Game seems to demonstrate many ending options for Ian and Lena... making you want to play and see all endings, I even imagine some for Lena as an example:
Lena: She becomes submissive to Seymour, grows in her career and becomes his successor, inheriting all of his fortune and becoming Lady Saymour. The ending could vary with Ain being her lover or her personal toy, just like Seymour did with her. (Bad Ending?)
Lena: Play Seymour's game, gain his trust, with the help of your friend Stan master of computers and Ian discover his secrets and how to overthrow him from his throne. How I wish that ending. (Revenge Final)
Lena: Follow Ivy's advice and with her videos on the internet she is successful and can even become an actress in adult films or a Model with the help of Ivy and Billy or just continue making videos with Ian + Ivy (Lust End)
Lena: She can't hide her love for Holly, but also for Iam... they both agree to be together and follow their dreams. Iam grows in his writing career and becomes a famous literary critic, Holly is a famous writer of romance books, Lena is a famous music composer, together they achieve so much influence in the community managing to expel Seymour and corruption from the city. (True End?)
Lena: Despite all the difficulties Lena is growing successfully in her musical career, Lena invites Ain to form a band with her school friends, she discovers that they were also musicians in the past, forming a band with Ain, Wade, Parry and Emma, even having Cindy as her musical agent, the ending could also be possible for Ian, but he would have a long game to convince his friends to get back together. (End of Friends)