
Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Maybe Perry...
Perry doesn't even have a relationship score with Lena yet, if ever. If my only choices for a straight route with Lena that's not "problematic" is with Ian or Perry, fuck that.
I mean, I like Lena with Ian, but I wouldn't want to be restricted to him on moral grounds. And forget about Perry, he's only a notch above Stan on my tolerability scale.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2018
Perry doesn't even have a relationship score with Lena yet, if ever. If my only choices for a straight route with Lena that's not "problematic" is with Ian or Perry, fuck that.
I mean, I like Lena with Ian, but I wouldn't want to be restricted to him on moral grounds. And forget about Perry, he's only a notch above Stan on my tolerability scale.
I know. Even Perry's dad would be a better choice. I wish Lena had someone like Dave. Ian is like mix of Dave and Ash's bf whose name I always forget. All she has are different shades of Arthur.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
The problem with controlling know-it-all-s is that the girl is she who starts as the help, Axel sees her literally as a tool,
like she amounts to nothing without him, while Seymour feels like he just buys her looks to apply to his pics and ta daa - that would magically make him an artist, or a conneiseur of photography, or some model whisperer.

That is the problem, Lena is so low on the food chain 4 them that they actually treat and see her as a tool,
they can do and say anything they want to her, her words do not touch or matter to them.

How on earth is Lena supposed to turn surpass being objectified by men in her life?
Ian is the only one who actually talks to her.
Still, yeah, he could become douchy, he can become Jeremy poisoned, he can become some adjacent to Axel or Seymor so he can fetch them some of his friends.

Is it worth it?
Would you give your friend away, the same friend whom you want to be in a relationship with, whom you might want to spend some more time with, to get to know better, but instead would you get her over to Axel who is her ex of all people, to see and picture her nekkid?
To Seymour? That guy never amounts to nothing in making any effort to actually be interesting, it is all about him and him - where do you find place 4 anyone else inside his ego, I wonder?

Because getting Lena to pursue the same guy who is constantly humiliating her in her work place or the guy who only notices her and wants to buy her, literally buy her as a model 4 his private pleasure, only because of her nekkidness?

That would 4 sure be some enormous suspension of disbelief.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
The problem with controlling know-it-all-s is that the girl is she who starts as the help, Axel sees her literally as a tool,
like she amounts to nothing without him, while Seymour feels like he just buys her looks to apply to his pics and ta daa - that would magically make him an artist, or a conneiseur of photography, or some model whisperer.

That is the problem, Lena is so low on the food chain 4 them that they actually treat and see her as a tool,
they can do and say anything they want to her, her words do not touch or matter to them.

How on earth is Lena supposed to turn surpass being objectified by men in her life?
Ian is the only one who actually talks to her.
Still, yeah, he could become douchy, he can become Jeremy poisoned, he can become some adjacent to Axel or Seymor so he can fetch them some of his friends.

Is it worth it?
Would you give your friend away, the same friend whom you want to be in a relationship with, whom you might want to spend some more time with, to get to know better, but instead would you get her over to Axel who is her ex of all people, to see and picture her nekkid?
To Seymour? That guy never amounts to nothing in making any effort to actually be interesting, it is all about him and him - where do you find place 4 anyone else inside his ego, I wonder?

Because getting Lena to pursue the same guy who is constantly humiliating her in her work place or the guy who only notices her and wants to buy her, literally buy her as a model 4 his private pleasure, only because of her nekkidness?

That would 4 sure be some enormous suspension of disbelief.
Axel may have seen Lena as a tool in the past, but he certainly doesn't now because he knows she's wised up to him. Now if you choose to play Lena as sex-hungry and only caring about Axel's dick, then it probably wouldn't be surprising if things end up a repeat of the past... only this time Lena would probably have less of an issue with it if she's become that shallow.

