
Sep 23, 2022
do you remember when was the first time Lena told Ian (on that alleyway) that Axel cheated on her with Cherry?

Was it before or after Lena's first encounter with Mike at the club when she could decide to sleep with someone in a relationship?

I'm trying to remember the timeline as a player whether or not we were explicitly being told that Axel cheated with Cherry before Mike and Lena first met
Lena and Axel left their relationship 6 months before the game began, meaning that Axel was unfaithful with Cherry a minimum of 6 months before Lena met Mike.

As to whether Lena tells Ian before or after she sleeps with Mike, the answer is after. She sleeps with Mike before telling Ian about Cherry and also before that moment you decide with Lena if it is a one-time thing or you want to repeat it with Mike, if you decide to repeat it after that same meeting where she tells everything to Ian, Lena contacts with Mike to go to his house to take away his sorrows


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
Ian the loser cuck pretty much starts crying trying to make Cindy stay away from Axel in this prologue:KEK:
Axel is going to tap that blonde ass and i cant wait.
The best response - both in-game and real life - is to tell her to have fun and that you'll miss her, rather than act like an insecure dweeb. The jealous/worried option can turn into a self-fulfilled prophecy where you come off as weak, which makes the possibility of cheating much more appealing.

The option wasn't in the game for this (likely because they are not a full-fledged couple in-game) but the ideal, once a real couple, is to have an honest & open conversation at some point in general, to set some all-purpose ground-rules between partners and to trust that those ground-rules are being followed, rather than displaying constant insecurity. If an s/o is unwilling to have that sort of convo or to honor those agreed upon limits, then they're not a worthy partner to have around anyway.

Tbf, if Ian/Cindy were more at the couples stage by now and have had that convo, a frank - without being accusatory or seeming insecure- discussion could still be had about comfort level and trust, since Axle clearly seems like someone Cindy might try for if she wasn't with Ian. Concerns about a muscle-clad chad cad being on a boat all weekend, by necessity focused on your girlfriend and her skimpy outfits... is a reasonable thing to discuss when not done in the form of an accusation.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
Lena and Axel left their relationship 6 months before the game began, meaning that Axel was unfaithful with Cherry a minimum of 6 months before Lena met Mike.

As to whether Lena tells Ian before or after she sleeps with Mike, the answer is after. She sleeps with Mike before telling Ian about Cherry and also before that moment you decide with Lena if it is a one-time thing or you want to repeat it with Mike, if you decide to repeat it after that same meeting where she tells everything to Ian, Lena contacts with Mike to go to his house to take away his sorrows
yeah one of my issue with the playthrough that goes "Ian and Lena being faithful to each other since they were both cheated on in previous relationships which is why they both broke up with those cheaters" is that as a player I didn't know Lena's side of the story yet at the time Mike's first scene decision happen.
We didn't get to know explicitly why exactly she broke up with Axel until after that first Mike club scene.

Which means we as a player in our first playthrough we had to make a decision on taking Mike away from his girlfriend while still not having the information that that exact same behavior is why Lena broke up with Axel and why Lena resents Cherry.

On my subsequent playthrough, there are many times I don't pair Lena with Mike either.
But on that very first blind playthrough, I didn't have enough information about Lena's past relationship yet (especially how much she resent Cherry) to outright not approach Mike.

Ilcoriglianese forte

Active Member
Sep 7, 2023
Lena is only a nympho, if you make her that way. It's quite easy to make her into a completely faithful partner of Ian. Also Ian can be equally as promiscuous and immoral as Lena. If you choose for him to be a bad boy, then that's what he'll become. This idea that Ian is good and Lena is bad, is entirely dependent on choice. Your choice. So I don't understand why so many people seem to act like it's the only path the game can take?

because Lena behaves like a nymphomaniac for 90% of the game,
Ian on the other hand fucks but with due exigency he is not a pussy psychopath like Jeremi, for example in the game despite his flashiness, Ivy is less, but much less of a slut than Lena, the sickest ones in this game are Jeremy and Lena, daughter others for better or worse are normal, excluding someone else, but the two mentioned are the most disgusting, whether I choose the path, Lena always has the streak of a slut, and I tell you that to make her be loyal, you have to do only one precise path, because at a small mistake she immediately becomes slutty.

