OK, but this isn't anything unusual. Generally, all paths are set with 1-2 choices (and when it's one, it's obv. going to happen in one chapter) Activating routes through large number of choices spread over many chapters only results in confusing players how they can actually enter a route and them failing to do so -- just think of all these people asking, "how do i make Ivy show up at a gym?" Basically, that's what you'd get.1. In my playthrough, it was only two required choices that would validly signal the user towards to that path, both in chapter 10.
I've already asked, but is there any game which actually does this kind of thing? Because in my experience what you ask for is extremely niche compared to people who just want their character to get fully cucked and humiliated over it. And because of it devs don't bother with such route.2. What I was hoping for was a more realistic/plausible cuck or hotwife path option in general with some teasing, where they still have regular, healthy sex too, as well as a good relationship.
(i also wouldn't call such arrangement plausible, much less realistic, but that's another story)
I have no idea what makes you think am trying to contradict your "right to disappointment". I haven't written anything to such effect in my reply you quoted, and if you think otherwise, you're welcome to point me to where i said that.3. Most important: All I'm saying is I'm disappointed by the path. I have no idea why you feel the need to contradict that.