I dont understand why people are so down on Seymour and call him the bad guy. He is definitely a good guy in this story.
He pays Lena very well, more than he has to, on the other hand Ed and Molly "the good people" pay her pennies like a sweatshop in China for backbreaking labor and later on make Perry work for free. Also Lena has to pose naked in their café.
Furthermore, for all the money Lena gets she can refuse some stuff on the job without being penalized for it and he lets her take some personal time without arguments when she got stuff with her mom.
He gave Lena a very generous gift as a bonus that no regular pleb could even dream of and probably worth more than a month salary and very rare.
He buys drinks for Ian and his friends at The Shine.
He supports local talent by going to music shows, art shows and taking scripts from upcoming writers despite being viciously assaulted by fat, vegan communists with hot coffee.
Also working closely and supporting a rising star of a photographer(Axel)
He supports local failed business who got ran down to the ground by incompetent owners by providing adequate offers.
He is being a dick to Robert