Once again, the various paths we can take are different realities. They are not karmically interconnected, but each a reality of their own. There are those realities where Seymour blackmails Lena and there are those where he does not.
You simply cannot call Seymour a blackmailer in a path where he never did blackmail Lena, only based on that one of his alter egos did blackmail an alter ego of Lena in another path. They are different Lenas and Seymours.
As for some of the practices in the business world (and modelling is one of the worst today), I find them repugnant on a decency level, but it is a really unfortunate situation that times in business have changed.
As I mentioned before, around 40 years ago there where still a couple business areas, at least here in Germany, where deals were done and followed up by handshake, because your word was your bond. It is very unfortunate that this times are over.
And going by the typical practises in the modelling world today, Seymour is hardly a bad guy. There are many influential movers and shakers, men and women alike, who are worse than him by a margin.
It is not nice what he does in some paths, but the world is not a nice place in most places. My definition of bad got calibrated around the turn of the century when we sat in the Balkans, trying to keep the Serbs, Bosniaks and Croatians from killing each other more than they already did at the time.