Visual Hunt

New Member
Dec 22, 2018
The chapter felt short but the amount of scenes more than made up for it. The photoshoot with Cindy was sizzling hot. Ian finally admits lusting after Cindy after the naked photoshoot. This will more likely lead to a competition with Axel, depending on the player choices Axel could take Cindy away if Ian doesn't make the right choices or doesn't have enough skill points and I'm hoping that there will be more drama between Axel, Cindy and Lena. The big surprise was Ian finally going after Emma and the introduction of a new male character in Lena's route which I'm guessing is a minor character. I hope more characters will be introduced as the story progresses.

Finally Lena and Cindy got to meet and is hinting towards a rivalry. I like how Cindy blushed when she meets Ian with Lena. It is obvious that Lena and Cindy will work together in the future leading them both to work with Axel. Will Lena finally rekindle her relationship with Axel or will Lena see Axel and Cindy flirt and have sex while Lena spies on them like she spied on Louise and Jeremy having sex. Will Lena be jealous seeing Axel with Cindy? Or will there be a potential threesome?

Curious to know what happens if both Ian and Lena both get fired from their jobs and if Ian never gives the book project to Mr Ward and never ask money from his dad, and if Lena never accepted the modeling job from Mr. Ward and never uses StalkFap to make money would they both technically be homeless since they are not getting enough money every month to pay rent?? I would really like to know the outcomes of these bad choice. Homeless route confirmed??


May 25, 2020
From what we've seen , I indeed think Jeremy is the worst person in the game so far. I would love to see what happens if Evakiss gives us the possibility to give the video to Alison at some time. I mean he's just interesting in fucking every girl he meets, and even when he says that things have gone back to normal with Louise, he manages to go after Alison (Or Ivy) at the club, thus triggering the sex scene between Louise and Lena.
So :
- Ian has a video of him fucking Alison...
- Lena tells Louise that the man is a complete asshole and does not deserve her tears...
- In chapter 3 (if I remember correctly) after learning that he also sleeps with Louise, Ivy tells Lena that she has now reasons to give him shit...

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think he's gonna be in trouble very soon...And that would be very interesting to see. Will Ian side with him or tell him that he deserves it ?
game is just good girl gone bad which is fine but relay wish the characters were diffent the writing better thats for sure but characters are much the same and the stuff you do is pretty much the same and it seems like she add the point system to try to make it diffaert but seems like it will be a pain in the ass later on if it locks you out of stuff like good girl gone bad did and lean better be able to have more lesbain threesomes with ivy


May 25, 2020
Bragging rights. Jeremy is a fucking hero. He rawdogs every girl he's seen sleeping with, including Alison, while Ian has to use condoms 5 updates in, even after multiple dates. I doubt Jeremy will be the worst person in the game though. Plenty other characters can fill that role.
feel like the worst character might be lena boss the old dude


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2016
I finally got around to playing this and I must say that I like where this game is heading. However, though the update was packed with a lot of set pieces it kind of felt hollow to me. There were plenty of things that I liked but a ew that kind of felt like missed beats.

Two girls that have not grown on me in the five updates are Louise and Emma. Louise, I find easy enough to explain. She is a clingy girl who would willingly stay in the dark than confront the truth. I don't know why Jeremy is with her other than the sex especially since he doesn't seem to be struggling to get it from other girls. I saw no reason to pursue her as Lena. There is also the matter that the extent of Lena's bisexuality has not been explicitly remarked on. Sure, she engaged in a FFM threesome while with Axel but we are never told what it entailed. The scene with Louise felt out of the blue. A better way would have been to have had a threesome with Ivy where she discovers she quite likes he feminine touch- in the male one's absence too.

Emma, I find much harder to explain. It is all the more weird to me since I quite like Abella Danger IRL. I guess it must be because of the number of times the narration tells us that Perry has a thing for Emma. It just feels wrong to pursue her. It's somehow different than with Cindy where she and Wade are at each other's throats all the damn time. Anyhow, I'll probably not go all the way with Cindy either but I could not resist the photoshoot. She may be a golddigger but she is a really pretty golddigger. And the photoshoot was rather on the cute side than actually hot.

I quite liked BloodyMares explanation as to why lust is required to make Cindy go further in the photoshoot and I think it is quite accurate.Link
Lena thinks that nude photography is very profound and sensual, and that it's perfectly OK for a person to display their nudity in the name of art. To Ian though, nude photography is something erotic and a bit intimate, so he can't really encourage his best friend to take her clothes off in his presence...
This could be one point of conflict between Lena and Ian as their relationship progresses. They clearly have differing opinions on the matter and it would be interesting how they handle it once Ian comes into a bit of money and Lena no longer NEEDS to do it but WANTS to.

The StalkFap storyline is pretty interesting and it will be interesting how EvaKiss can make it different to GGGB. It would have been interesting if Lena had exploded onto the StalkFap scene and we got to decide whether she liked the attention or shied away from it. Because until now she has been a relatively unknown model, how she deals with fame (or rather notoriety) would be interesting.

