In the previous update, both in his text and when Lena explains she needs to leave sooner:Was it implied somewhere that Lena's meeting with Seymour has something to do with flying out of Baluart?
l "Seymour... I wonder what he has in store for me."
"I picked up my phone and took another look at the conversation we had just yesterday."
s_p "Hello, doll. I need you to keep your schedule free during the second week of this month. I'll be taking you with me on a business trip for a few days."
s_p "Also, I hope you found the clinic to your and your family's liking. Don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else."
s_p "Oh. And don't forget to include your new toy in your luggage."
l "I should head back to Baluart this Tuesday, first thing in the morning."
i "So you'll only spend two nights with us..."
l "I'm afraid so."
e "But what happened? Is it bad?"
l "No, not at all... I have a business trip."
i "A trip? Did you find a new job?"
l "No... Remember I told you I was doing some modeling for Seymour Ward..."
l "Well, he's been invited to a photography workshop of sorts and wants to take me with him."