
Sep 16, 2021
A Rant.

The thing is.. i genuinely think ian x lena is truly canon..and i liked their romance.. ( i'm did'nt cheat like AT ALL and don't like to too...) I played as good lena ( smart and charasmatic too).. who is'nt dick crazed... it feels right to me.. ( her getting cheated and all that) but i feel like the game is forcing lena to act like a SLUT which i'm not liking.. ( i only want lena x ian or lena x holly.lena x iva..) Like should lena really need to steal.? make an Only fans.? accept seymor offer... to get by...I'm saying this as a dude.. who plays vn for sex scenes and good story too.. That seymour blackmailing and cutting lena off of all the ways she could earn money by being dignified.. that boiled my blood. I wish situation for her gets better.... not choosing to be on OF and not accepting seymon's offer does smtg good).. i hope so. I'm not trying to be stan here.. but it was gut wrenching. TBH after that scene i looked at myself.. and realized i've been doinf that to female characters in the name of ntr and corruption too.. i wish i did'nt do that.. and chose to enjoy in a good way.. ( i'm not saying this just cuz i like lena as an LI even if she was random npc.. that was horrible.. i was genuinely scared man. ( and many ppl want stan and lena to get together.? fuck no).. That dude. even mentions ian might be dangerous.. when she told he was her boyfriend..( my ian was'nt a cheater at ALLLLL). he even tries to be desparate. ( Yes i did self insert in stan.until that point.. I made lena treat him like a normal human too. that sly bastard.)And god forbid why the fuxk did i chose to unlock gallery.. ( i could've enjoyed the scenes if i did'nt grew attached to lena or other characters.. but... she is a good person. and i want it to be that way.)
And I really am angry at axel ( this bastard dares to cheat w multiple women.. and still chase her.. and seymon.. fuck.. can't we do anything..i mean anything.?
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Jan 29, 2019
Is a porn videogame,the whole point is the characters having sex.
Who wants to play a game where Lena and Ian have morals all the time,that would be so boring.
I get that, you're not playing it to have a beautiful romance. I'm saying the male LIs for Lena are questionable at best. Like, Mike could easily be single. Robert is pathetic prick. Axel is Axel....


May 30, 2020
Will Stan finally get his dick wet?
I hope so... I completely agree with you, Stan not getting his DICK WET all this time is a pretty disgusting behaviour to be honest. Even more so when this is happening while hes living with 2 gorgeous women :unsure:

Good on you to remind him that he should SHOWER more often :KEK:. Man, I just love it when people here look out for the characters in a real life kind of way :geek:.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
I get that, you're not playing it to have a beautiful romance. I'm saying the male LIs for Lena are questionable at best. Like, Mike could easily be single. Robert is pathetic prick. Axel is Axel....
This has been discussed before in the thread and yeah,most people agree Ian LIs are better than Lena ones.
Probably the only "pure" love romance you can have with Lena is with Holly.


Jul 27, 2020
Not refuting Lena tending to fuck every character in the game, but you can play wholesome Lena being just friends with Ivy, Holly and Ian and ignoring the sex creeps that usually shut up if Lena says no. Even without considering thats a porn game, guys will naturally be interested in a attractive sociable woman and are encouraged to ask her out, even losers like Stan.
You can do the same thing in GGGB as well. But that game and this clearly cater to a particular path. The scenes that focus this heavily outweigh scenes that don't, and by scenes I don't just mean sex scenes.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Sexual drive is fine, Lena's LIs aren't
For "slut Lena" they are hook ups, not LIs. Lena isn't picking them so she can hold hands with them and dream of future together, but to get off, which they deliver. It's not "women :coffee::coffee::coffee:" any more than a guy hooking up with a girl and keeping at it even when he well realizes she isn't "girlfriend material" but because sex is good is "men :coffee::coffee::coffee:".