I quite liked Mike and was glad to be given a chance to pursue him as Lena. But I think that the story made Lena seem much more bad than she actually needed to be shown. Lena was cheated on in her last relationship so instead of just having her be slutty her inner monologue could have been that she wanted to feel the power of being 'the other woman'- to be able to make a man forget his girlfriend for a few hours with just her charms . I feel it would have been better motivation for Lena than blindly going out to seek dick. It would have been the proverbial cherry on the cake if her interest in Mike had been piqued by him being in a relationship rather than just him being hot since Lena has not been shown to be shallow like that. I would not mind a few more casual sex opportunities for Lena though. For all of Ian's virtues, I want to see my Lena sow a few wild oats before she eventually decides to settle down with Ian.

I think I have voiced my dislike for Robert enough times on this thread. But I have used him to farm lust for Lena nevertheless. But I've got to admit that the sexting bit was hot. Although the 'choke on my dick' line made me laugh out loud. There's nothing wrong with an average dick but how he thought Lena, who is pretty good at bjs, would choke on his is beyond me. Know your limits, mate. Maybe it is to show that he is a conceited wanker in which case I'd like an option to tell him that the next time.

All in all good update. Could use more text but really solid.

Thanks for reading my wall of text.

TL;DR: Good update. Liked most bits. Minor issues with a few.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Alright, time for my extended Chapter 5 review.

Holy shit, that was the most content-heavy update ever and what content it was... I don't mind waiting another month without an update after that, I'm very satisfied. Didn't dive into the script yet but I'm confident I saw every event that was available. Aside from the technical issues (that are to be expected from the Alpha), I can say that this was my favorite update yet. Things are about to get very interesting.

1. Plot. This update is called "Playing the Field" which naturally focuses on multiple relationships surrounding Ian and Lena, as well as multiple temptations. On one hand, it was pretty straight forward, just following the threads that were set-up in Chapter 4, which are basically told during 2 memorable days for Ian and Lena respectively, with not much going on aside from that. But on the other, it included almost every important character in this game and even introduced a couple of new ones. First of all, I'm happy that Ian is finally able to pursue his goals and venture beyond his lame job. Not sure that working for Seymour is the best choice in the long run, but it definitely opens a lot of doors. Lena can also focus on getting more money for demonstrating her sexual side... and this probably is her turning point. With her main jobs in jeopardy, and with so many allures out there constantly pushing her to consider less ideal but more rewarding options, and reminding her that sex sells... It's easy to give that lifestyle a chance and also find some joy in it. But would it be worth it in the long run? Will it make her problems go away or only make things even messier? Most importantly, is that the best she can do?... Or will it simply distract her from what her true goals to find happiness? Is it even possible?... Only time will tell.