But if you actually play Lena with some smarts who has learned from her past, and allows Axel in as her friend with no plans for more, and if Axel can actually prove worthy of Lena in the time she gives him, and show he's changed his ways, there's not reason there can't be a future for them. I mean, the fact that he's not actually been with any girls since he left her (so far as it shows in game), is already a positive thing. The important thing for an Axel romance is showing he's learned from the mistakes of his past and genuinely wants to become a better man, not just because he loves Lena but because he realizes his problems for what they are and knows that needs to change. Axel's story arc is only just beginning, so there's plenty of potential there.

As for Seymour, he doesn't humiliate her in her workplace, and he doesn't buy her just for her looks either. Right from the beginning of meeting her, he's been testing her, and we don't know the reason for it yet, but it's pretty clear that he wants to see if she's a wolf like him - able to stand up to the heat - or someone who folds under the pressure. He tested her with philosophy so he knows she's intelligent, and so it stands to reason that he's testing her in the photoshoots to gauge how well she deals with uncomfortable situations. His route is philosophical and psychological so far, and if you're gonna choose to take it as 'he wants to use her as a sex object and humiliate her', then that's all you're probably ever gonna get out of it. I for one think that his route is gonna be a drawn-out power play between him and Lena, with Lena very well being able to triumph over him and make major gains if the player makes smart choices for Lena.

If they choose to play Lena as a sex-hungry slut though, then yes, I feel like the outcome will probably be more on point with what you're suggesting.

All I'm saying is that I think Seymour will prove to be far from what you imagine him to be; unless Eva suddenly loses interest in writing Seymour along the same vein as she started him, she's clearly got a plan on where she wants to go with his philosophizing. He's definitely got me intrigued. But all we can do is wait and see for now.

John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
With Mike, the way I play Lena I don't feel like it makes sense to suddenly get the hots for this stranger and fuck him and there's not really any middle ground to get to know him
Well, that's kind of the way multiple routes and decisions works isn't it? If you're playing Lena as the good girl in a relationship with Ian then ofc your Lena wouldn't go for Mike. My Lena however has no interest in Ian but IS interested in Mike. I'm not sure if you're saying this or not, but to me that's not a glaring flaw in the game or in the way Lena/Mike is written.


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2020
Well, that's kind of the way multiple routes and decisions works isn't it? If you're playing Lena as the good girl in a relationship with Ian then ofc your Lena wouldn't go for Mike. My Lena however has no interest in Ian but IS interested in Mike. I'm not sure if you're saying this or not, but to me that's not a glaring flaw in the game or in the way Lena/Mike is written.
I don't play Ian/Lena at all.

What I mean is, that for how I come to interpret Lena, it doesn't feel right for her to go for Mike when she can. At that point I have only shown interest in Holly, and that interest isn't purely sexual. Because I am not interested in Ian and Robert puts me off, I don't feel like I can play the story in a lustful direction.

I would have loved if there was a casual sexual encounter here and there with non-essential characters, if nothing else than to roleplay a character with a more promiscous nature.
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Nov 15, 2020
I personally don't think Cindy will stop modelling, not even temporarily - but let me explain. If you recall, even though Wade wasn't happy when the secret of Cindy's modelling behind his back came out, he eventually came to terms with it and accepted it on the condition that he was allowed to sit in on her shoots. Axel mentions this in the club on Wade's birthday, when he recognizes Wade from Cindy's last photoshoot (where apparently Wade was cramping his style a bit). It's quite possible Wade makes a habit of sitting in every time now, and so is okay with Cindy doing it on that condition.

If Wade wasn't there and wasn't okay with it, then I'd totally agree with you, but to me that seems like an arrangement that has made the idea more palatable for Wade, because he retains some actual control in the situation and Axel can't do shit. Cindy is given freedom, but within reason (that being, Wade's comfort zone).
I can't remember all the details from the conversations about Wade attending Cindy's photoshoots, so I might be wrong about this, but my impression was that he's accepted it (a bit reluctantly), but maybe not to the extent that he's really come to terms with it? I definitely could see that conflict between Cindy and Wade coming to the surface again later, but you might be right that she'll continue modelling. I think there's a few variations in the dialogue with Axel at Wade's birthday party as well, where Wade could either be relatively calm or angry and immature. That could also affect how he deals with Cindy's modelling in the future, I guess.

