Nov 15, 2020
I don't think it's so complicated. If my memory is accurate, the variable was holly_marcel. That basically tells me that he will form some type of relationship with holly specifically. By comparison, the variable for the asian dude was holly_guy. This means Holly will get some more focused development with the bouncer. Asian dude could just be an off-screen things or minor phone pictures, while Marcel will likely get real scenes.

We could speculate on the nature of the scenes. The straightforward progression would be some BBC corruption. If that seems a bit heavy handed, I could totally see some subverted expectations with a gentle giant approach.
Ah, I had forgotten that there’s an actual variable for it—thanks for pointing out.

That is already used in chapter 7, when Ivy orders Lena to follow her to the bathroom to check her Stalkfap and use MDMA. There is also a new background outside the blazer. So it is not really a hint that things might happen there, just a missing background added, like the mall.
Sure, but we also know that the background art is expensive and that Eva’s mentioned that she has to be restrictive on how many she adds. The mall and Blazer exteriors are already frequently used, and I doubt she would’ve added one just for the one MDMA scene.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2021
Much like GGGB, this game has themes of corruption and sexual depravity. It is a fact in our society that women tend to be sexualized more (even at a prepubescent age or even younger, unfortunately) so in a game that deals with corruption, you would expect women to be corrupted. People aren't really interested in men being sexually corrupted because there is less or no taboo of men being highly sexual creatures in our society, unlike women. Also consider the fact that this game is made with a male gaze and thus, even if this is a game that lets you control two different characters that are opposite in sex and promises to involve both male and female perspective, it still largely follows a male sexual fantasy rather than a female one. This leads me to my next point which may be a bit controversial.
People here refer to Eva Kiss, the developer of this game as "she" or "her". If you saw some of my comments in this thread, you will notice that I am subtlety alluding to or implying that the developer is not a woman at all. Now I'm going to lose that subtlety and say explicitly that "Eva Kiss" is definitely a guy. I don't know why people here are using a female pronoun to refer to the developer, maybe it's because of the name or maybe the developer told them that he is a she, but he is no way a woman. To be honest, it doesn't really matter whatever their gender is, but it can be deceiving if the game is marketed as having made with a female sensibility that lets women enjoy a porn game without the overbearing male gaze. I have read a lot of books, including erotic ones and I can definitely see when a writing is not written by a woman. There is just that undertone in a writing that makes me know if something is not made with a female hand. Now to be clear, I'm not saying that I know when something is made by a woman, only that I know when something is not made by a woman, and that's because some male writers have evolved their writing and have a more nuanced sensibility rather than the usual writing of males that is so swamped with a male gaze. I enjoy reading both, but it is important to know why a certain writing is such.
You got my point. I also see a lot of people saying Eva Kiss is a she, because "she" told somewhere that she was a female, but I also see everything in this game as I saw in the first game GGGB, a male writing. Even if Eva is trully a girl, it would have been nice to play the female protagonist from a female perspective not from a male one. Would be even nicer if Lena had more options for a non corruption path other than Ian.

If Lena had just similar choices as Ian has it would have been perfect.

The problem is, doesn't matter how much you enjoy some person's work, if you say at any moment "this could be better" or "this could be different", a lot of people will try to shoot you. And tell you to get the f out. We can not make a criticism or express an adverse idea, because people will get tilted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
Sorry I cannot find the detailed changelog of the remastered version anymore.
Could someone put it here ?

Kind regards.


Nov 18, 2018
Only yesterday, I was telling my friend about this game. What impression it made and how I admire it's creator for high attention to details and rare these days high level of polish. And then... A remaster! Lol, what a coincidence :)

Of course I started a new game at once. This time however I decided to split Ian and Lena, I think they will make better friends then a couple. Besides, my "real" desire is Emma... :love:

Oh, and I hope there will be some way to get that bastard Seymour by his balls, this old fart is really pushing his luck...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
You got my point. I also see a lot of people saying Eva Kiss is a she, because "she" told somewhere that she was a female, but I also see everything in this game as I saw in the first game GGGB, a male writing.
Not really to make any kind of point here, but I find it interesting that it's always the guys (or people using male names for their identity), that can tell "for sure" that Eva is "actually" a man based on their writing, when the women, whether the female members on this forum or my personal friends, either don't care to "unmask" the author, or are certain that the story is written by a woman because they feel like it really understands them.

Regardless of whether Eva Kiss is a man or a woman or identifies as neither or both, I think it's impressive that female fans can actually be invested just as much in these stories and characters, and not feel like women are somehow misrepresented. And if they enjoy the experience, should we, men, tell women about the male gaze, or is it better to leave up to women to recognize female perspective and "call it out" whenever it doesn't feel genuine to them? There's a funny term related to all this that I learned from feminists called mansplaining.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
I mean if we look GGGB, theres incest content it with MC's Dad and Arthur with his daughter, so im not suprise if eva decide to include incest in ORS at some point
It's a possibility, but because there is incest in the previous game doesn't mean there'll be incest in this one. Personally I would find a bit ridiculous if Seymour is her dad, what a cheap soap opera it would be

Solomon Grundy

Active Member
Nov 25, 2021
Regardless of whether Eva Kiss is a man or a woman or identifies as neither or both, I think it's impressive that female fans can actually be invested just as much in these stories and characters, and not feel like women are somehow misrepresented. And if they enjoy the experience, should we, men, tell women about the male gaze, or is it better to leave up to women to recognize female perspective and "call it out" whenever it doesn't feel genuine to them? There's a funny term related to all this that I learned from feminists called mansplaining.
It has become extremely fashionable to be offended on someone else's behalf, sadly.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I tried to stay out of this discussion, but since it isn't going away, I'll just leave my 2 cents.

