
Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Fella it was her words that she'll do a bi-monthly release i mean i think that her being the dev of this game knows what's what and how much time she needs so yeah not exactly rocket science plus this game doesn't seem to have more branching then her last game GGGB...
That estimate fit for the game at that time, but you can't compare game updates then (in terms of content) to what we have now, and I highly doubt even Eva expected to stick to the bi-monthly format once she got into the meat of the game. Eva recently pointed out how many more CG scenes are in the coming update in comparison to previous chapters, which should give you some indication that long release dates will be natural and to be expected for the foreseeable future (especially once the game splits into posh Lena and slutty Lena routes, and regular Ian and chad Ian routes). If she's not going to increase the amount of people working on the game to get it out faster as the content increases, then it's naturally going to take more time to make.

Also, GGGB revolved around one person and was fairly straight-forward in the story-telling, whereas ORS revolves around two, meaning more meticulous planning to ensure both characters' stories and events gel well with each other in the weekly format of each chapter, plus more illustrations to draw, and double the volume of writing.
Is the new outfit of Cindy posted by Eva, if so can anyone please share it?
This was Cindy's new outfit:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
I mean I want a good and non-promiscuous ending too, but a part of the game are the sex scenes. After all, it is an erotic game.

For that matter I wouldn't want "good endings" to depend specifically on not having sex scenes, I like mixing music-aspiring Lena with a bit of sex now and then too. I also don't think the game should dictate "decency" to the player, lots of women who have been promiscuous in their life make perfectly loyal romantic partners too.

Corruption is a part of the game and while I agree that it does get overbearing at times I think ultimately part of the point of Lena's story is to choose to give in to temptation or not.
Yeah, still, Lena got the short end of the stick. So far the only decent partners for her are Ian, which Is my only option, and the girl Holly...


Feb 21, 2019
The fact that she won't reveal any detail on Stan's stat before alpha release can only mean it likely contains potential spoiler. I think there is more to Stan than meet the eye. He may actually be more intelligent, possibly cunning and calculating than we initially thought, and just playing pity game with Lena. So high wits card would reveal it too much.

Some story arc we should be looking forward to next chapter : Seymour, Axel, and Stan surprise.

I think he is one of the stalkfap customer we interact with in chapter 8. Watch him use the her account contents to blackmail Lena into having sex with him.
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Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2020
This was Cindy's new outfit:
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Stop, you're going to give me a heart attack. I want Lena to peel those thigh-highs off slowly using her teeth! :love:
Yeah, still, Lena got the short end of the stick. So far the only decent partners for her are Ian, which Is my only option, and the girl Holly...
"The goddess Holly" is what you meant I am sure..... :devilish:

.. But, you're right. Lena does lack an option or two that better support a "good" interpretation of her sexual self. To be lustful for her means to ignore some rather glaring character flaws...


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Yeah, still, Lena got the short end of the stick. So far the only decent partners for her are Ian, which Is my only option, and the girl Holly...
I agree, Lena has definitely come out worse for choice in this game. Either the guys are douches, or they're not that interesting, or I don't find their sex scenes anywhere near as hot as Ian's scenes (which are almost all fantastic, and nothing tops that Ian x Cindy scene).

Jeremy - boring douche with no personality, Robert - boring douche with bad personality, Mike - not much of a personality and just kind of meh all round. Personally I don't really feel that any of the guys, besides Ian, are up to Lena's standard right now.

I do like Axel (I found him interesting when he had those conversations with Ian), but I'll only feel he's okay for Lena if he has some sort of reformation path along the way. Reason being, I don't plan on playing a Lena who's willing to overlook how he treated her just because she likes his cock, and I wouldn't want Axel with her as he is right now because of the obsessiveness and likelihood he'd just cheat on her again. I'd really like something akin to what we got with Jack in GGGB where one he falls for Ashley and opens up to her he genuinely turns out to be a decent guy under that shallow exterior. Originally I didn't think I'd like Jack (besides his looks), but I ended up loving him.

I'd like for there to be guys that can appreciate Lena for more then just her beauty and body, seeing as what makes her stand out from other characters is her love of writing and playing music, and the fact she has a compassionate and (mostly) moral head on her shoulders. Only two people truly seem to appreciate that in her right now - Holly and Ian.

I also don't mind Seymour (or at least, there's potential there if he's written well), but I really hope there will be the chance for Lena to earn his respect over time via her intelligence and resilience, to the point that he'll eventually see her as something akin to an equal, and then fall for her despite himself. A relationship between Seymour and a Lena that doesn't take any crap could be seriously interesting if done well. The fact that it would probably cause a lot of tension with some of her (former-) friends would make for some interesting storytelling, and sex scenes could be hot af and quite wild if there's a shifting power dynamic between them.