I hate to be so contradictory about all this, but IMO that seems way too convenient to push that narrative along. The only way I can see that happening is if something comes up at the last moment and Wade can't go with Cindy (and she's already gone ahead), so asks Ian to go in his stead simply because he really doesn't want Cindy to be alone with Axel. Maybe Ian has the option to say no, but if he does go at least he has the convenient excuse that he was doing a favor for his friend.

There is also the possibility that Wade will choose to spend a bit more time with Ian to smooth over their friendship (after Ian kept Cindy's secret from him). Perhaps Cindy even suggested the idea because she was aware of how her secret had made things awkward between the two friends and wanted them to strengthen their friendship again. Quite likely her guilty conscience would play into that as well. But by spending time with Wade, it just so happens that he ends up at one of Cindy's photoshoots, too. Ian can't be blamed for that.

Or perhaps Eva will take the opportunity to explore the friendship between Axel and Ian a little more (I feel sure it will happen at some point), and when Axel invites Ian to hang out at his his place, Cindy happens to be there for a photoshoot, too. Ian couldn't have known, so again, it's hardly his fault.

This could happen with or without Wade in attendance, but if Wade isn't there and Cindy is doing it behind his back because he wanted her to stop but she went against that, perhaps Cindy keeps it from him by not posting any of her photos on social media for the time being.
The specific scenario I mentioned was partly meant as a joke, and I agree that it would be a bit too convenient. But if the apparent harmony in Wade's and Cindy's relationship goes on for a while longer, I could see Wade generally being more lenient towards Cindy: If she's being nice to him, he would probably also do more to make her happy. That would include them spending more quality time together, but considering that Cindy wants do to more fun stuff than Wade, I could also see him (to some extent) encouraging her to do some of those things on her own or together with someone else as well. Like Ian, who also likes to do fun stuff, and is – as far as Wade knows – a good, trustworthy friend. But this is just pure speculation, obviously. I like the idea of Ian meeting Cindy again through his friendship with Axel, btw!

I don't think it would be that hard to arrange it. Cindy just needs to have a reason to be apart from the group and for Ian to be able to join her - maybe she's picking up a round of beer and he helps her carry them, maybe Ian decides to join her side for pool, maybe he manages to pull her aside when Wade and Axel are discussing something about her photos at a photoshoot. Ian insists that they should talk (because Cindy has been avoiding him and people are starting to notice). They could have one or two instances of this with Cindy avoiding each time before they actually get their moment, which might be the chapter after. I could speculate on the moment, but that would be getting way too ahead of myself considering this is all complete speculation right now. Just my writer's brain getting carried away with it. lol
Agree! These kind of meetings between them would be rather easy to arrange. What I meant would be more difficult was to set up the situations where they restart the more obvious flirting or actually have the moment, primarily because that's a bigger step now they can't hide behind their "this is completely innocent" justification. But as you said, that's the writer's brain / getting ahead of oneself part. :) I have the impression that Eva really likes writing Ian's and Cindy's story, and I assume she has a plan for it, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how she'll solve it.

I think a part of what makes it fun but difficult to speculate about how Ian's and Cindy's relationship will evolve, is the amount of persons that are already involved in it in some way, or could be more involved in the near future. I've mostly thought about how Ian's friendship with Axel could affect his relationship with Lena, but as you mentioned it could also very much affect his relationship with Cindy. And it will be interesing to see how it will play out if Cindy and Lena meets through Axel as well. There's the potential for a lot of drama in there, and it would be difficult to pull it off in a satisfying way both writing wise and because of the amount of variations, but the Ian and Cindy route has been very satisfying so far, and I have high hopes that it will continue in the same way. :)
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
This!!! ^
I'm hoping it goes both ways honestly. Like not only do we get to see Ian beat Jeremy, but I'd like to see the consequences of Ian losing to Jeremy if we play it that way.

