Bro, totally worth the waste of time for this update right man? I mean the total awesome rework of the prologue was so totally great and better than the OG version, not to mention Stan is a total bros bro now know what I'm saying? And Ivy...
Oh wait, never fucking mind. This patch, for sure as hell it ain't an update, wasn't worth the time, effort, and work for how horribly asinine it was when it was conceived. The OG prologue was completely fucking fine, now it's just a why the fuck bother moment to start the game. Stan wasn't reworked at all, just added a few things to have some interactions with him, while still making him cringy and creepy and still the same ol completely pointless character to begin with. Not to mention the no comment about Billy's entire whitewashing, which honestly I really didn't care for Billy to begin with and still don't, really is laughable on Eva's train of logic. AND thats not to mention the fact that Axel is now the apparent center point of even more over the top pointless drama with him apparently being involved and interested with everything 'just by chance'. And how can I forget how we are still Ivyless with Ian.
To say that this game needs to go back to the writing board a bit longer and apply some measure of actual common sense and choices/issues with certain characters to matter more than just be brought up briefly then be ignored entirely, is understated.