
Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
I don't think Stan was written into a corner; absolutely anyone can have their 'wake up'/moment of revelation leading to a proactive change, providing they actually have the true desire and will to change - willpower is everything. Often that moment only comes when said person has sunken to certain low, following repeated failures, and they finally see themselves for what they are and can't deny it anymore.

In the context of writing that moment of revelation is often referred to as 'meeting the goddess' - the pivotal point for change where the truth is laid bare. Following that point they either head for change because they don't want to live this way anymore, or they decide they can't be bothered putting in the effort and go absolutely nowhere. In stories that realization and the desire to change can come too late to 'save' some characters (a character's 'tragic' plot-line - their dreams go unfulfilled). Technically it's still early days in Stan's story though, so that doesn't apply here yet.

Interestingly, that proactive change can work for both Stan's 'reform' path AND a 'depraved' path - it's just a matter of how Stan chooses direct his energy. The depraved path differs from the opportunistic perv/voyeur because Stan chooses to actually take some control of his situation rather then just taking whatever scraps are thrown his way like a totally pathetic loser. Both paths would require Stan to gain a little more confidence though - perhaps by going further down the friendship path with Lena.

Do I think that will happen, all things considered? Probably not, but it would be nice for Stan to have a chance for something better though (IMO).


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
unlikely in situation where it's two normally experienced girls, and they have agency, but other than that not all that unlikely:
it's unlikely in a situation where it's two women with normal life experience, and they have agency, but other than that you would be surprised how common it can be:
  • their both in their early-mid twenties, living in a fairly well of city, and largely working low end jobs, rent is going to be expensive, so their going to take any nice place they can get, especially since it's temporary.
  • Louise might hate him, but she doesn't seem to have much choice finance wise
  • The landlord is largely going to determine who lives there, and unless they know them personally their not going to have much say in the matter.
  • In a scenario where they do have agency they might be so desperate for another roommate, and Stan was one of the only ppl willing to pay the rent.
  • Lena is pretty naive(very similar to Ash from GGGB but a bit more mature), while a normal woman would see Stan as a threat, Lena sees him as sad and feels sorry for him.
  • Stan is very subdued so while he gives creep vibes he comes of as more pathetic anyway.
I don't think he was straight up written into a corner, but do think him getting caught "rubbing a couple out" to Lena's pics was a bad idea, i just don't see a scenario in which she would be okay with working with him again, unless she's kind of slutty or into dangerous situations(should have been implied instead, with a bit of dramatic irony). Nonetheless Eva's pretty much established him in the story, and even confronted some of the issues narratively(Lena having a "everybody does it i guess" approach to them catching him), so she can move forward with him without worrying about all of this.

What do you mean making him mute?
I always thought Stan was the owner of the apartment and the girls are renting from him and then he pays the bills. I don't know if that's been cleared up, but it would make sense to me. At least he's the one whos name is on the contract. I mean the other loser in the game is the mayors son


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
I always thought Stan was the owner of the apartment and the girls are renting from him and then he pays the bills. I don't know if that's been cleared up, but it would make sense to me. At least he's the one whos name is on the contract. I mean the other loser in the game is the mayors son
It's unclear if he's actually the owner, but he's definitely the one renting the place to them (perhaps he wanted someone to help with the rent and lucked out on having Lena and Louise willing to live with him. That's why they can't just kick him out (unless they personally know the owner who might side with them) even though Louise would love that, but they can't really afford to move out for now (unless each of them finds a stable boyfriend who has their own place).


Aug 17, 2017
I think Stan is just supposed to be the stereotypical tech nerd who has a high paying job so he can more than afford rent which is contrasted with Lena who doesnt have the best or most stable income and Louise who is a college student. Whether he owns the apartment or not Stan is definitely the one who can most reliably afford the bills.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
It's unclear if he's actually the owner, but he's definitely the one renting the place to them (perhaps he wanted someone to help with the rent and lucked out on having Lena and Louise willing to live with him. That's why they can't just kick him out (unless they personally know the owner who might side with them) even though Louise would love that, but they can't really afford to move out for now (unless each of them finds a stable boyfriend who has their own place).
Well at the current version of the game, Lena could 100% move out, Ian, Axel and Robert would take her in depending on how you play Lena and Ian. Louise is for sure in a tighter spot with only Jeremy who would ditch her as fast as she tries to say can i move in


Active Member
Mar 15, 2018
I think Stan is just supposed to be the stereotypical tech nerd who has a high paying job so he can more than afford rent which is contrasted with Lena who doesnt have the best or most stable income and Louise who is a college student. Whether he owns the apartment or not Stan is definitely the one who can most reliably afford the bills.
This. Have friends who are engineers, never spoke to girls, let alone have girlfriends.
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Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2020
I think both Lena and Ian have variables that determine what their "home location" is, I've seen it mentioned before. Maybe it won't turn into anything, but considering that Ash in GGGB had several different alternate homes later in her story I'd be surprised if the same won't hold true in ORS.