But other than the outcome of the tournament, I really look forward see the reaction of Ian's friends. I assume at least a few of them would be attending to see Ian in action. Emma, Perry, Wade etc.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
I know it's too early to ask, but does the "Cindy path" end when I go to the book fair with Holly instead of celebrating Wade's birthday?
Logically, that means that I don't have sex with Cindy.
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
I know it's too early to ask, but does the "Cindy path" end when I go to the book fair with Holly instead of celebrating Wade's birthday?
Logically, that means that I don't have sex with Cindy.
It's too early to tell whether it ends yet. The only clue we have to go by is that Perry tells us that Cindy and Wade are arguing even more than before.

Other than that, we'll have to wait for future chapters. Fingers crossed it opens up the Cindy Axel route :devilish:.


Apr 8, 2018
I know it's too early to ask, but does the "Cindy path" end when I go to the book fair with Holly instead of celebrating Wade's birthday?
Logically, that means that I don't have sex with Cindy.
This is actually something that also made me think because it really seems like the Holly/Cindy Choice in Chapter 7 closes the other Route (at least right now) even if you have done everything else for this Route until this Point. If you don't go with Holly to the Book Fair it seems she totally gives up on Ian in Chapter 8 which is a little bit harsh I think because when Ian has shown interest for her for the Rest of the Game but couldn't go with her because of a Birthday Party of one of his best Friends she should at least know that this doesn't mean right away that he has no interest. I mean I get it from a Game perspective and Consequences of Choices but I still hope you somehow can continue the Cindy/Holly Route even if you choose the other one in Chapter 7 because the Choices there doesn't seem "Route-ending" for me neither for Holly nor Cindy.
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Engaged Member
Nov 21, 2019
You're the guy who was trolling with the Putin avatar, aren't you? I remember how you liked to call Ian "Jan" and posted almost the exact same comment against "vanilla people" a while back. Not just a troll, but unoriginal, too.
You don't like the direction this game is going? Tough. Eva is making bank going in this direction. If you want something less "vanilla" there are a million other games out there for you to play instead.
Also, even if Ian did choke the chicken to dudes, there's nothing wrong with that. Ian being bisexual means the pool of people he can have fun with just expanded. (NGL, I wouldn't object to some Ian x Axel)
Thank you for confirming to me that this game is for vanilla people.i'm a fan of hardcore porn, with drugs,violence,blackmail,whores, pimps, gangs,underworld,I'm a fan of him GGGB.this game is for romance, pure love, and other nonsense for young boys and girls.sorry that the EVA KISS which made it amazing GGGB make this game now.
Avatar was not Putin.
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
i'm a fan of hardcore porn, with drugs,violence , whores, pimps, gangs,underworld,I'm a fan of him GGGB.
Your so called "hardcore" content will come, these paths just take time to develop.

For drugs you have Billy, whores you have Lena and friends, pimps you have Seymour etc. No gangs yet but I'm sure there will be something of the sort. If you want your daddy figure we have Ed.

What's more in ch 8 Lena finally fked Jeremy which I'm sure pleased many fans of GGGB. Chill dude, it will come.


Jan 7, 2018
Your so called "hardcore" content will come, these paths just take time to develop.

For drugs you have Billy, whores you have Lena and friends, pimps you have Seymour etc. No gangs yet but I'm sure there will be something of the sort. If you want your daddy figure we have Ed.

What's more in ch 8 Lena finally fked Jeremy which I'm sure pleased many fans of GGGB. Chill dude, it will come.
It will come and so will I


Let the Nightshine in - Developer
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
is there any news about the release of the 0.9?
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