2. Characters. The best part about this update. It's hard to separate the events with all the characters from the rest of the story, but I'm afraid it's necessary, otherwise the text would just be too long.
  1. Ian and Lena. So far I'm liking their character progression and their behavior, no matter how sexy it gets, is in line with their personality. I'm glad there are no polarizing choices like there were in GGGB, where at one point Ashley just decides to act slutty or join thugs or become a dumb blonde bimbo... and then be locked out of the rest of the content. Here, it feels like all of the content is available to you all the time, as long as you are witty, charismatic, or horny enough. I guess Lust is the most controversial trait, by the same nature of being similar to Bad points in GGGB. But so far, their implementation was pretty clever. It's perfectly natural for a geek who lucked out and managed to get in good graces of multiple girls, to start acting a bit more confident and trying to pursue more and more. With Lena, her desire to forget about Axel and her money problems motivated her to explore more of her sexual side. I'm actually considering following Ivy's advice and start acting sexier, start doing sexy photoshoots and entice fans via Stalkfap, in contrast with GGGB, where I wasn't really tempted to try things and act naughty all that much. The only action so far that seems out of character for Lena, or maybe "too soon" for her, is the seduction of Mike but more on that later.
  2. Emma. Oh, how the tables have turned. It's funny, I remember multiple people saying this couple of months that Emma was the least interesting/attractive girl in the game, and now, with this update, it's undeniable that Emma is the true queen and is the sexiest girl of all. It was the nicest surprise this update had. And finally, the first girl to have some pubic hair! I almost expected to come to terms that the game takes place in some alternative porn universe where everyone is shaved. I guess most players suspected that Emma was open-minded, but this update teased us with what might be in store. Perry is such a lucky bastard. If my Ian wasn't such a good friend, he would probably never be able to get closer to his perfect soulmate. But wow, I'm curious to explore the full extent of her perversions and find out her hard limits... The conversation with her makes it seem like she's down for pretty much anything. Lena needs to become friends with her ASAP. I can imagine Ian + Lena / Perry + Emma serious friendship in the future. The dynamics could be interesting. And I'm seriously considering cucking Perry. It's probably one of his kinks, anyway.
  3. Alison. "I love you!", huh? What were the odds that the girl who doesn't want a serious relationship would blurt something like that? It became obvious to me that this easygoing and confident exterior is just a facade to mask her serious crush that she still has after all these years. All her "slutty" actions were motivated by her desire to make Ian jealous in hopes that he could finally notice her sexual side and make a serious move to reclaim her. When Ian decided to have fun with Emma, no matter how good the relationship she has with Ian, she instantly chooses to give herself to Jeremy, with the intention to teach Ian that he made a mistake. It was clear to me that she's not the type to nag other people and beg for attention, choosing to instead use not so subtle hints to convey her message. Now I can clearly see that, for all the talk that she wants to keep things casual and that she doesn't care about who Ian sleeps with, in truth she can't help but feel jealous and just want to win Ian's affection and devotion. Once again, all the people who said that Alison is not the relationship material got played.
  4. Holly. Finally, a proper date with her, even if it was quite tame, but I guess you can't expect more from Holly. What a cute date it was. As expected, she's very romantic and wants to be Ian's girlfriend... wish there was an option to at least give her a peck on the cheek to make her week. I'll be honest, I'm a bit afraid to get close to her while I'm trying to score with Lena at the same time. She's so sweet, gentle, and vulnerable that I just can't bear a thought of breaking her trust and breaking her heart. But how could Ian not to? She clearly has a crush, so if Ian doesn't try anything with her, she might feel very unhappy and sorry for herself, thinking that men are not interested in her... And if he tries to make a move on her and then she learns that he's sort of with Lena, it might be 10 times more painful for her... She needs to get out of her shell a bit first and learn that relationships are not as simple as they appear in romance novels. Maybe if she accepts that there's no rush for serious relationships and learns to explore her sexuality, then everything will work out peacefully. Her reactions to Ian and Lena's date were funny though "Say hi to Ian!" :LOL:
  5. Cindy. Oh boy, that photo shoot with her was very erotic, but unfortunately (or for the best) it didn't happen in my "canon" playthrough... I really liked her attitude when she decided to bare it all. Her last picture that said "Here. I'm naked and not hiding anything. Look all you want, I'm not scared anymore" is gotta be my absolute favorite. Very interested to see how much it complicates her relationship with Ian and how Axel might affect it. Wade better get his motivation back if he wants to save that relationship...
  6. Jeremy. Poor bastard, haha. Ivy was savage with that backstab. Perfectly justified. Ian and Lena cockblocked him with all of his girls. After being dumped by Louise and getting shit from Ivy, his only hope was Alison but because I managed to bring Perry, Alison was too ecstatic to leave with Ian that Jeremy couldn't even do anything about it, lol. Tough luck. But that's what you get for pushing your luck and playing dirty. Karma is a bitch.
  7. Ivy. That dancing outfit is extremely hot. I guess that's what it would be like for Lena to work in the club. I wonder when she's going to consider stripping, I doubt she'll be averse to doing the same thing in the nude. I'll admit, I expected her to say Hi to Ian and his friends but I guess she wasn't in the mood after what happened with Louise... I was happy that she took her opportunity to defend her dignity and show Louise that she was blaming the wrong person all along. It was rough though, a more subtle approach might've been the best one. But I guess Louise cornered her with all that trash talk, so I perfectly understand why Ivy lashed out. Boy... fixing their relationship will be a very tough task.
  8. Louise. I'm very conflicted with this one. I wish she didn't act that stupid. She's very similar to Perry on that front. Trouble will find her easily with that confrontational attitude. For a person who constantly gives shit to Stan and blaming him for even breathing, she's extremely quick to believe her "boyfriend" and blame Ivy for everything. You'd think she'd be more inclined to believe women, but oh well... Though after all the drama, when she asked for Lena's comfort... I couldn't resist her. I know it was wrong, taking advantage of her in that vulnerable state when she couldn't think clearly... But didn't she equally take advantage of Lena's care?... Again, curious to see how it will complicate things. The idea to make her submit to Lena and then make her pleasure Ivy is definitely alluring because unlike with Eva and Jess in GGGB, Ivy never bullied Louise and tried her best to stay civil. Or maybe Ivy could pleasure Louise and show that there's no reason to fight?
  9. The new guy. Mike. Finally, a decent dude for Lena to choose, who is chill, caring and sexual. Though I admit, I think his personality is too similar to Ian's, to the point of even being a nerd but without all the baggage. To seduce him, Lena needs to be very horny and slutty, and this is probably where the game's believability was a bit lost to me. Seducing Mike, despite knowing that he has a girlfriend, seems outside of Lena's personality, or at least it feels like there were a couple of steps missing where she went from being too afraid of how Holly might react to her dating Ian, to that kind of level of neediness, constantly begging for this stranger's attention... What gives? At least when she had one night stand with Robert, they were colleagues for a long time when the first opportunity to bring him home appeared, and it even takes some Will from her to agree to that, and her interactions with him were pretty casual. But simply seducing a stranger like this... I don't know, I guess having to write the walkthrough and pay attention to all the routes at once really highlights this strange character shift for Lena. I admit, she had these occasional naughty moments, like flirting with Ed or acting very sexual during Seymour's photo shoot... If anybody read through all that and had a high-Lust Lena since the beginning, let me know if you found Lena's behavior jarring when it came to seducing Mark.
  10. Robert. Well, not much to say from me. Glad he wasn't really in this Chapter. Good riddance. He'd make a perfect cuck.
BONUS TRIVIA: Perry has a watersports kink. Emma likes anal and hard sex. Lena has experimented with girls before (I wonder if she ever did anything with Ivy?).