Ilcoriglianese forte

Active Member
Sep 7, 2023
my main playthrough has Ian and Lena being faithful to each other since they were both cheated on in previous relationships which is why they both broke up with those cheaters. then i had them both play the field a bit but come together and begin an open relationship where Lena is going to become Ian's cuckqueen. hopefully some of the girls Ian is fucking will join in for threesomes with Lena too. perhaps Emma and Minerva would be up for that. and hopfeully Ivy at some point since i have Lena having lesbo fun with Ivy, Holly and Louise. perhaps Jess could be a part of that too, although i didn't have Ian pursue her during that path. will have to go back to open that possibility up at some point. the new update however had Ian fucking Cindy and she was not on my path during that playthrough, so i guess that was a bug. will wait to play again till the next update comes out.

it doesn't exist, Lena was deliberately created by the Dev as a slut in the DNA, it's the real purpose of the game, while Ian you can play with as you want, much more liberally, but Lena doesn't, you only have one healthy path, the rest always leads to be a whore, double standards.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
The option wasn't in the game for this (likely because they are not a full-fledged couple in-game) but the ideal, once a real couple, is to have an honest & open conversation at some point in general, to set some all-purpose ground-rules between partners and to trust that those ground-rules are being followed, rather than displaying constant insecurity.
For what it's worth, the variable which stores this choice is documented as follows:
default v12_cindy_rel = 0                # How Ian handles the conversation w/cindy (ian_cindy_love: 2-set boundaries/1-trust her/0-breakup) /// (ian_cindy_dating: 3-confess love/ 2-play it cool/1-tense/0-breakup)
So, the option to "set some ground rules" is apparently there, although perhaps the way EK chooses to deliver it is different from how you'd have done it. The option in question is
            "{image=icon_charisma.webp}Play it cool" if ian_charisma > 7 or ian_charisma > 6 and ian_chad > 3:
followed by
            "{image=icon_wits.webp}You're playing with me..." if ian_wits > 7 or ian_wits > 6 and v12_cindy_rel == 1 or ian_wits > 5 and v12_cindy_rel == 2:
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Ilcoriglianese forte

Active Member
Sep 7, 2023
The only reason Ian exists in this game is to be cucked by the real mc
I would sissify him given half a chance and lock him in a room with Axel

Would be a fitting end for this fop

but what game are you playing, Ian in this game does what he wants, you can make him go many bullish ways and only be Lana's acquaintance, in my various versions, I have never associated an Ian-Lena relationship, on the contrary, in a path even they hate each other, in others Ian super Aplha and Lena the real slut of the game, Axel is just in love with himself, in this game there are two MCs, a good one is badass IAn, then we have the slut Lena, who also does the BSX, while Ian always maintains his straight status
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Sep 23, 2022
yeah one of my issue with the playthrough that goes "Ian and Lena being faithful to each other since they were both cheated on in previous relationships which is why they both broke up with those cheaters" is that as a player I didn't know Lena's side of the story yet at the time Mike's first scene decision happen.
We didn't get to know explicitly why exactly she broke up with Axel until after that first Mike club scene.

Which means we as a player in our first playthrough we had to make a decision on taking Mike away from his girlfriend while still not having the information that that exact same behavior is why Lena broke up with Axel and why Lena resents Cherry.