Engaged Member
Jun 3, 2017
I would love to see why the people love Stan so much. To me, he seems pretty forgetable and your standard run of the mill loser with not much interesting or going on in their lives.
I am baffled as well, he has nothing going for him. Looks or personality. Stan preference is just here in this forum. The vast majority of Eva patrons prefer Jeremy and Seymor.


New Member
Apr 20, 2020
It’s exactly because he is a loser and a nobody that he is liked by many. Everybody likes an underdog story, and Stan is just that. For some of us he is more relateable than big dick charmer Jeremy and evil rich guy Seymour.

Also as far as I know he is liked by a lot of Patreons, based on his latest mentions in comments and the popularity poll sometime ago.


Nov 25, 2019
I am baffled as well, he has nothing going for him. Looks or personality. Stan preference is just here in this forum. The vast majority of Eva patrons prefer Jeremy and Seymor.
The worst of them all lol. The idiot who thinks he is the shit, and the old capitalist who acts smartass... I even prefer Perry above those two guys seriously.


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2020
It’s exactly because he is a loser and a nobody that he is liked by many. Everybody likes an underdog story, and Stan is just that. For some of us he is more relateable than big dick charmer Jeremy and evil rich guy Seymour.
See, despite my own lack of attraction to Stan I can totally understand how he might appeal to some players, especially male players (correct me if I am wrong for assuming this applies to you), I imagine he serves as an option to self-insert for a portion of the userbase too, not everyone plays the same way.

My only issue with Stan, in regards to him as a concrete sex/romance option for Lena, is that it feels like any development with him is either at snail's pace or full throttle:
If Lena's naughty with him that one time in the beginning you'll catch him wanking the trunk to her images later and if you don't go that far nothing further really develops till the current point in the story.

What I don't understand about some of the people that like Stan (not pointing at you specifically lifehacks) is the section that wants him to rape Louise and blackmail Lena. Given the audience on a porn forum I won't judge people for their fantasies but surely there are more options for Stan than that of the complete creep?

I've said previously that I wouldn't give Stan the time of day unless he improves his situation himself, by that I mean that I'd want something to happen to prove that Stan could be more than "a loner who never leaves his room" to Lena.
This doesn't necessarily have to result in a romance, it could be purely sexual too.
For example Stan could stand up for Lena in some way or show his ability to function normally, it could be a specific moment that shows his character when it comes down to it, or it could develop as the early chapters indicated; with continuous pleasant conversation options for him and Lena to interact which, might finally give him the bravery to ask her on a date (or something) of his own accord. I could imagine playing such a route, where Stan gets to the point where he braves whatever social anxiety he has, to ask out the girl that doesn't treat him like crap.
While I won't ever be physically attracted to Stan by his current design I could totally play his route, sexual scenes and all, if it ran along that kind of theme.
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New Member
Apr 20, 2020
See, despite my own lack of attraction to Stan I can totally understand how he might appeal to some players, especially male players (correct me if I am wrong for assuming this applies to you), I imagine he serves as an option to self-insert for a portion of the userbase too, not everyone plays the same way.
Stan is certainly not for everyone. I am male, I do not insert myself into the story in that kind of way. I think Stan and in some ways Perry as well, can symbolize the complete corruption of Lena. That is the ‘fetish’, full on corruption, because they shouldn’t in any world stand a chance with a woman like her.


Nov 25, 2019
Well very few people globally are Axels. Average guy is trying hard to get women. Perry is annoying, Jeremy is a fool, Ian is the generic option, Wade is kind of relatable maybe to some, Mike is one of those fuckbois, Robert is kind of douche , Seymour an old capitalist egoistic idiot... Etc. Stan looks an ok guy, just shy and awkward, he has repressed sexual energy and combined with social anxiety, makes him appear weird to girls. I stand by Stan. Stan the man. Maybe Lena can help him, and he can meet Holly etc...


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
That just makes him relatable to the average player ;)
Stan's the guy who is such a total SIMP that he's not afraid to admit it (he also dresses up with a fedora, that's a win in my book).

He's relatable in his shamefulness, which is exactly why people want to get him with Lena.

Then you have Perry, man fuck that guy, can't wait to tell him i'm pounding Emma in the ass.

Edit: I think it's tied to who we would probably be if we were in the EvaKiss Cinematic Universe, we'd be less Ian and certainly more like Stan.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
He's relatable in his shamefulness, which is exactly why people want to get him with Lena.
Stan stopped being a relatable insecure guy the moment he became a Peeping Tom, spying on Lena fucking other guys. Since then, he's been giving me 'i studied the blade' vibes. Hopefully, Eva goes all the way to fedora core territory with his character because the 'shy nerd' type has been done way too often in VNs.


May 28, 2018
I always thought this kind of characters like Stan are an exaggeration for comic relief. Even the most shy and socially awkward people I know are not at this level.
Definitely agree that it comes across as exaggerated comic relief.

I think a part of it isn't just relatability for people but rather seeing someone that is creepy/unattractive get laid. Same reason why there are ntr games like that as well.
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