of the game, his dynamics with Louise and Lena as flatmates were entertaining, I think it is just important that beneath all that he has a personality and some spine, that he manages to be a greater person when it really counts, and that some of his interactions with Lena feels less like he needs to be "spoken to" rather than "spoken with".

I honestly don't even dislike the "Stan faps to Lena's pics" plotline, I don't feel that really "ruins" his character and it provides a decent challenge to Lena's views on her artform. I think the main thing ruining his character was how the "peeping" event was being handled, but I don't even think it really needs to be removed either (specially when remembering most people have Lena do the same thing to Louise and Jeremy), just change it so that he isn't openly masturbating in the hallway while peeping and then cumming on Lena's floor (that was definitely too much).

If for whatever reason we'd want to keep the option for Stan to jerk off while peeping on Lena, then make it so the player has the option to make a Lena with high lust try to encourage him, otherwise he will just peep on her for a bit but then leave without needing Lena's chastisement. I think if that is done and they get a proper conversation about what happened in the next day that isn't done off-screen, with Stan taking the initiative to apologize and being willing to repent, then I think Stan's character can be in a good place where he isn't too creepy to ever be redeemed.


Oct 20, 2021
IMO the Stan overhaul is completely unnecessary. He was fine as he is and the entire purpose of his character was to be a trope, since the game did not have the introverted geek character yet.

What Eva could have done is slowly integrate his story in the upcoming chapters. Maybe have Lena hang out with him (you know, let Eva Kiss finally use Stan's meticulously rendered room art? Have Lena game with Stan and find out that gaming is actually quite fun?).

Then after that perhaps let Lena use her will point to convince Stan to go out for a change (like how Ian helps Perry), and even a full on date later into the game?

Basically what ppl above me have echoed, give Lena the decision to help Stan develop out of his comfort zone. If Lena can help Holly out, she can do the same for Stan. It's that simple lmao.


Sep 2, 2021
Chiming in on the general idea so far that perhaps Stan doesn't need as complete an overhaul as Eva seems to think. His core personality, especially as he starts the game, where he is shy and quiet, observant of the girls' attitudes towards him, and goes out of his way to be a good flatmate (even if he is hella awakward), is unique within the game and a good starting place for a guy who will ending up being another "good" option for Lena. Tweaks after that, sure, but more of a slow burn to the eventual relationship between Stan and Lena feels right.

The piece of Eva's message that I'm admittedly a little bummed about is the question of how much of the game will be revisited and redrawn before it's published on Steam. At this point, getting a game onto Steam is a pretty streamlined process in itself; I had a friend put a game up last year and as long as you have your financials in order, it doesn't take a lot of time. But I worry that Eva will, as the saying goes, make the perfect the enemy of the good, and endlessly second-guess the redos she wants, so that suddenly there's a huge list of scenes which "must" be revisited, when the reality is that ORS is already a top-tier VN as is.

The other question I have is one of timing. A lot of momentum in the game's community was lost in the long gap between 0.8 and 0.9. If Eva's goal is getting ORS as a game and a business to the next level, as she states, keeping the momentum going from 0.9 to 0.10 is crucial, and I question whether taking a significant amount of time to rework content right now will accomplish what Eva wants, because if there's another five - or four, even three - month gap between 0.9 and 0.10, any momentum from the 0.9 release will be lost.

It's also in my opinion the wrong time of year to be adding a game to Steam: everyone and their brother are tying to add games now for the holiday season. ORS has a much better chance of getting noticed in February or March, when releases are lighter, and everyone has finished the games they bought for the holidays and are looking for more. But if nothing advances with the game for another three or four months, the momentum from 0.9 is gone.

The last point I'll make is that IF the game is still operating under Eva's goals as stated over a year ago (it's a big if; she hasn't said much along these lines since) and there are approx. 20 chapters to the story, with 0.10 as the halfway point, and there's to be a time skip after 0.10, then from a story perspective, the redos and add to Steam makes more sense after 0.10 is released, which ideally would be in January (only a two-month gap), with redos and adding onto Steam happening in March (again only a two-month gap). Best laid plans and all that - we all understand that sometimes neat little plans aren't going to come off the way we want. But frankly, from the information Eva has given us to this point, I think my proposed timeline makes a lot more sense if Eva wants to accomplish her near-term goals.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
Great that's exactly what this game needs a Stan overhaul, his character is fine as it is that's what makes him unique but hey someone needs some excuses if the time between updates go sky high again...
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Nov 25, 2017
News on Eva's Patreon. Stan's getting body mass moved from his belly to his cock

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I guess if Eva just doesn't like Stan and wants to re-write him, that's her prerogative. I was personally neutral on the guy. It might make it easier for her to write scenes for him in the future if she's more into his character, we'll see.

Glad to see she's training someone to help do the line-work, which should speed up the art and let Eva focus on the writing and get that done.


Sep 8, 2016
Great that's exactly what this game needs a Stan overhaul, his character is fine as it is that's what makes him unique but hey someone needs some excuses if the time between updates go sky high again...
Ah, was wondering how long it would take for someone to bitch out about this. I just love how people who have no idea how a creative process works feel entitled to cast their judgment on those that actually do it for a living.

Anyway, I also liked Stan's character as it was and I think there are numerous ways he could be explored in future content, so I'm curious to see what's the direction Eva will take him on this overhaul.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Yes. The dev will change some dialogues, decisions, and sex scenes to fit Stan's updated storyline. It most definitely means starting a new playthrough for everybody. She already did it once with a revision update after Chapter 7. If she works fast, we might get it before the year's end. I expect a January release, though.

Hopefully, Stan won't get a facelift. I like his fat, confused Average Joe look. It contrasts with the rest of the pretty boys in the game. Also, I don't think he needs a complete overhaul. Just make him a bit less of a porn cliche and a creep who spies on people having sex.


Jul 22, 2018
How come Lena and Ian still make out and stuff even with a bad relationship score? I tried as many scenes as possible and ended up with a pretty low score between them to the point that I had Lena say she doesn't think a relationship would work out between them.

I still decided to go on a second date and even if it doesn't end with a kiss, it pretty much puts them together. They decide to meet again and then kiss regardless. And I'm not even given any choice anymore, they just meet and kiss. I know they're the MCs and all, but I didn't handle their interactions all that well and it feels like the game is indifferent to that.

Hope that's just down to the game not being finished


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
I really enjoy up till .8 but didn't want multiple replays. I'll wait till game is done. Out of morbid curiosity, was their any Holly content in .9? I did a full on Lena run and an attempt at a holly run (which was more of an Allison with a side of Holly run) and it seems like if you're a Holly fan, like me, you might just not want to bother. Not complaining just wondering how to spend my time?


New Member
Sep 28, 2021
How come Lena and Ian still make out and stuff even with a bad relationship score? I tried as many scenes as possible and ended up with a pretty low score between them to the point that I had Lena say she doesn't think a relationship would work out between them.

I still decided to go on a second date and even if it doesn't end with a kiss, it pretty much puts them together. They decide to meet again and then kiss regardless. And I'm not even given any choice anymore, they just meet and kiss. I know they're the MCs and all, but I didn't handle their interactions all that well and it feels like the game is indifferent to that.

Hope that's just down to the game not being finished
Try this save man. Use this Site to edit save data
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