This review is getting too big. I'll have to stop here. I'll just say that I also liked the new music, even the one in the club, despite the game saying it was shit, haha.
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Mar 26, 2020
Wow. That update was amazing. It delivered on some promises, and had a couple of surprises in it.

First of all, the obvious : Cindy's photoshoot. Damn, that was hotter than I expected. I loved the subtle changes you can see in her during the game, and the silent confirmation she asks from Ian, followed by her realizing what she did. I don't really think she regrets it, I think it's more a matter of both her and Ian realizing they kinda crossed a line, and awakening to a mutual attraction. Ian being a bit insecure still he thinks he stands no chance and Cindy is there only for Axel, but there's enough clues if you played it "correctly" that it is not the case.

I really enjoyed the meeting between Seymour and Ian, and how Minerva can't really do a thing against it. Serves her well !

Now the surprises, and there were quite a few : first of all, Emma. Dang girl !! I played field for Perry in the first walkthrough, but then tried to see what happened and damn, I was NOT expecting that fire from her. Also, what a booty ! I love the different body types in this game. This is really refreshing. And surprised buttsex is always a nice surprise XD.

Then, Louise and Lena : I wasn't expecting this so soon, but that was a hot scene too, tho like most here I fear the repercussions. Louise has been showned not to be the most stable girl.
Mike was a surprise : I wasn't expecting a new male character for Lena so soon, the scene was nice tho, and I might make it "canon" in my playthrough that she brings him back.

I don't see a lot of you adressing Holly's date : I thought it was a really nice surprise, especially if you have enough smart. I'm a bit bummed there's no way to reassure her yet, but I guess she's a slowburn too. She's really lacking confidence and I really wanted an option for Lena to ask her to come on the date with Ian too. Too bad that wasn't possible.

Now the big "oh shit" moment was the date, when you see Cindy. That had me sweat a bit, especially Cindy's reaction to finally seeing Ian and Lena together. Now if you guys need clues that she's starting to feel attracted to Ian I don't know what more you could need beside her vocalizing it. I felt it was quite obvious, even Lena felt something weird but lacked context to realize what was happening. My only worry is Cindy being seemingly jealous not only of Lena as Ian's gf but also her success in life (even tho she doesn't know about all the struggles that Lena experiences currently, and has only a limited vision of Lena's life). The "I thought you'd be taller" was such a telling sentence !! I guess it'll be hard to get to date Cindy AND Lena. There's some obvious rivalries building up there. The explosive kind !!

All in all a great update, and the perfect one before Eva Kiss much deserved break. Obviously having to wait 2 months instead of one is gonna be torture, but the good kind. I'm really glad I became a patreon to support her work, this is proving to be one of the best VN around. Until next time !!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Louise is a girl who is loyal to the one she is in love with and wants the same in return!
Therefore, Louise is perfect for a permanent, romance, faithful relationship!
Therefore, if Lena needs a permanent romance F+F relationship, Louise is perfect for Lena!
OR, we can corrupt her so she stops being so naive and uptight all the time, and then she'll become a perfect submissive sex doll.


Active Member
Nov 19, 2017
Alright, time for my extended Chapter 5 review.

Holy shit, that was the most content-heavy update ever and what content it was... I don't mind waiting another month without an update after that, I'm very satisfied. Didn't dive into the script yet but I'm confident I saw every event that was available. Aside from the technical issues (that are to be expected from the Alpha), I can say that this was my favorite update yet. Things are about to get very interesting.

1. Plot. This update is called "Playing the Field" which naturally focuses on multiple relationships surrounding Ian and Lena, as well as multiple temptations. On one hand, it was pretty straight forward, just following the threads that were set-up in Chapter 4, which are basically told during 2 memorable days for Ian and Lena respectively, with not much going on aside from that. But on the other, it included almost every important character in this game and even introduced a couple of new ones. First of all, I'm happy that Ian is finally able to pursue his goals and venture beyond his lame job. Not sure that working for Seymour is the best choice in the long run, but it definitely opens a lot of doors. Lena can also focus on getting more money for demonstrating her sexual side... and this probably is her turning point. With her main jobs in jeopardy, and with so many allures out there constantly pushing her to consider less ideal but more rewarding options, and reminding her that sex sells... It's easy to give that lifestyle a chance and also find some joy in it. But would it be worth it in the long run? Will it make her problems go away or only make things even messier? Most importantly, is that the best she can do?... Or will it simply distract her from what her true goals to find happiness? Is it even possible?... Only time will tell.