On my subsequent playthrough, there are many times I don't pair Lena with Mike either.
But on that very first blind playthrough, I didn't have enough information about Lena's past relationship yet (especially how much she resent Cherry) to outright not approach Mike.
Well, in chapter 1 she already tells Stan that Axel was unfaithful to her and betrayed her like that... In chapter 2 she tells her mother on the phone that Axel cheated on her and lied to her many times and shortly after she decides to call him on the phone and she reproaches him for it; What we don't know is that it was with Cherry until that moment that she mentioned.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
how do you access the python code for these games?
The .rpy files (which are Python-based scripts for RenPy, the game's engine) are packed in one of the game's archives. You can use tools like UnRen to unpack these archives, and then view the files in a text editor.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
while Ian you can play with as you want, much more liberally, but Lena doesn't, you only have one healthy path, the rest always leads to be a whore, double standards.
The only double standard here is thinking that Lena who doesn't conform to one "healthy path" is automatically "a whore" while you're giving Ian far more leeway in this regard, without branding him as "a whore" as well.
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Sep 2, 2021
The option wasn't in the game for this (likely because they are not a full-fledged couple in-game) but the ideal, once a real couple, is to have an honest & open conversation at some point in general, to set some all-purpose ground-rules between partners and to trust that those ground-rules are being followed, rather than displaying constant insecurity. If an s/o is unwilling to have that sort of convo or to honor those agreed upon limits, then they're not a worthy partner to have around anyway.

Tbf, if Ian/Cindy were more at the couples stage by now and have had that convo, a frank - without being accusatory or seeming insecure- discussion could still be had about comfort level and trust, since Axle clearly seems like someone Cindy might try for if she wasn't with Ian. Concerns about a muscle-clad chad cad being on a boat all weekend, by necessity focused on your girlfriend and her skimpy outfits... is a reasonable thing to discuss when not done in the form of an accusation.
Agree 100%. Though the player can vary the amount of affection or lust Ian has for Cindy, and his intentions concerning her on a sliding scale of wanting to be a committed couple down to just a booty call, Cindy's response since chapter 9 has been consistent: she's having fun with Ian, she isn't thinking long-term, and avoids doing so whenever Ian brings it up. The game does NOT, as of yet, treat them as a couple. Cindy may decide she wants to be one later, depending on Ian's choices, but so far she is waffling big time, and that's why I think the way Ian presents his concerns about Axel may be a real turning point in the game for that relationship. What I didn't expect is what ffive found in the source code, where the middle-of-the-road wits option, to express his concern firmly but without accusations, is given a "higher" score (2) versus just trusting her (1) versus getting angry at her (0). ffive said it may be a form of "setting ground rules" in a different way than we may expect, and that's certainly true for me. I would have expected the just trusting her option to be given a 2 and expressing concerns to be given a 1. But that makes me even more interested to see the different routes Eva takes the choice, because Cindy is so sensitive (let's be honest: oversensitive!) to any boundaries at all. But I agree, for those wishing and hoping for a real IanxCindy ending with them going off into the sunset deeply in love... the game just does not present that as a reasonable option at the moment.


Mar 2, 2021
You can speak for yourself. I don't get bored of IanxLena because of the writing. The writing can make the scene super hot even when you're just looking at a static 2D image, which is actually just a traced screenshot with some coloring.

There are plenty of games of much better sexier graphics but people keep coming back to this game for the writing, drama, and engaging characters.

I agree that recycled scenes will quickly become boring, but I don't see anything wrong with reusing assets when the writing can change the context of the scene. (y)
I agree with you about writing personally I think that Eva's writing of the sex scene is best in whole avn genre but in this game Eva's art game is on whole another level that's why I'm always excited about which art she is gonna use and in this update we got some completely new scenes like jess, 70% of the allison scene is also new but Cindy and cherry's scene had reused art if you ask me if it was the other way around and allison scene was the reused one and Cindy got the mostly new art than I wouldn't mind reused art but girls that I like got reused art that was the problem for me but I don't mind reused art for epilogue and prologue but I hope in full chapter we get all new scenes.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
The only reason Ian exists in this game is to be cucked by the real mc
I would sissify him given half a chance and lock him in a room with Axel

Would be a fitting end for this fop
Alternatively, I'd love a scene where you could lock marcel and axel in a room and forcibly dildo their butts till they cried.

That would be the ending that would really tilt all the "ive been picked on all my life but at least this canon makes sense" types.
You can speak for yourself. I don't get bored of IanxLena because of the writing. The writing can make the scene super hot even when you're just looking at a static 2D image, which is actually just a traced screenshot with some coloring.

