Suggestion for better understanding: Take a look at BloodyMares' guide for ORS. Look at all the possible major branching decisions and stat changes in even Episode 1 alone. Consider how complex that is for one character, let alone two. Look at the quality of the art and the quality of the writing.
Hell, do the same for GGGB, which was fairly less complex.
Then compare it to the branching in your own game, the art quality, the writing, the stat changes and number of different stats to track. I'm not trying to be offensive. I just don't think you fully realize the work that goes into this game as yours so far is comparatively quite simple in a large variety of ways. Few decisions or branching pathways. Of what decisions there are, the majority are a minor +1-or-not two-choice stat change, tied to an NPC.
The plethora of choices in Eva's games, the minute details of multiple decisions in a single choice tree and how each decision effects multiple forms of stats (not just one stat), the AMOUNT of choice trees that pop-up as opposed to clicking through lines of text, the mini games, the effort on quality art and writing, all in just the (relatively) simple first chapter alone, is going to take just so much more time. Couple that with the increasing complexity of every accumulative chapter.
Is ORS maybe too complex, Eva biting off more than she could chew? There's a very good argument for that. But it's absolutely no mystery why her chapters take so long for anyone paying attention to the complexity of her games vs other VNs, as well as to the level of quality in art & writing. (Though TBF, art and especially writing took a big leap forward in ORS, with the beginning of GGGB starting on a simple "Hello. I am the main character of this game. Now here's a bunch of lines of exposition that would fail you out of a basic writing course.")