So does Lena still not have a decent human being to pair with besides Ian?
Good question. From my own experience, most men in this game are either annoying or walking douchebags to some degree. At least in GGGB, there was nice dudes like Dave.
That problem also impacts Ian's side of the story because those guys are so unlikable (and in my own case, the opposite of friends I like to spend time with) it is hard to feel any kind of dilemma. For example, Jeremy is a walking cringe that grinds my gears every time he is on screen. There's no way in hell that kind of person would stay in my inner circle of friends.
Apart from that, I am not a big fan of stories/games where you start with pre-established friendships and/or romance because I cannot feel related to them since I don't know those characters. Wade is the best example of that. Cindy is my favourite girl by a mile, so in theory I should feel bad for stealing her from Wade since he is supposed to be a friend. It should be a dilemma (bros before hoes and all that). But the thing is Wade is Ian's friend, not mine. I don't know him, he is just a NPC, therefore I have no qualms scoring with the "blonde princess".
So yeah, I do have issues with the male characters in the game, with both Ian and Lena.

Good thing the female ones come in different flavours.
If one day EvaKiss decides to add gay options in her game (which could be fun), better work a bit on the male characters' personalities to have more than different kinds of douchebags.