There are plenty of games of much better sexier graphics but people keep coming back to this game for the writing, drama, and engaging characters.

I agree that recycled scenes will quickly become boring, but I don't see anything wrong with reusing assets when the writing can change the context of the scene. (y)
IanxLena writing is handily the worst in the game. Ian is a charicature of a self-doubting, self-loathing 20-30yo, and Lena a charicature of a manipulative, disengeuinous version of the same.

All the characters that COULD be interesting are pidgeonholed into secondary roles; like Wade or Emma.


The only double standard here is thinking that Lena who doesn't conform to one "healthy path" is automatically "a whore" while you're giving Ian far more leeway in this regard, without branding him as "a whore" as well.
This sounds like someone who's never read the lenaXian relationship code and made note of whose conditions are embedded inside whose.

It's pretty obvious how the characters differ.
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Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
For what it's worth, the variable which stores this choice is documented as follows:
default v12_cindy_rel = 0                # How Ian handles the conversation w/cindy (ian_cindy_love: 2-set boundaries/1-trust her/0-breakup) /// (ian_cindy_dating: 3-confess love/ 2-play it cool/1-tense/0-breakup)
So, the option to "set some ground rules" is apparently there, although perhaps the way EK chooses to deliver it is different from how you'd have done it. The option in question is
            "{image=icon_charisma.webp}Play it cool" if ian_charisma > 7 or ian_charisma > 6 and ian_chad > 3:
followed by
            "{image=icon_wits.webp}You're playing with me..." if ian_wits > 7 or ian_wits > 6 and v12_cindy_rel == 1 or ian_wits > 5 and v12_cindy_rel == 2:
Agree 100%. Though the player can vary the amount of affection or lust Ian has for Cindy, and his intentions concerning her on a sliding scale of wanting to be a committed couple down to just a booty call, Cindy's response since chapter 9 has been consistent: she's having fun with Ian, she isn't thinking long-term, and avoids doing so whenever Ian brings it up. The game does NOT, as of yet, treat them as a couple. Cindy may decide she wants to be one later, depending on Ian's choices, but so far she is waffling big time, and that's why I think the way Ian presents his concerns about Axel may be a real turning point in the game for that relationship. What I didn't expect is what ffive found in the source code, where the middle-of-the-road wits option, to express his concern firmly but without accusations, is given a "higher" score (2) versus just trusting her (1) versus getting angry at her (0). ffive said it may be a form of "setting ground rules" in a different way than we may expect, and that's certainly true for me. I would have expected the just trusting her option to be given a 2 and expressing concerns to be given a 1. But that makes me even more interested to see the different routes Eva takes the choice, because Cindy is so sensitive (let's be honest: oversensitive!) to any boundaries at all. But I agree, for those wishing and hoping for a real IanxCindy ending with them going off into the sunset deeply in love... the game just does not present that as a reasonable option at the moment.
Ah. Ok. I didn't look at the code myself this time so didn't realize that was an option. I just got "Play it cool", "I don't like it" and "WhAt AbOuT wAdE?!?!?" where clearly both 2 and 3 seemed to be the wrong choices in this instance (I mean... #3 after you just stuck your dick in his girlfriend... again. lol). Followed by a greyed out "Confess Love" and an available "You'll be great" in the next set of choices. I wasn't playing from a Cindy save (just encountered the scene through the same bug everyone else had) so I assume the game checked for love stats and determined the relationship was just casual, hence the option not coming up.

I assume the concerned but non-accusatory option comes after that point when available. It did seem like a best-approach scenario option was missing and that must've been why.

Well... that is unless you mean the ideal scenario as per the code comes from "I don't like it". In that case, I don't think it's a well selected choice of words to anticipate what Ian will say next. At that point it becomes more of an arbitrary guessing-game than intutitively making the right choice, since that choice description connotes a negative response from him without much of any nuance. If that was, in fact, the best-scenario choice option, Eva could've used a more exacting choice of words to describe what that dialogue option entailed. Something along the lines of supportive but concerned, maybe.
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