I also feel like "living arrangements" is something of a theme that many of the characters share actually. Emma has just moved into a new place, Ivy also seems to have had some changes made to her place recently, Alison has moved back in with her parents not too long ago, Holly still lives with her parents, Cindy & Wade would likely have to find new living arrangements if they break up etc. all this coupled with the mechanic of how Lena and Ian are both paying rent, ORS making more of a deal out of their budget.

An obvious option would be for Lena and Ian to find a place together if they get serious and from there you have to balance their budget (or let one foot the bill on behalf of the other even, that could be interesting too) but quite a few characters appear as if they'd be available to partner with the mains in one way or another. (Wade for example could also move in with Perry if Ian were to leave his room there, Perry might even force the issue if Ian's either been a dick to him or has ruined his friendship to Wade by doing the alley-tango with Cindy).


May 24, 2019
This. Have friends who are engineers, never spoke to girls, let alone have girlfriends.
Agreed, though the ones in Computer, electrical and chemical have higher no of women compared to Mechanical and Civil who might have less than 5 in one class per semester, and by the end 1 or 2 actually end up becoming an engineer while the others dropout/leave or have a decorative paper to put on frame subtly reminding how smart she is while in actuality wasted daddy's money or will burden the partner.

BlandChili I think it's a bit early for cohabitation part for some like Lena and Ian who have something going on and have not gotten over their financial burdens, though I can see that happening if Ian and Cindy become a thing or Ian goes for emma and doesn't become a wingman for perry.

btw how come we can't have a poll on the fav male and female members on the forums, would be interesting to see the polling for each fanbase.
monroe can you make it happen ?
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Active Member
Mar 25, 2018
I don't think he was straight up written into a corner, but do think him getting caught "rubbing a couple out" to Lena's pics was a bad idea, i just don't see a scenario in which she would be okay with working with him again.
So no but also yes? :D

What do you mean making him mute?
He only talks, if ever, when spoken to.

The dynamic between those three roommates could have been so much more interesting or realistic IMO. Despite that, it's obvious that his hobbies, combined with Lena's willingness to pose naked, are the best excuses for cosplay, which, as we know, can generate a lot of money nowadays. That should have come up way earlier in the story though.


Aug 28, 2017
I think both Lena and Ian have variables that determine what their "home location" is, I've seen it mentioned before. Maybe it won't turn into anything, but considering that Ash in GGGB had several different alternate homes later in her story I'd be surprised if the same won't hold true in ORS.

I also feel like "living arrangements" is something of a theme that many of the characters share actually. Emma has just moved into a new place, Ivy also seems to have had some changes made to her place recently, Alison has moved back in with her parents not too long ago, Holly still lives with her parents, Cindy & Wade would likely have to find new living arrangements if they break up etc. all this coupled with the mechanic of how Lena and Ian are both paying rent, ORS making more of a deal out of their budget.

An obvious option would be for Lena and Ian to find a place together if they get serious and from there you have to balance their budget (or let one foot the bill on behalf of the other even, that could be interesting too) but quite a few characters appear as if they'd be available to partner with the mains in one way or another. (Wade for example could also move in with Perry if Ian were to leave his room there, Perry might even force the issue if Ian's either been a dick to him or has ruined his friendship to Wade by doing the alley-tango with Cindy).
ohh that could be really a cool feature for both MCs to live together. enabling a dynamic between the two by if one of them as to pay the major part of the rent, or if they share it equally. also this makes any cheating scenario more interesting when Lena or Ian invites someone over to their shared apartment without the other one knowing.
though i don't know if it would be a lot of work for just a little flavor, since eva would need to handle the story going forward with two characters having variables of living spaces.

but i really hope to ditch Perry for my Ian at some point, the guy is only keeping him down.
Nov 15, 2020
I hadn't thought about how living arrangements is a more prominent theme in this game, but I agree. Interesting!

I can't remember all the details about this, but even though Ashley could choose where to live in GGGB, it didn't feel important to the story. At that point her path was already quite set, and I don't think there were any ways she could really fuck up things with her roommates. Whether she lived with her dad, her mom or with Jess, the main choice was basically whether to be in a sexual relationship with them or not.