Now, if your actual point was indeed that male characters in the game are mostly lacking as LIs, then you'll probably find very little disagreement around here. But it was weird choice to tie this discussion to "slut Lena" specifically, because if anything it'd apply to Lena who is an opposite of a "slut", i.e. looking for actual relationship and not casual fucks.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
You can do the same thing in GGGB as well. But that game and this clearly cater to a particular path. The scenes that focus this heavily outweigh scenes that don't, and by scenes I don't just mean sex scenes.
The game provides (porn) options. But the existence of this content doesn't mean it's trying to make you play only in the way that lets you see all content in single playthrough. That's on the player and how they choose to approach it. If anything, the fact considerable chunks of this content is mutually exclusive hints at the opposite, possibly a preference for multiple playthroughs with less unbridled approach.
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Active Member
Aug 19, 2022
For "slut Lena" they are hook ups, not LIs. Lena isn't picking them so she can hold hands with them and dream of future together, but to get off, which they deliver. It's not "women :coffee::coffee::coffee:" any more than a guy hooking up with a girl and keeping at it even when he well realizes she isn't "girlfriend material" but because sex is good is "men :coffee::coffee::coffee:".

Now, if your actual point was indeed that male characters in the game are mostly lacking as LIs, then you'll probably find very little disagreement around here. But it was weird choice to tie this discussion to "slut Lena" specifically, because if anything it'd apply to Lena who is an opposite of a "slut", i.e. looking for actual relationship and not casual fucks.
Even as hook-up material, they are quite lacking. Blackmailing is not cool. Fuck you Robert!


Dec 19, 2022
ORS is a porn, visual. choose your own adventure, if a particular adventure does not appeal to you then don't choose it

The above does not apply to those who lack the mental acuity to not choose the paths they don't like. Those people should continue to do that and then whine incessantly about it, after all just because they are booger sucking morons doesn't mean they shouldn't get to play ORS.


Jul 27, 2020
The game provides (porn) options. But the existence of this content doesn't mean it's trying to make you play only in the way that lets you see all content in single playthrough. That's on the player and how they choose to approach it. If anything, the fact considerable chunks of this content is mutually exclusive hints at the opposite, possibly a preference for multiple playthroughs with less unbridled approach.
Never said the game forces you to play a single path, hence the terms "cater" and "focus". Those mutually exclusive scenes heavily favor a particular path. In fact, you can get most or all of those scenes in one path while you don't see most of them on the other. The most of those "exclusive" content you'll get are text changes. In the most recent update for example, the new scenes you get from Lena are her getting fucked by either Axel or Jack, giving blowjob to either Jeremy or Marcel, and lastly with Ian. On the more romantic and less slutty path, you get some satisfaction of rebuffing Axel and sex with Ian. Lena could have a more meaningful relationship other than with Ian, more scenes with Holly both romantically and platonically. Hell, she could have had other decent options than Ian. As I said before, I'm here mostly for the fetishizing, but let's not kid ourselves with what the game caters to more. Despite what the author said, ORS bears a lot of narrative similarities to GGGB.


Oct 28, 2019
View attachment 3038178

Hi guys!

I've been rather silent after the release of Chapter 11's epilogue, but I haven't been idle. I've been focusing on writing Chapter 12 and my plan is to release new content at the end of November. But before that, I wanted to discuss with you guys the approach I'll be taking with this chapter's release cycle.

The initial plan was simple, releasing chapter after chapter, each one featuring both Lena's and Ian's POVs. As development has progressed, it's become clear that each chapter requires a lot more time and work, due to branching narratives, higher production values and personal fatigue, amongst other factors. That's why, inevitably, each new chapter seems to take longer than the one before.

With chapter 11 I switched things up a bit, more out of neccessity than by design, releasing the Prologue, then the Chapter, then the Epilogue, which allowed me to pack quite some content I wanted to include. I've decided to go with a similar strategy when it comes to Chapter 12.

My plan is to release a sort of Prologue, that will finally cover the anticipated MMA tournament, aside from moving the plot forward with several character relationships, and will also have a scene you might not be expecting. My goal is to release this update before December.

