Much like GGGB, this game has themes of corruption and sexual depravity. It is a fact in our society that women tend to be sexualized more (even at a prepubescent age or even younger, unfortunately) so in a game that deals with corruption, you would expect women to be corrupted. People aren't really interested in men being sexually corrupted because there is less or no taboo of men being highly sexual creatures in our society, unlike women. Also consider the fact that this game is made with a male gaze and thus, even if this is a game that lets you control two different characters that are opposite in sex and promises to involve both male and female perspective, it still largely follows a male sexual fantasy rather than a female one. This leads me to my next point which may be a bit controversial.
People here refer to Eva Kiss, the developer of this game as "she" or "her". If you saw some of my comments in this thread, you will notice that I am subtlety alluding to or implying that the developer is not a woman at all. Now I'm going to lose that subtlety and say explicitly that "Eva Kiss" is definitely a guy. I don't know why people here are using a female pronoun to refer to the developer, maybe it's because of the name or maybe the developer told them that he is a she, but he is no way a woman. To be honest, it doesn't really matter whatever their gender is, but it can be deceiving if the game is marketed as having made with a female sensibility that lets women enjoy a porn game without the overbearing male gaze. I have read a lot of books, including erotic ones and I can definitely see when a writing is not written by a woman. There is just that undertone in a writing that makes me know if something is not made with a female hand. Now to be clear, I'm not saying that I know when something is made by a woman, only that I know when something is not made by a woman, and that's because some male writers have evolved their writing and have a more nuanced sensibility rather than the usual writing of males that is so swamped with a male gaze. I enjoy reading both, but it is important to know why a certain writing is such.