The way both Ian and Lena can backstab their roommates, I also imagine they could either decide to move out themselves, or be forced to do it. I don't think Ashley could move in with any of her partners before the epilogue, so that could be another difference between the games. It kinda complicates things; if, as an example, Ian and Lena move in together, and he then one day comes home to find Lena riding his best friend's monster cock in their bed, it would make sense if one of them have to move out again. Unlike in GGGB, where Ashley simply stopped hanging out with Eric (or any other partner) if they broke up towards the end of the game.

I also like the idea about both of them having to balance the budget together. It seems like a plausible feature, and could give a lot of interesting situations where the lack of money and the power dynamics in the given relationship really affects their possibilities.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
ohh that could be really a cool feature for both MCs to live together. enabling a dynamic between the two by if one of them as to pay the major part of the rent, or if they share it equally. also this makes any cheating scenario more interesting when Lena or Ian invites someone over to their shared apartment without the other one knowing.
though i don't know if it would be a lot of work for just a little flavor, since eva would need to handle the story going forward with two characters having variables of living spaces.

but i really hope to ditch Perry for my Ian at some point, the guy is only keeping him down.
Which is why it would be a little flavor at most. If she did put in the work of designing various living-partner choices and of certain reactions/choices regarding rent, ect, it would be interchangeable, generic text and facial expressions across all living partners/roommates and wouldn't get very in-depth. There's just too much to account for with two main characters and basically a one-person dev team with some part-time help.

Living arrangements will more likely be forced depending on which relationship paths MCs are on, with at-most several living choices for one or two main-paths. Or some sort of "Let's move in" vs "I want to stay independent" choice across the board with a generic all-purpose story for most partner choices (subbing in/out characters) and one generic-ish independent choice, to limit branching. Unless Eva doubles or triples her staff to handle all the art and programming, she's going to need to condense quite a few paths as the story moves forward.

I have a feeling quite a few of the branching choices and side-character stories will only get their due/differentiation in the end-of-game summary.

Likely: The major branches in both MCs stories will be determined by career path and sexual promiscuity, with kink and skill points helping to determine/lock-out choices in each to avoid further branching. Their sexual proclivities generally won't determine career story and vice versa, except maybe in the case of Lena's porn path. Chapters will more likely be glued together like: Career path scene [subbing in or out a character]. Sex path scene [subbing in our our a character/kink]. Rinse and repeat. With one failure/loser path for career and a few kink paths for sex. Except for a few key non-mc characters, most relationship choices will be interchangeable in many scenes, with little difference to the scene other than a few words and the character sprite. Select side characters may/may-not get their own special scenes before the summary, based on time, Eva's whims and Patreon interest.

I'm guessing their career paths will have three branches and their sex paths two or three. With a special scene thrown in here or there for specific kinks, occasionally only offered on a specific partner path.
Last edited:
Nov 15, 2020
I also like the idea about both of them having to balance the budget together. It seems like a plausible feature, and could give a lot of interesting situations where the lack of money and the power dynamics in the given relationship really affects their possibilities.
"We're out of money again, Ian, and the rent is due. What are we gonna do?"
"I could go to that secret Fight Club again, I could make a lot of money if I win."
"But last time you broke your nose, four ribs and got a concussion. I love you, and I don't want you to do that."
"Then what's our alternatives?"
"Well, Seymour insists that I should come over for another photoshoot. Sure, he puts me on a leash afterwards and then orders me around all night like a pet, but I don't mind and the pay is really good."

(Edit: Not gonna make a habit out of quoting myself.)


Jul 3, 2017
Why you guys keep saying October?
Chapter 9 weekly status report (6)
This status report will be brief: work on Chapter 9 keeps progressing bit by bit.
I'm still combining the writing with working on the art. All drawing have been completed and now I'm working over the base colors to get the final illustrations. I think I've finally come up with the optimal style to compliment Lenadai's colors and my linework, and some of these new pieces are amongst my new favourites so far.
Chapter 9 will have around 100 new illustrations, not counting the multiple outfit and pose variations. In contrast, Chapter 1 only had around 20, and Chapter 6 around 75, so this is a new record.
I can't give a release date yet, but I would kick myself in the teeth so hard if I can't get this chapter out before the end of September. In any case, I don't want to release something I'm not happy with, so it will be ready when it's ready (hopefully soon).
As always, thanks a ton for your patience, and I hope I'm working hard enough to deserve it. I can't wait for you guys to play this next episode...
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