2. Characters. The best part about this update. It's hard to separate the events with all the characters from the rest of the story, but I'm afraid it's necessary, otherwise the text would just be too long.
  1. Ian and Lena. So far I'm liking their character progression and their behavior, no matter how sexy it gets, is in line with their personality. I'm glad there are no polarizing choices like there were in GGGB, where at one point Ashley just decides to act slutty or join thugs or become a dumb blonde bimbo... and then be locked out of the rest of the content. Here, it feels like all of the content is available to you all the time, as long as you are witty, charismatic, or horny enough. I guess Lust is the most controversial trait, by the same nature of being similar to Bad points in GGGB. But so far, their implementation was pretty clever. It's perfectly natural for a geek who lucked out and managed to get in good graces of multiple girls, to start acting a bit more confident and trying to pursue more and more. With Lena, her desire to forget about Axel and her money problems motivated her to explore more of her sexual side. I'm actually considering following Ivy's advice and start acting sexier, start doing sexy photoshoots and entice fans via Stalkfap, in contrast with GGGB, where I wasn't really tempted to try things and act naughty all that much. The only action so far that seems out of character for Lena, or maybe "too soon" for her, is the seduction of Mike but more on that later.
  2. Emma. Oh, how the tables have turned. It's funny, I remember multiple people saying this couple of months that Emma was the least interesting/attractive girl in the game, and now, with this update, it's undeniable that Emma is the true queen and is the sexiest girl of all. It was the nicest surprise this update had. And finally, the first girl to have some pubic hair! I almost expected to come to terms that the game takes place in some alternative porn universe where everyone is shaved. I guess most players suspected that Emma was open-minded, but this update teased us with what might be in store. Perry is such a lucky bastard. If my Ian wasn't such a good friend, he would probably never be able to get closer to his perfect soulmate. But wow, I'm curious to explore the full extent of her perversions and find out her hard limits... The conversation with her makes it seem like she's down for pretty much anything. Lena needs to become friends with her ASAP. I can imagine Ian + Lena / Perry + Emma serious friendship in the future. The dynamics could be interesting. And I'm seriously considering cucking Perry. It's probably one of his kinks, anyway.
  3. Alison. "I love you!", huh? What were the odds that the girl who doesn't want a serious relationship would blurt something like that? It became obvious to me that this easygoing and confident exterior is just a facade to mask her serious crush that she still has after all these years. All her "slutty" actions were motivated by her desire to make Ian jealous in hopes that he could finally notice her sexual side and make a serious move to reclaim her. When Ian decided to have fun with Emma, no matter how good the relationship she has with Ian, she instantly chooses to give herself to Jeremy, with the intention to teach Ian that he made a mistake. It was clear to me that she's not the type to nag other people and beg for attention, choosing to instead use not so subtle hints to convey her message. Now I can clearly see that, for all the talk that she wants to keep things casual and that she doesn't care about who Ian sleeps with, in truth she can't help but feel jealous and just want to win Ian's affection and devotion. Once again, all the people who said that Alison is not the relationship material got played.
  4. Holly. Finally, a proper date with her, even if it was quite tame, but I guess you can't expect more from Holly. What a cute date it was. As expected, she's very romantic and wants to be Ian's girlfriend... wish there was an option to at least give her a peck on the cheek to make her week. I'll be honest, I'm a bit afraid to get close to her while I'm trying to score with Lena at the same time. She's so sweet, gentle, and vulnerable that I just can't bear a thought of breaking her trust and breaking her heart. But how could Ian not to? She clearly has a crush, so if Ian doesn't try anything with her, she might feel very unhappy and sorry for herself, thinking that men are not interested in her... And if he tries to make a move on her and then she learns that he's sort of with Lena, it might be 10 times more painful for her... She needs to get out of her shell a bit first and learn that relationships are not as simple as they appear in romance novels. Maybe if she accepts that there's no rush for serious relationships and learns to explore her sexuality, then everything will work out peacefully. Her reactions to Ian and Lena's date were funny though "Say hi to Ian!" :LOL:
  5. Cindy. Oh boy, that photo shoot with her was very erotic, but unfortunately (or for the best) it didn't happen in my "canon" playthrough... I really liked her attitude when she decided to bare it all. Her last picture that said "Here. I'm naked and not hiding anything. Look all you want, I'm not scared anymore" is gotta be my absolute favorite. Very interested to see how much it complicates her relationship with Ian and how Axel might affect it. Wade better get his motivation back if he wants to save that relationship...
  6. Jeremy. Poor bastard, haha. Ivy was savage with that backstab. Perfectly justified. Ian and Lena cockblocked him with all of his girls. After being dumped by Louise and getting shit from Ivy, his only hope was Alison but because I managed to bring Perry, Alison was too ecstatic to leave with Ian that Jeremy couldn't even do anything about it, lol. Tough luck. But that's what you get for pushing your luck and playing dirty. Karma is a bitch.
  7. Ivy. That dancing outfit is extremely hot. I guess that's what it would be like for Lena to work in the club. I wonder when she's going to consider stripping, I doubt she'll be averse to doing the same thing in the nude. I'll admit, I expected her to say Hi to Ian and his friends but I guess she wasn't in the mood after what happened with Louise... I was happy that she took her opportunity to defend her dignity and show Louise that she was blaming the wrong person all along. It was rough though, a more subtle approach might've been the best one. But I guess Louise cornered her with all that trash talk, so I perfectly understand why Ivy lashed out. Boy... fixing their relationship will be a very tough task.
  8. Louise. I'm very conflicted with this one. I wish she didn't act that stupid. She's very similar to Perry on that front. Trouble will find her easily with that confrontational attitude. For a person who constantly gives shit to Stan and blaming him for even breathing, she's extremely quick to believe her "boyfriend" and blame Ivy for everything. You'd think she'd be more inclined to believe women, but oh well... Though after all the drama, when she asked for Lena's comfort... I couldn't resist her. I know it was wrong, taking advantage of her in that vulnerable state when she couldn't think clearly... But didn't she equally take advantage of Lena's care?... Again, curious to see how it will complicate things. The idea to make her submit to Lena and then make her pleasure Ivy is definitely alluring because unlike with Eva and Jess in GGGB, Ivy never bullied Louise and tried her best to stay civil. Or maybe Ivy could pleasure Louise and show that there's no reason to fight?
  9. The new guy. Mike. Finally, a decent dude for Lena to choose, who is chill, caring and sexual. Though I admit, I think his personality is too similar to Ian's, to the point of even being a nerd but without all the baggage. To seduce him, Lena needs to be very horny and slutty, and this is probably where the game's believability was a bit lost to me. Seducing Mike, despite knowing that he has a girlfriend, seems outside of Lena's personality, or at least it feels like there were a couple of steps missing where she went from being too afraid of how Holly might react to her dating Ian, to that kind of level of neediness, constantly begging for this stranger's attention... What gives? At least when she had one night stand with Robert, they were colleagues for a long time when the first opportunity to bring him home appeared, and it even takes some Will from her to agree to that, and her interactions with him were pretty casual. But simply seducing a stranger like this... I don't know, I guess having to write the walkthrough and pay attention to all the routes at once really highlights this strange character shift for Lena. I admit, she had these occasional naughty moments, like flirting with Ed or acting very sexual during Seymour's photo shoot... If anybody read through all that and had a high-Lust Lena since the beginning, let me know if you found Lena's behavior jarring when it came to seducing Mark.
  10. Robert. Well, not much to say from me. Glad he wasn't really in this Chapter. Good riddance. He'd make a perfect cuck.
BONUS TRIVIA: Perry has a watersports kink. Emma likes anal and hard sex. Lena has experimented with girls before (I wonder if she ever did anything with Ivy?).