After that, I will publish Ian's part of the chapter, that will depict the anticipated trip to Perry's Beach house. And once that's out, I will take care of Lena's part, for which I have some big events in mind.

I know releasing the full chapter all at once would be much better, but the scope of the game is simply too large and I don't want to starve my supporters for content. But the main reason I'm choosing to do it this way is for my own mental sanity: I've noticed that development cycles that are months long become really draining, for two main reasons.

Being able to push out a new update is what keeps me going; I'm able to share the work with you guys, and the feeling of accomplishment is refreshing and allows me to get back to work with enthusiasm. If it takes too long for an update to be completed, tension starts mounting up, and it can get pretty stressful, since I want to deliver and the goalpost feels too far away. When the chapter is as big at these last ones, seeing the mountain of tasks that I still need to complete before having a finished chapter can get pretty daunting, and no matter how much work I complete, it feels there's always a lot more to be done. I always feel a rush of motivation when I'm close to being done with an update, and why I always jump straight away into the next one eagerly.

These past few weeks I've been working on Chapter 12 and I've felt motivated and productive, so hopefully doing things this way will also contribute to speed things up, aside from making development more managable psycologically.

So, hopefully, you think my plan is a good idea, but if you'd prefer to wait until the whole chapter is out to susbscribe again, that's perfectly fine too. I'll keep working to make a game worthy of your time and attention, at least, that's what I'm aiming for! Thanks for all your support, past, present or future :)
Good decision for everybody. If Eva is going to be more comfortable with smaller and more frequent updates, cool. Specially when you can easily divide the game narratively using each event (beach house, tournament, Billy's thing and so on). People who want the content as soon as possible and dislike long waits, will get it. If you prefer to play a larger update, you can always hold on for a couple of releases before updating the game, no real loss.

Lena can also be just (casual) friends with Perry, Jeremy and Mike, since all flirting/sex is completely optional and has to be pushed by the player.
Actually Ian can fuck more taken girls than Lena can with taken guys.

Ian can fuck:
-Louise (if Lena had a Louise threesome with Jeremy, she can invite Louise to a threesome with Ian if she isn't serious with Ian)
I don't consider Louise "taken" in any of the possible paths. Jeremy doesn't care about her in a serious way and doesn't consider himself in a relationship and Lena is the one to plan the whole threesome thing.

Believe it or not, but women (and men too) often do things that they promised not to do. It is so easy to come up with an excuse when you're overwhelmed with passion.

Of course, when you feel the pain from being cheated on, you may not want someone else get hurt like that. But once you're healed from that, you suddenly realize that it wasn't a big deal.
It's just how humans work and not only on the cheating and relationships stuff. If people just behaved themselves in the way they would like others to behave with them, we would live in a very different world. But we live in a world where people are rude even if they dislike others being rude to them, cheat even when they would hate being cheated on and so on.

Never said the game forces you to play a single path, hence the terms "cater" and "focus". Those mutually exclusive scenes heavily favor a particular path. In fact, you can get most or all of those scenes in one path while you don't see most of them on the other. The most of those "exclusive" content you'll get are text changes. In the most recent update for example, the new scenes you get from Lena are her getting fucked by either Axel or Jack, giving blowjob to either Jeremy or Marcel, and lastly with Ian. On the more romantic and less slutty path, you get some satisfaction of rebuffing Axel and sex with Ian. Lena could have a more meaningful relationship other than with Ian, more scenes with Holly both romantically and platonically. Hell, she could have had other decent options than Ian. As I said before, I'm here mostly for the fetishizing, but let's not kid ourselves with what the game caters to more. Despite what the author said, ORS bears a lot of narrative similarities to GGGB.
The game tries to cater to as much people (and consequently kinks) as possible. Which I don't think is a bad approach for a game with as much freedom to choose as this one has. And yes, you get more content if you fuck everybody, it's an AVN. But as long as content is not forced on us and keeps being decided by our choices, I'm fine with the game trying to please people with different tastes from mine.
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