Why does it matter what gender Eva is? If she says she's a woman, why not just take it at face value and move on? It literally makes no difference on the outcome of the game. This is something that will never be resolved unless Eva takes the big step to reveal her identity. Would you want your identity made public and associated with a porn game? Plus, if she does verify with a photo, have fun dealing with the incels that will judge her appearance or call her a thot that wants to capitalize on being a female. In case someone wants to make the rebuttal that she is already capitalizing on her gender by claiming she is female, just think about what you are implying. Do you demand they lie about their gender and just claim to be male?

Like what the fuck? Neckbeards, man...


Active Member
Apr 23, 2021
Not really to make any kind of point here, but I find it interesting that it's always the guys (or people using male names for their identity), that can tell "for sure" that Eva is "actually" a man based on their writing, when the women, whether the female members on this forum or my personal friends, either don't care to "unmask" the author, or are certain that the story is written by a woman because they feel like it really understands them.

Regardless of whether Eva Kiss is a man or a woman or identifies as neither or both, I think it's impressive that female fans can actually be invested just as much in these stories and characters, and not feel like women are somehow misrepresented. And if they enjoy the experience, should we, men, tell women about the male gaze, or is it better to leave up to women to recognize female perspective and "call it out" whenever it doesn't feel genuine to them? There's a funny term related to all this that I learned from feminists called mansplaining.
As much as a women might enjoy a male gaze on such games, I have the right to prefer if the female protagonist could be delivered from a female gaze. Women, men, can enjoy anything they want. Me, as the individual person that I am, I'd love to see Lena's side through a female perspective. So even if Eva's gender isn't important, as much as I enjoyed both of her VNs overall, I'd rather to see a female perspective of things.

The reason why I decided to speak up is because it is the second game and both games I kind felt bad for the girl I had to play with. I believe the first game, my character end up with girls and the trans character. She didn't get far on the professional career she chose because she'd have to submit to some males wishes and demands. Since she didn't, she couldn't get too far.

And that is my criticism about the game. You don't have to agree, it will still be my opinion and something I'd like to see different, maybe on next games. A girl can date a thousand men, can work as a prostitute/escort if she chooses. Become a porn movie star. I'd just like to see the girl being on control without any male trying to end her career just because she won't become their sex toy and I'd like to see more nice options of men for her to choose, so she won't end up with some shitty guy, since I want Ian to have a relationship with Holly.

That is all, peace!


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
I'd rather to see a female perspective of things.
And what if that female perspective is of a "slut"? Women too have fantasies of being sluts and dominated by "Chad"s.

I'd just like to see the girl being on control without any male trying to end her career just because she won't become their sex toy and I'd like to see more nice options of men for her to choose, so she won't end up with some shitty guy,
Maybe they're victims of patriarchy, or maybe that's not what they really want but just what you want. In this kind of games played by I think 95% men, the audience of what you want is a minority. The demand is low, so is the supply.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
As much as a women might enjoy a male gaze on such games, I have the right to prefer if the female protagonist could be delivered from a female gaze. Women, men, can enjoy anything they want. Me, as the individual person that I am, I'd love to see Lena's side through a female perspective. So even if Eva's gender isn't important, as much as I enjoyed both of her VNs overall, I'd rather to see a female perspective of things.

The reason why I decided to speak up is because it is the second game and both games I kind felt bad for the girl I had to play with. I believe the first game, my character end up with girls and the trans character. She didn't get far on the professional career she chose because she'd have to submit to some males wishes and demands. Since she didn't, she couldn't get too far.

And that is my criticism about the game. You don't have to agree, it will still be my opinion and something I'd like to see different, maybe on next games. A girl can date a thousand men, can work as a prostitute/escort if she chooses. Become a porn movie star. I'd just like to see the girl being on control without any male trying to end her career just because she won't become their sex toy and I'd like to see more nice options of men for her to choose, so she won't end up with some shitty guy, since I want Ian to have a relationship with Holly.

That is all, peace!
And to this end, you resorted to accusing the dev of lying about their gender. Great job there, buddy. You are acting as if women are not capable of writing for a predominantly male audience. Maybe you are saying women must, or can only, write with a "Female gaze," whatever that entails? There is a genre that you are looking for. It's called Otome.

I feel like you are trying to be some kinda women's empowerment anti-patriarchy SJW but ironically have the most sexist take on things.


New Member
May 25, 2018
This game will not start. The loading screen comes up with the advancing bar on the bottom, but it always closes and will not bring up the menu. Anyone else having this problem? What to do?
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