This review is getting too big. I'll have to stop here. I'll just say that I also liked the new music, even the one in the club, despite the game saying it was shit, haha.
I totally agree with you about seducing Mike it also felt out of character for me as well, i was like "is this really happening?" but i did not hesitate to go through with it... not one bit :devilish:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
Alright, time for my extended Chapter 5 review.

Holy shit, that was the most content-heavy update ever and what content it was... I don't mind waiting another month without an update after that, I'm very satisfied. Didn't dive into the script yet but I'm confident I saw every event that was available. Aside from the technical issues (that are to be expected from the Alpha), I can say that this was my favorite update yet. Things are about to get very interesting.

1. Plot. This update is called "Playing the Field" which naturally focuses on multiple relationships surrounding Ian and Lena, as well as multiple temptations. On one hand, it was pretty straight forward, just following the threads that were set-up in Chapter 4, which are basically told during 2 memorable days for Ian and Lena respectively, with not much going on aside from that. But on the other, it included almost every important character in this game and even introduced a couple of new ones. First of all, I'm happy that Ian is finally able to pursue his goals and venture beyond his lame job. Not sure that working for Seymour is the best choice in the long run, but it definitely opens a lot of doors. Lena can also focus on getting more money for demonstrating her sexual side... and this probably is her turning point. With her main jobs in jeopardy, and with so many allures out there constantly pushing her to consider less ideal but more rewarding options, and reminding her that sex sells... It's easy to give that lifestyle a chance and also find some joy in it. But would it be worth it in the long run? Will it make her problems go away or only make things even messier? Most importantly, is that the best she can do?... Or will it simply distract her from what her true goals to find happiness? Is it even possible?... Only time will tell.

