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Creating Our Red String's illustrations
I've been thinking about sharing with you guys more of what goes on with the creation of ORS's illustrations.
Anyways, this is the process I follow now, that you can see in these images: first I
draw the line-work for the illustration, manually tracing over photo-reference for the pose and anatomy, imprinting my characters onto it. Not having to do the color work myself anymore, I can take more time with this step, making the drawing tighter and more refined, with cleaner and careful line-work.
Then I send it to Lenadai so she can work with it. First she blocks in the flat colors. That's where I would stop in GGGB, just adding a subtle color gradient to make the drawing look warmer and more interesting. But now, Lenadai
defines the volumes, adding in highlights and shadows on the figure, making them stand out a lot more. The second image is what she sends back to me.
Then I give the image a third pass, some sort of post-production. This is a new step that I began using in the ending of GGGB: I don't know if you noticed, but the final illustrations from GGGB had an extra dimension to them:
ambient light.
Using this quick and simple technique, I airbrush some colors to
make the scene more interesting visually, more dramatic and and immersive. I also add extra shadows or rim-lights to the figures, and color-correct everything to make sure the colors don't look off or out of place. Usually I don't have time to polish those aspects as much as I'd like, but I think this ambient-lightning technique provides striking results, making the illustration really come to life. I also blend in the background in a more effective way now, while in GGGB the drawings had a transparent background, overlaying the static background image.