I always load the save, which is in the dialogue right before the tournament, THEN use the console, THEN begin the tournament. I'm not rolling back, because it doesn't LET me roll back during the tournament. And the issue isn't within the first 2-3 actions, because I realize I get the same results every time on those. But it IS random AF in the others. And I NEVER get a winning result in ANYTHING that is random. I edited my stats to 4 or 5 in every category. The only thing I can think of is maybe it bugs out if I give him both grappling and fighting points. Or it just bugs out when using the console, at all.
If I do restart, it won't be any time soon. I've moved on to other games, for now. I'll come back at a later time, maybe.
When I get frustrated at something, I tend to just move on from it. And by the time I finally get to a point where I have absolutely nothing else to do, the game has usually left my interests and I no longer care. This is supposed to be a porn game. I don't tend to give many fucks for porn games that frustrate me. Porn is supposed to RELIEVE frustration. lol