2. Characters. The best part about this update. It's hard to separate the events with all the characters from the rest of the story, but I'm afraid it's necessary, otherwise the text would just be too long.
  1. Ian and Lena. So far I'm liking their character progression and their behavior, no matter how sexy it gets, is in line with their personality. I'm glad there are no polarizing choices like there were in GGGB, where at one point Ashley just decides to act slutty or join thugs or become a dumb blonde bimbo... and then be locked out of the rest of the content. Here, it feels like all of the content is available to you all the time, as long as you are witty, charismatic, or horny enough. I guess Lust is the most controversial trait, by the same nature of being similar to Bad points in GGGB. But so far, their implementation was pretty clever. It's perfectly natural for a geek who lucked out and managed to get in good graces of multiple girls, to start acting a bit more confident and trying to pursue more and more. With Lena, her desire to forget about Axel and her money problems motivated her to explore more of her sexual side. I'm actually considering following Ivy's advice and start acting sexier, start doing sexy photoshoots and entice fans via Stalkfap, in contrast with GGGB, where I wasn't really tempted to try things and act naughty all that much. The only action so far that seems out of character for Lena, or maybe "too soon" for her, is the seduction of Mike but more on that later.
  2. Emma. Oh, how the tables have turned. It's funny, I remember multiple people saying this couple of months that Emma was the least interesting/attractive girl in the game, and now, with this update, it's undeniable that Emma is the true queen and is the sexiest girl of all. It was the nicest surprise this update had. And finally, the first girl to have some pubic hair! I almost expected to come to terms that the game takes place in some alternative porn universe where everyone is shaved. I guess most players suspected that Emma was open-minded, but this update teased us with what might be in store. Perry is such a lucky bastard. If my Ian wasn't such a good friend, he would probably never be able to get closer to his perfect soulmate. But wow, I'm curious to explore the full extent of her perversions and find out her hard limits... The conversation with her makes it seem like she's down for pretty much anything. Lena needs to become friends with her ASAP. I can imagine Ian + Lena / Perry + Emma serious friendship in the future. The dynamics could be interesting. And I'm seriously considering cucking Perry. It's probably one of his kinks, anyway.
  3. Alison. "I love you!", huh? What were the odds that the girl who doesn't want a serious relationship would blurt something like that? It became obvious to me that this easygoing and confident exterior is just a facade to mask her serious crush that she still has after all these years. All her "slutty" actions were motivated by her desire to make Ian jealous in hopes that he could finally notice her sexual side and make a serious move to reclaim her. When Ian decided to have fun with Emma, no matter how good the relationship she has with Ian, she instantly chooses to give herself to Jeremy, with the intention to teach Ian that he made a mistake. It was clear to me that she's not the type to nag other people and beg for attention, choosing to instead use not so subtle hints to convey her message. Now I can clearly see that, for all the talk that she wants to keep things casual and that she doesn't care about who Ian sleeps with, in truth she can't help but feel jealous and just want to win Ian's affection and devotion. Once again, all the people who said that Alison is not the relationship material got played.
  4. Holly. Finally, a proper date with her, even if it was quite tame, but I guess you can't expect more from Holly. What a cute date it was. As expected, she's very romantic and wants to be Ian's girlfriend... wish there was an option to at least give her a peck on the cheek to make her week. I'll be honest, I'm a bit afraid to get close to her while I'm trying to score with Lena at the same time. She's so sweet, gentle, and vulnerable that I just can't bear a thought of breaking her trust and breaking her heart. But how could Ian not to? She clearly has a crush, so if Ian doesn't try anything with her, she might feel very unhappy and sorry for herself, thinking that men are not interested in her... And if he tries to make a move on her and then she learns that he's sort of with Lena, it might be 10 times more painful for her... She needs to get out of her shell a bit first and learn that relationships are not as simple as they appear in romance novels. Maybe if she accepts that there's no rush for serious relationships and learns to explore her sexuality, then everything will work out peacefully. Her reactions to Ian and Lena's date were funny though "Say hi to Ian!" :LOL:
  5. Cindy. Oh boy, that photo shoot with her was very erotic, but unfortunately (or for the best) it didn't happen in my "canon" playthrough... I really liked her attitude when she decided to bare it all. Her last picture that said "Here. I'm naked and not hiding anything. Look all you want, I'm not scared anymore" is gotta be my absolute favorite. Very interested to see how much it complicates her relationship with Ian and how Axel might affect it. Wade better get his motivation back if he wants to save that relationship...
  6. Jeremy. Poor bastard, haha. Ivy was savage with that backstab. Perfectly justified. Ian and Lena cockblocked him with all of his girls. After being dumped by Louise and getting shit from Ivy, his only hope was Alison but because I managed to bring Perry, Alison was too ecstatic to leave with Ian that Jeremy couldn't even do anything about it, lol. Tough luck. But that's what you get for pushing your luck and playing dirty. Karma is a bitch.
  7. Ivy. That dancing outfit is extremely hot. I guess that's what it would be like for Lena to work in the club. I wonder when she's going to consider stripping, I doubt she'll be averse to doing the same thing in the nude. I'll admit, I expected her to say Hi to Ian and his friends but I guess she wasn't in the mood after what happened with Louise... I was happy that she took her opportunity to defend her dignity and show Louise that she was blaming the wrong person all along. It was rough though, a more subtle approach might've been the best one. But I guess Louise cornered her with all that trash talk, so I perfectly understand why Ivy lashed out. Boy... fixing their relationship will be a very tough task.
  8. Louise. I'm very conflicted with this one. I wish she didn't act that stupid. She's very similar to Perry on that front. Trouble will find her easily with that confrontational attitude. For a person who constantly gives shit to Stan and blaming him for even breathing, she's extremely quick to believe her "boyfriend" and blame Ivy for everything. You'd think she'd be more inclined to believe women, but oh well... Though after all the drama, when she asked for Lena's comfort... I couldn't resist her. I know it was wrong, taking advantage of her in that vulnerable state when she couldn't think clearly... But didn't she equally take advantage of Lena's care?... Again, curious to see how it will complicate things. The idea to make her submit to Lena and then make her pleasure Ivy is definitely alluring because unlike with Eva and Jess in GGGB, Ivy never bullied Louise and tried her best to stay civil. Or maybe Ivy could pleasure Louise and show that there's no reason to fight?
  9. The new guy. Mike. Finally, a decent dude for Lena to choose, who is chill, caring and sexual. Though I admit, I think his personality is too similar to Ian's, to the point of even being a nerd but without all the baggage. To seduce him, Lena needs to be very horny and slutty, and this is probably where the game's believability was a bit lost to me. Seducing Mike, despite knowing that he has a girlfriend, seems outside of Lena's personality, or at least it feels like there were a couple of steps missing where she went from being too afraid of how Holly might react to her dating Ian, to that kind of level of neediness, constantly begging for this stranger's attention... What gives? At least when she had one night stand with Robert, they were colleagues for a long time when the first opportunity to bring him home appeared, and it even takes some Will from her to agree to that, and her interactions with him were pretty casual. But simply seducing a stranger like this... I don't know, I guess having to write the walkthrough and pay attention to all the routes at once really highlights this strange character shift for Lena. I admit, she had these occasional naughty moments, like flirting with Ed or acting very sexual during Seymour's photo shoot... If anybody read through all that and had a high-Lust Lena since the beginning, let me know if you found Lena's behavior jarring when it came to seducing Mark.
  10. Robert. Well, not much to say from me. Glad he wasn't really in this Chapter. Good riddance. He'd make a perfect cuck.
BONUS TRIVIA: Perry has a watersports kink. Emma likes anal and hard sex. Lena has experimented with girls before (I wonder if she ever did anything with Ivy?).

This review is getting too big. I'll have to stop here. I'll just say that I also liked the new music, even the one in the club, despite the game saying it was shit, haha.
Wow really good and insightful review I really liked it.

A simple question if I may : how did you trigger the argument between Louise and Ivy at the club ?

About Cindy I agree that the photoshoot was a nice suprise, but everything else confirms that (at least to me) she's just a 10-year old child begging for everyone's attention (the pool game, her being jealous of Lena's success...)

Finally, things are starting to backfire at Jeremy, and it's well deserved. And worse I think that, if the sex tape with Alison comes out he won't even have the courage to face it, and will go straight to Ian, begging for his help.

Last thing that I agree that Lena seducing Mike at the club was just too much and too soon for her to act like that. i just did not believe it.

Well, to sum it up, great update, great game, and waiting for the next update will be a torture (but a good one lol)

OR, we can corrupt her so she stops being so naive and uptight all the time, and then she'll become a perfect submissive sex doll.
haha my main goal in the game. I know I've said it before, but my perfect corruption ending would be Lena and Ivy (or Ian) ending up together, and as perverted couple, they train Louise to be their sex slave. Lol my imagination is already running wild :devilish: :ROFLMAO:
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Dec 4, 2017
You haven't understood what I meant about Ian and Lena at all, in the previous update you could choose if you wanted Ian and Lena to have sex o not, in this update if you follow the route where they are dating they have sex regardless of whether you want them to have sex or not, in my opinion that's ridiculous because it's not letting the player decide if Ian or Lena want to take that step :confused:
A simple question if I may : how did you trigger the argument between Louise and Ivy at the club ?
Just by telling Louise the truth about Jeremy. In the club, she gets jealous when they talk and attacks Ivy for 'trying to seduce her bf'.
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